How President Trump’s judicial appointments and their conservative ideology will shape the American future.

Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine


The first Monday in October is the single most important day in American jurisprudence. It’s the day the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) convenes to begin hearing legal arguments that will go on to shape every facet of American life.

As each court is known by the Chief Justice’s name, 7 October began the 15th year of the Roberts Court marking the first time in 50 years that the court has had a “reliable” conservative majority.

After the tumultuous appointment of President Trump’s nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the court has come under close scrutiny. It’s been thought that many of the cases from 2018 weren’t too controversial, presumably to help Justice Kavanaugh get his footing.

For the cases on the 2019 docket, the training wheels are off and Brett Kavanaugh has to put on his big boy pants.

The court will be hearing and deciding upon a number of critical cases this year.

On Gerrymandering

The Roberts Court wasted no time in flexing its conservative muscle by vacating the decision of a…

