
Parting is such sweet sorrow

Well, mostly parting anyway.

Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine


Ces’t moi.

I cry uncle — Medium has finally broken me.

During my tenure here, I have digitally met some wonderful folks, read some really great writing, and chatted with a bunch of nice people. It’s been great, but I gotta go.

Fret not too much, I’ll still be on Medium. I’m shifting my writing focus away from Medium. I’ll still post here, but it will be a second tier outlet for things I write. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The new UI sucks.
  2. The mobile app is infuriating and pretty useless… unless you just read.
  3. The simplicity it offers is no longer much of an advantage to me. It’s still super easy to get up and running here, and I DO feel that is important.
  4. I have seen an increase of BOTS. I can’t believe someone has the name Asqwugns Pihnkls. Maybe possible, but likely improbable.
  5. The editing function on Medium is shite. It does not currently play with Grammarly. Editing as a whole is problematic on Medium and I think that will eventually kill the platform.
  6. The “money” you can make here is now a fraction of what it once was. Correction, it’s like a fraction of a penny of what it used to be. And the tipping option is just pathetic.

As a place to get your feet wet, meet great people and find kindred spirits, Medium is great. Truly.

So, where am I going?


It’s still free and it contains everything that’s here on Medium… and a few things that aren’t. I’m in the process of cleaning that up because I mistakenly uploaded EVERY article from Medium onto Substack.

Why Substack? I feel it allows me more freedom and control. It’s that simple.

I haven’t been posting too much on here of late anyway. Just Abandoned Albums stuff.

That said, both the Abandoned Albums and Memories of 9/11 publications will remain active. In the event of the latter, that is a living and breathing place for people to recount their stories of 9/11… and September is right around the corner, so feel free to submit what your experience was.

Medium has changed a lot over the past two years, and we’ve grown apart. It happens.

There are plenty of people on Medium I will continue to read and support (ya’ll know who you are).

So, here’s hoping if you get this AND you read it AND you like my writing AND you want access to some more stuff you can’t get here on Medium, then I hope you’ll sign up.

Thanks to everyone for the reads, the claps, and the comments over the years. And a very big thank you for the community.

Extra special thanks to Kevin Alexander for the Substack guidance.

Both he and Chris Zappa have newsletters over there that you should check out:

I’ll be seeing, and reading, you.



Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine

Writer & Podcaster — Abandoned Albums & The Mix n' Match Podcast "The ones that love us least Are the ones we'll die to please."