100 Naked Words

The Vessel.

A Story in 100 Words.

Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine


Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

Love — exists in the light.
Love — exists in the dark.

With its own rules.
With its own mind.
With its own drive.
With its own destination.

Love — where two hearts meet.

One exists in the light.
One exists in the dark.

Love should never be static.
The war with its enemies — ambivalence, indifference — never ending.

Love should never be tepid.
Equivocation is not a love language.

Love — where two hearts meet.
Seldom where they stay.
The struggle is never ending.

Light is the portal to the dark.
Dark is the portal to the light.
Love is the vessel.

Choose wisely.



Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine

Writer & Podcaster — Abandoned Albums & The Mix n' Match Podcast www.abandonedalbums.com "The ones that love us least Are the ones we'll die to please."