
A story in 100 words.

Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Sara rolled over: “You know I love you, right.”
“I suppose.”
“Can I ask you a question then?”
Kyle propped himself up: “Of course.”

Standing up, she threw on his tee-shirt: “Do you love me?”
“I didn’t think that was part of our thing.”
Sara shrugged: “And yet, it happened.”

He motioned for her, and she plopped down.
“Sara, I’ve loved you from the start. More than I thought I could.”
“Why not just tell me?”

“Love complicates things. And this isn’t supposed to be complicated.”
He reached out to pull the shirt off.
Sara smiled: “I suppose not.”



Keith R. Higgons
etc. Magazine

Writer & Podcaster — Abandoned Albums & The Mix n' Match Podcast www.abandonedalbums.com "The ones that love us least Are the ones we'll die to please."