5 Main Risks in Fintech Software Development and How to Avoid Them

Hayk Petrosyan
Published in
7 min readJul 7, 2023

If your organization is considering the development of fintech software or making a fintech investment, it is essential to include “risk identification” as a crucial component in your plan. By proactively identifying potential risks before the software development stage, your team can avoid significant financial losses and setbacks associated with failed product efforts.

In this article, we will discuss the primary obstacles that should be considered before embarking on a new fintech project, as well as effective strategies to overcome them. We will highlight the top five challenges faced in the fintech industry and provide insights on successfully addressing and navigating these challenges.

Fintech Explained: How Is It Different?

Even for experienced software developers, a refresher on the specific considerations of fintech is necessary. The competitive nature of the fintech industry demands a particular focus on:

1. Compliance with software regulations: Fintech startups must navigate complex regulatory frameworks to ensure compliance with industry-specific requirements and standards.

2. Robust data security: As fintech deals with sensitive financial information, ensuring strong data security measures is essential to protect customer data and build trust.

3. Utilization of machine learning and other innovative technologies: Fintech companies need to stay ahead by leveraging cutting-edge technologies like machine learning to enhance their products and services.

The risks that fintech startups may encounter are often interconnected with these aspects. Let’s delve into each of these considerations in detail.

What Are the Main Risks in Fintech Software Development?

While it’s unlikely that you will encounter all the challenges on our list, it’s crucial to be prepared, as even established fintech businesses can face threats. By understanding and addressing these challenges proactively, you can strengthen your position and mitigate potential risks in the competitive fintech landscape.

Security Risks

Security is a critical concern for businesses, particularly in the fintech industry. Fintech companies are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks, identity fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes. According to a survey of 200 fintech executives in 2022, these companies experience an average annual loss of $51 million due to fraud, making it a pressing problem.

Fraud not only results in significant financial losses but also affects customer service and operational efficiency for fintech development companies. For example, it can disrupt money mobility, which refers to users’ ability to add or withdraw funds from their accounts. Mitigating fraud and ensuring robust security measures are essential for maintaining customer trust, operational stability, and financial integrity in the fintech industry.

Legal Risks

Due to the sensitive nature of the data handled by fintech software development companies, they are subject to strict regulations. Even a small error in algorithms or data handling can compromise user privacy, leading to fines imposed by regulatory bodies.

An example of the consequences of regulatory violations is Robinhood, one of the rapidly growing fintech companies in the US. In 2021, Robinhood was fined $70 million by FINRA, the organization responsible for overseeing brokerage firms. The fine was imposed due to system outages and the dissemination of misleading information to users. This incident highlights the importance of adhering to regulations and maintaining transparent communication with users to avoid regulatory penalties and uphold trust within the fintech industry.

Competitive Risks

The fintech industry is witnessing intense competition as banking, investments, insurance, and other financial transactions transition to the digital space. The Americas alone have over 11,500 fintech startups, with an additional 15,000 spread across other parts of the world.

Innovation is a key driver in this competitive landscape. Fintech software development companies are leveraging technologies like machine learning for fraud detection, predictive analytics, and chatbot development. Fintech products are also incorporating fintech blockchain, cloud computing, and gamification software to enhance their offerings.

To sustain their presence in the market, fintech startups face the challenge of keeping up with the rapid pace of innovation and staying ahead of their competitors. Continuous innovation and leveraging emerging technologies are essential for long-term success in the dynamic fintech industry.

Talent Shortage Risks

The fintech industry is experiencing a high demand for talent as numerous fintech payment companies continue to emerge worldwide. Despite the layoffs that occurred in the spring of 2023, the situation hasn’t significantly shifted. According to the Velmie 2023 fintech report, finding and retaining talent remains the most significant challenge for the industry.

The scarcity of skilled professionals in digital technologies, coupled with the rapid growth of the fintech sector, contributes to this talent shortage. The digital skill gap poses a significant obstacle, as the industry requires individuals with expertise in areas like software development, data analytics, cybersecurity, and financial technology. The expanding fintech landscape further intensifies the competition for qualified professionals, making it crucial for companies to adopt effective talent acquisition and retention strategies.

Tech-related Risks

Below are several potential risks related to fintech software development that new companies may encounter.

Picking the wrong tech stack

Selecting an appropriate tech stack is crucial for fintech software development as it encompasses programming languages, servers, and APIs. Making the wrong choices in this regard can expose the system to potential security vulnerabilities.

Inability to create a simple UX design

Developing fintech applications involves the challenge of simplifying complex financial processes into user-friendly interfaces. This task can be particularly difficult for pioneering companies in specific niches.

Having identified the main risks, let’s now discuss strategies for mitigating them.

5 Ways to Deal with the Risks in Fintech Software Development

To ensure a smooth journey in fintech application development, it is crucial to plan ahead and implement effective risk management strategies. By proactively addressing potential challenges, you can avoid these obstacles along the way.

Make Security a Priority

To protect sensitive information in fintech application development, it is essential to implement various security measures. Encryption of data is a bare minimum requirement to ensure that even if data is stolen, it remains unreadable and unusable.

Additional protective measures are:

  • Two-factor authentication
  • Biometric authentication
  • Real-time alerts
  • AI solutions

In addition to using security tools, it is important to establish proper operational processes. Regular software updates should be performed to address any vulnerabilities, changes should be documented to maintain transparency, and rigorous security testing should be conducted to identify and mitigate potential risks.

Consult a Lawyer

Financial technology companies are subject to various data protection and privacy laws enforced by different regulatory bodies. For instance, FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) oversees rules for investing and trading apps, while OCC (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) regulates banking and lending software.

Operating in the US requires compliance with both federal and state regulations, which can sometimes be contradictory. Scaling the product internationally adds another layer of regulations to navigate.

To mitigate legal risks and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, it is advisable to engage the services of a lawyer who specializes in fintech. A lawyer can provide guidance on regulatory issues, help establish necessary legal frameworks, and ensure that the company operates within the boundaries of the law.

Find a Room for Your Idea

The lack of market need is a significant factor contributing to the failure of fintech startups, second only to financial constraints. To ensure the success of your fintech technology, it is crucial to thoroughly assess the market and identify gaps and opportunities.

Conducting a comprehensive market analysis is key. Evaluate the specific niche you are targeting and determine if your idea aligns with the market needs and demands. Identify your main competitors and assess their offerings to understand the competitive landscape.

Consider whether your fintech software development idea brings something new and innovative to the market. Determine if there are unique features or approaches that differentiate your product from existing solutions. Assess the potential value proposition and whether it addresses pain points or offers improved functionality.

Train Your Employees

The shortage of skills that align with the demands of the fintech market is a significant challenge. To address this, it is crucial to prioritize investment in the professional development of your employees. Focus on recruiting individuals who are enthusiastic about learning and have a strong desire to grow within the fintech industry. Additionally, explore effective strategies for training your fintech developers to enhance their efficiency and productivity.

Consult a Financial Software Development Company

Consider working with a reputable and experienced team specializing in financial software development services. These companies can provide valuable guidance on cybersecurity measures, address technical challenges, and assist with the development of customized financial software solutions.

If you have any specific inquiries or require assistance with your software project, feel free to share the details with us, and we will gladly offer our support and expertise.


Fintech software development undoubtedly presents challenges due to market saturation and security concerns. However, by embracing creativity, offering unique fintech solutions, and prioritizing meticulous attention to detail, you can increase your chances of success and join the 25% of fintech startups that thrive beyond two decades.

Despite the risks, the fintech market holds immense potential, with projections indicating a sixfold growth by 2030. With such exponential growth expected, there is ample room for innovative ideas and opportunities within this expansive industry.

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