No real newsletter this week as I have been wandering around the highlands, or the mythical wandering kingdom of Foglandia, as it sometimes seems. I’m very pleased to have seen a lot of hyper local signs off one-track roads which simply read things like “Books!” or “Bookshop” with a hastily drawn arrow — as if the signwriter wanted to finish the work quickly so they too could enjoy “Books!” before the shop ran out. While most of the bookshops contained large sections which could have been titled “books about where you are, and what you are doing, right now” — some did have poetry and fiction sections. The Mountain Coffee Bookshop in Gairloch even had an indie top ten section. I have managed to visit some caves I once wrote into a story, wildly making up much of the surroundings from speedy google searches. It’s nice to know that I can at least freak myself out with a scary story I wrote nearly a decade ago.

Thank you for reading, I’ll be back soon.

