5 Essential Strategies to Manage a Software Development Team

Viktoriia Honcharova
Published in
11 min readSep 20, 2023

How do high-performing development teams stand out from the rest?

How can you get the most from your team, while also tending to their needs and problems?

To maximize your team’s potential effective management is essential.

In this article, we’ll delve into five essential strategies for constructing, leading, and fostering strong software engineering teams from the ground up.

The stages of team evolution

Understanding Tuckman’s model and its application to software engineering teams is the first step for effective management and support.

  • Forming: During this stage, your emphasis should be on building and integrating the development team. Expect uncertainty and confusion, and work on fostering interactions and collaboration among team members.
  • Storming: As tasks and processes become more structured, some conflicts may arise. It’s essential to align the team’s goals, encourage open discussions about concerns, and address challenges together.
  • Norming: In this phase, the team gains confidence, and members take on more responsibility. Implement constructive feedback mechanisms, track performance, and measure productivity to maintain progress.
  • Performing: The peak stage of your development team is where peak productivity is achieved. To sustain this level of performance, focus on motivation and recognition of team members’ hard work.

These stages provide a roadmap for understanding and managing your development team’s dynamics as they progress towards peak performance.

The fifth stage Tuckman added later, Adjourning, marks the point when team members are prepared to leave, potentially triggering a restructuring of the team. Although it’s beyond the article’s scope, it’s worth mentioning that effective offboarding can prevent productivity gaps at the project’s conclusion.

Now, let’s delve deeper into overcoming the challenges associated with each stage to attain the highest performance for your team.

1. Build a high-performing development team

Commit to a strategy for hiring the right talent

Effective management begins with creating the right team, as the project’s success hinges not only on team members’ skills but also on their alignment with your work methodology.

A comprehensive hiring strategy involves:

  1. Contextual Understanding: Grasping the complete context, including technologies, methodologies, stakeholders, and team composition.
  2. Interview Planning: Creating an interview plan to evaluate technical skills, soft skills, and cultural fit with your values.
  3. Onboarding Documentation: Developing a well-documented onboarding process that enables new team members to quickly adapt and comprehend your work approach.

When hiring technical talent, tailor your approach accordingly. For instance, software developers often undergo a more dynamic job search experience, requiring a multi-channel recruitment strategy, including social media, paid advertising, and referral programs.

For a comprehensive exploration of how to attract and hire top-notch technical talent, consider reading our article “How to Hire Software Developers Like a Pro: ETEAM’s Approach.”

Work with a dedicated development team

The McKinsey report highlights that high-performing teams exhibit a 56% higher level of productivity compared to low-commitment ones. However, it’s not solely about expertise or cultural fit; the type of team also plays a crucial role.

Dedicated development teams, in which members are exclusively devoted to one project, can foster deep work, enhance understanding of requirements, and facilitate expedited problem-solving.

If your project demands long-term development or involves intricate specifications requiring extra attention, consider collaborating with a dedicated software team. Outsourcing to such a team can provide the same level of commitment as an in-house team exclusively dedicated to your project. This approach can be particularly helpful for achieving project success.

Nurture team dynamics

Effective team dynamics are built on open communication, along with well-defined roles, responsibilities, and expectations.

While sensitive matters can be addressed in one-on-one meetings, strive to share information publicly whenever possible.

In addition to routine team gatherings, establish channels where all team members can engage in discussions and express concerns.

For remote development teams, implementing communication protocols is vital to maintaining communication across different time zones. These protocols may encompass:

  • Agreement on average response times for emails and chat messages.
  • Restricting chat messages to overlapping work hours.
  • Avoiding scheduling conflicts to respect everyone’s time.

Clear responsibilities and transparent expectations are equally important for a healthy team dynamic. Each team member should comprehend what is expected of them, including the criteria for evaluation.

In instances where work needs temporary delegation, such as a senior developer assisting in scope management, transparency on responsibilities, duration, and ownership should be clearly communicated. This ensures everyone is on the same page.

Encourage learning and knowledge-sharing

Promoting an environment where team members share their expertise and experiences benefits everyone involved. Junior developers can glean valuable insights from their senior colleagues, and new team members can be onboarded more efficiently, requiring fewer resources and time to get up to speed.

Collaborative problem-solving on complex technical issues also becomes more seamless, and potential risks are mitigated. For instance, in the event of a team member’s leave or unavailability, others can readily step in to address challenges.

Likewise, enabling knowledge-sharing and implementing documentation processes reduces the risk of losing critical information, including lessons learned from previous projects. Utilize post-implementation reviews and centralized knowledge repositories to capture insights and best practices from the projects you oversee. This ensures that valuable knowledge is retained and accessible to the entire team.

2. Implement project management best practices

Stick to a software development methodology

Software development methodologies offer developers and project managers the necessary structure and guiding principles to deliver high-quality work.

Agile stands out as one of the most popular choices among development teams, emphasizing rapid iteration and continuous improvement. Work is subdivided into manageable tasks, delivered in sprints, enabling teams to incrementally build and test their work.

Numerous Agile variations exist, including Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), and Feature-Driven Development (FDD). Each has its unique focus and emphasis, but all rely on core Agile practices.

Agile techniques such as daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, and sprint retrospectives enhance communication within development teams, boost performance, and encourage proactive issue resolution. These tools and practices empower teams to swiftly adapt to evolving circumstances, simplifying real-time project management.

Even when navigating change, consistency remains critical. Regardless of the chosen approach, wholeheartedly commit to it in both theory and practice. Avoid frequent or mid-project methodology changes, as they can disrupt your team’s adaptation to the established structure. Consistency is key to successful implementation.

Source: 14th Annual State of Agile Report

Provide enough information and align on goals

Documentation plays a vital role in keeping the team aligned toward the same goal. Ensure sufficient time and resources are allocated for the requirements-gathering phase.

Involve all key stakeholders in discussions and decision-making regarding requirements to prevent scope creep or unexpected costs down the line.

While providing team members with adequate context is essential, avoid sacrificing development time for excessively comprehensive documentation. Try to provide just the right amount of information necessary to complete the task and be prepared to address additional questions as they arise.

As the work progresses, periodically assess whether the team remains aligned with the initial goals and objectives or if adjustments are required. Agile stand-up meetings offer an opportunity to tackle daily issues, while retrospectives provide a broader perspective on the project’s course.

By alternating between these micro and macro perspectives, project managers can address immediate issues while also planning for the project’s overall success. This balanced approach helps ensure that both immediate concerns and long-term goals are effectively managed.

Focus on effective task and time management

Missed milestones and discontented teams often result from ineffective task and time management. Employ project management software to carefully track tasks, assignments, and progress. Some of these tools offer features like Gantt charts, aiding in the visualization of dependencies and timelines.

Stay clear of frequent task switching or excessive multitasking, which can confuse developers and slow progress. Instead, focus on removing obstacles rather than overburdening the team with additional responsibilities.

Maintain attention over workload distribution to prevent the risk of assigning too many tasks to the same people. To simplify this process, set ticket creation standards. For instance, each ticket should specify an owner responsible for its completion and a set of acceptance criteria.

Lastly, prevent team burnout by prioritizing work based on importance and urgency. Provide developers with adequate information so they can accurately estimate the time required for task completion. Realistic estimations are key to setting achievable milestones and maintaining team morale.

3. Learn how to handle challenges

Identify blockers early on

There’s nothing more frustrating for a development team than encountering a project that’s stuck. As deadlines approach, the frustration and time wasted in trying to pinpoint the issues can be overwhelming.

A critical aspect of effective development team management is the early recognition and removal of blockers before they become unsolvable.

These obstacles can take various forms, ranging from inadequate infrastructure to bugs and errors that necessitate rework.

One of the primary responsibilities of a project manager is ensuring that every team member can smoothly carry out their tasks. To gain deeper insights into key blockers affecting development teams and how to effectively overcome them, I recommend exploring our article on “How to Solve Blockers Slowing Down Your Development Team.” It provides valuable insights into addressing these challenges head-on.

Expect and prepare for change

Adaptability is a crucial aspect of the development process, as priorities and requirements can evolve over time. Development teams must be flexible enough to navigate shifts in direction without derailing the project.

Change management plays a pivotal role in this regard. Anticipating and planning for changes in workload, feature requests, and even team composition ensures that all modifications are well-managed and communicated effectively.

The Agile approach is particularly well-suited to handling change. By delivering work incrementally, Agile allows for mid-project adjustments with minimal disruption.

In Agile, change is not merely tolerated; it’s embraced as an opportunity for learning and improvement, benefiting both processes and deliverables. This adaptability is a cornerstone for Agile methodologies.

Handle conflict the right way

Conflict can arise from diverse work styles, communication breakdowns, or misunderstandings within a development team. While the initial impulse might be to swiftly resolve it, conflict can actually be a stimulus for team growth when managed effectively.

Disagreements provide an opportunity for team members to explore different perspectives and collaborate to find common ground. When handled properly, conflict can lead to improved problem-solving and a deeper understanding among team members.

However, it’s essential to carefully assess whether the conflict is causing harm to the team or if it’s leading to a constructive outcome. Effective conflict management involves understanding when to intervene and when to allow the conflict to naturally yield productive results.

4. Measure productivity and track progress

Assess outcomes, not outputs

When assessing your team’s efficiency or advancement, you need to consider results, not solely numbers and KPIs. Metrics like lines of code and commit counts help monitor activity but offer limited insights into the outcome’s quality.

Is the work resulting in higher user satisfaction, reduced code rework, or more successful deployments?

Overemphasizing the output might incentivize developers to create unnecessary code just to meet quotas, potentially leading to a demoralized team and increased technical debt in the future.

Source: oldstreetsolutions.com

Conduct one-on-one reviews

Utilize individual performance evaluations to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses within your team.

Through consistent one-on-one meetings, you can gain insights into potential challenges team members encounter, offer constructive feedback, and set suitable objectives.

Furthermore, these reviews offer a chance to acknowledge outstanding contributions and engage in discussions about career development opportunities with high-performing team members.

Build a continuous feedback loop

The significance of ongoing feedback cannot be mentioned enough when it comes to monitoring performance and progress.

Without it, how can you identify areas that require correction?

Through continuous feedback collection, assessment, and action, you can verify whether team members are moving in the right direction.

In projects involving multiple parties, it becomes even more important to streamline feedback loops. Enable communication between developers and stakeholders by establishing a two-way channel: send information from stakeholders to your technical team and convey input from developers to higher levels.

Empowering developers to voice valuable insights is as essential as giving them constructive feedback.

5. Motivate your development team

Recognize strengths and reward achievements

Every team member has distinct skills and qualities. Acknowledge their strengths by assigning tasks that correspond with their expertise, enabling them to excel in their respective domains.

This holds particular significance in the quickly evolving landscape of software development, where programming languages and technologies evolve rapidly.

To motivate your development team, cultivate an environment where hard work is acknowledged and rewarded, both by management and colleagues. Peer recognition mechanisms offer an excellent means for developers to endorse each other’s technical abilities and express gratitude to team members who have assisted them in tackling challenging assignments.

A study from Harvard Business School underscored the substantial influence of peer feedback and recognition on motivation and performance.

Support professional growth

Developers frequently experience the pressure of staying up-to-date on many new technologies and tools. According to the 2022 State of Software Engineers report, over half of surveyed developers expressed concerns that their skills might be declining in relevance.

Investing in training, workshops, and certifications can serve as a motivating force for development teams and convey the message that their professional growth ranks as a top priority for your organization.

Cultivate a sense of ownership and accountability

Granting teams sufficient freedom holds immense importance in motivating developers to take ownership of their work. Striking the right balance between constraints and freedom has been shown to foster creativity, leading to superior technical solutions.

Emphasize the involvement of team members in the decision-making process. Developers who have a voice in matters such as methodologies, tools, and the overall project vision are more invested in the project’s success.

Supervising a development team brings its own set of challenges, including the temptation to micromanage. In such situations, cultivating a culture of trust and accountability can prove truly transformative.

One of the most effective approaches involves providing developers with the required information and clear guidance, enabling them to complete tasks with minimal supervision.


Regardless of whether you are in the process of hiring your software development team or are already in full motion, you can utilize the strategies outlined in this article to lend a helping hand.

Crafting the ideal environment for high-performing development teams begins with professional management.

A harmonious cultural fit, strong communication, well-defined procedures, and recognizing accomplishments represent just a handful of the techniques at your disposal to turn a group of specialists into a cohesive, efficient team.

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