Insomnia, Australia, and Grooves

Discovering Glass Beams in the midnight hour.

Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine


I don’t sleep very well. Aside from my teen years (when I was mostly high) and my 20s (when I was mostly drunk) sleep has been as elusive as finding a tolerable Aerosmith song on anything released after Toys in the Attic.

Insomnia and smartphones make for disastrous alchemy.

I often find myself scrolling through my Instagram feed at 3 a.m. — it’s not doom scrolling though, my feed is animals (talking and otherwise), music, and memes (thank god). And I’m alert enough to not purchase pants that zipper at the knees to become shorts or weird powdered food substances. Sunglasses are a different story.

Anyway, last night I was wide awake after turning each pillow over and over, trying to find the coldest part so I could maybe fall back asleep. With no luck, I gave up, lit up the phone, and began scrolling.

Yep. I am aware this is the worst possible thing to do — see previous statement re: alchemy.

Somehow this band Glass Beams from Australia slid into my feed. I was intrigued by the weird beaded masks the three members were wearing. Their look seemed to have some kind of Eastern vibe, and yeah, kinky. I soon discovered, that so did the music — the Eastern vibe… not so much the kink.

I haven’t been this gobsmacked since… I don’t know the last time I’ve spiraled down a rabbit hole at that hour in the…



Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine

Writer & Podcaster — Abandoned Albums & The Mix n' Match Podcast "The ones that love us least Are the ones we'll die to please."