Introduction to Emerald SDK

Stevan Lohja
3 min readNov 26, 2018


Emerald SDK encapsulates the best Emerald tools in one interface. Developers don’t need to install Emerald Vault, Emerald Explorer, or an ETC test-net separately, then figure out how to use them together. The Emerald SDK gives these capabilities in a single interface without having to worry about tool configuration. Developers may feel free to install all the Emerald tools separately, however, this is a standard we recommend.

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Taking a look at the interface,

emerald new creates a new project based off the Emerald Starter Kit which is a simple bare-bones example `DApp.

emerald vault boots the account storage API that’s the back-end of the Emerald Wallet. Running Emerald Vault listens for the testrpc and the testrpc will automatically import the first generated account into Emerald Vault. The command doesn’t return anything in particular when it’s working correctly. That’s the Unix way after-all.

emerald testrpc runs a test-net of Ethereum Classic while providing test-accounts with test-ether, blocks, mining, etc…emerald testrpc is based off the development version of SputnikVM — SputnikVM-Dev in case you’d like to know.

If a developer were to boot their Emerald Wallet (emerald wallet), they’d notice the current block height of their local Ethereum Classic test-net and the automatically imported account in the app-bar.

emerald explorer boots a local block explorer so developers can explore blocks in their test-net environment. The app-bar allows developers to toggle between network nodes being local or remote without having to sync an entirely new blockchain.

Developers can deploy their DApp to a local test-net or main-net using emerald compile and emerald deploy.

Watch an Introduction to Emerald SDK on our YouTube channel to get a brief overview of the Emerald SDK’s capabilities. Subscribe to be notified of the latest upcoming videos on installing Emerald SDK, disecting the tools of the Emerald SDK and much more to come.

Introduction to Emerald SDK

