Album of the Day — February 22

Missing Persons — Spring Session M — 1982

Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine


Missing Persons — Spring Session M (Capitol Records)

Missing Persons
Spring Session M

The hallmark of a classic album is its ability to transcend the era in which it was recorded and released.

Missing Persons Spring Session M is a classic album.

Last week, musician/artist Reggie Watts posted the video for Missing Person’s “Destination Unknown” on IG, and somebody quipped: “Lady Gaga should give Dale Bozzio half of her money.”

Millennials may get their knickers in a knot over that comment, and while I don’t entirely agree with the comment, I agree with the sentiment.

Dale Bozzio wasn’t the first to be quirky, but she did help normalize quirkiness and individuality to the MTV generation. And much like Lady Gaga, she and her bandmates were loaded with talent.

But then, all that is old becomes new again …eventually. It just may wear different clothes …or meat suits.

Nonetheless, when Missing Persons debut Spring Session M (an anagram of Missing Persons …clever) album emerged, there was nothing quite like them. Even among “New Wave” artists.



Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine

Writer & Podcaster — Abandoned Albums & The Mix n' Match Podcast "The ones that love us least Are the ones we'll die to please."