Our Top Software Development Collaboration Tools

Victor Grytsai
Published in
9 min readJan 15, 2024
Looking for software development collaboration tools on the internet.

Creating digital products is a collaborative effort, involving developers writing code, project managers overseeing delivery, and stakeholders providing feedback.

With the increasing trend of remote work in development teams, tools enabling smooth communication and collaboration have become even more important.

Let’s delve into some proven tools used at ETEAM to streamline development, enhance communication, and manage projects effectively within our remote development team.

Working as a global remote development team — Our story

Remote work is ingrained in our DNA. Even before COVID-19, as a software development company crafting digital products for clients worldwide, digital cooperation has been an integral part of our daily operations. Post-pandemic, we expanded our team to several other countries, gaining valuable insights into scaling the company globally.

Today, our team spans 17 countries and 4 time zones. We quickly realized that to make this work, we need more than just cutting-edge tech powering applications. We needed collaboration tools that could keep our global team connected, promoting coordination of development projects, communication with clients, and knowledge sharing between team members.

World map with the locations of ETEAM team members.

Why are collaborative tools important for remote development teams?

Imagine trying to solve a puzzle in the dark. You might have all the necessary pieces, but without light, it’s difficult to see how all the parts fit together.

Tools operate similarly, making the collaboration process more accessible and productive.

Here are a few ways remote collaboration tools assist us in our day-to-day work.

Streamline communication

As a global remote team, we operate asynchronously. This means everyone should be able to accomplish their tasks even when the others are not online.

Whether leaving a message on Slack, sharing a file, or taking notes, remote collaboration tools ensure that everyone stays on the same page, regardless of their location and time zone.

Fast-track team and project management

Assessing workloads, setting deadlines, and monitoring progress can be hard when team members work from different locations and time zones.

Project management tools help us stay on track and maintain transparency in how we assign tasks and responsibilities.

Increase development productivity

Collaboration tools not only enhance productivity but also encourage knowledge sharing, a necessary element in building high-performing development teams.

Code review tools enable team members to collectively review and discuss issues, while automated CI/CD pipelines contribute to faster deployments and improved integration between development and Ops teams.

What to look for in a collaboration tool

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of collaboration tools, let’s delve into how to choose the right ones.

Project collaboration tools should have features that direct teamwork towards shared objectives, including:

  1. Security: Especially crucial when accessing sensitive information remotely. Opt for tools with two-factor authentication, access control, or encryption to ensure the security of your company data.
  2. Integration and Customization: Evaluate how easily the tool can adapt to your requirements or integrate with other applications you use. Flexibility is key for adapting to various use cases and promoting smooth data sharing.
  3. File Sharing: Choose platforms that enable seamless sharing, editing, and collaboration on documents, code, and files in real-time.
  4. Feedback: Effective feedback is essential for improving code and services. Select apps that offer a comprehensive range of feedback features, such as embedded instant messaging or the ability to leave comments directly within files.
  5. Offline Access: The tools should be capable of working offline to prevent the loss of work due to a poor Internet connection. Changes made offline should sync once the connection is restored.
  6. Reporting and Analytics: Look for project management and developer tools with reporting and analytics capabilities. A clear overview of the team’s activity is important for coordinating development efforts.

Our top tools to enhance development workflows and remote collaboration

As a remote development team, we depend on collaboration tools to overcome geographical barriers and foster seamless teamwork. Our toolkit evolves to meet our needs, including essential tools for development, communication, and management.

Our tool selection is designed to enhance the remote work experience and ensure efficient development processes.

Version control

Effective version control is key in software development, and tools like Git play a key role in managing and monitoring code changes. GitHub stands out as the leading platform for Git repositories, known among developers for its extensive features and integrations.

At ETEAM, GitHub serves as a central hub for securely storing and sharing our software projects. It helps to accurately track code modifications and fosters seamless collaboration within our globally distributed team. Leveraging GitHub’s pull request and peer code review functionalities, we ensure feedback is efficiently provided, creating a bug-free code.

At the same time, GitHub’s versatility extends to easy integration with our diverse toolset. The platform’s add-ons offer abundant customization options, allowing features such as analytics for receiving daily reports on repositories and projects directly to email or Slack.

Screenshot of GitHub public roadmap repository.
Source: GitHub

AI assistants

As per a recent survey conducted by GitHub, 92% of developers interviewed confessed to the current use of AI-powered coding tools both within and beyond their professional work. AI has swiftly become a practical reality, actively contributing to enhanced code quality, accelerated development processes, and effective incident resolution.

GitHub Copilot, a newly introduced coding assistant, can be quickly integrated as a Visual Studio Code plugin, supporting one of the most widely used code editors. Operating on the context of your file, Copilot excels in automatically generating code snippets, validating syntax, and providing context-aware suggestions.

While Copilot may not fully replicate the skills of a developer, it serves as an invaluable tool for brainstorming and validating work. It significantly reduces the need for developers to generate boilerplate code, enabling them to concentrate on addressing genuinely intricate challenges. To explore further ways to optimize your development workflow with AI, delve into our comprehensive article on the subject.

AI’s impact extends beyond coding assistants. Tools like ChatGPT are progressively finding use among project managers for documentation, paperwork, report generation, meeting notes, and fostering improved communication and collaboration within the team.

Prototyping and brainstorming

Prototyping is an effective means to assess ideas before starting the actual coding process. Throughout the product discovery phase, we employ Figma for UI design and the creation of interactive flows, providing insights into user interactions with the design.

Beyond prototyping, Figma offers additional features that enhance collaboration between our designers and developers, providing a seamless handover.

For instance, within each Figma file, developers can access a code panel containing valuable information about the designs, including CSS code.

Given our emphasis on brainstorming to generate innovative ideas and solutions, we leverage Miro to unite our remote team and start engaging discussions. This online whiteboard enables the creation of topic lists, drag-and-drop asset placement, and the use of sticky notes, diagrams, and images, fostering effective remote brainstorming sessions.

Screenshot of Miro concept map template for brainstorming.
Source: Miro Brainstorming Templates

CI/CD automation

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) tools serve as a key hub for developers, enabling early error identification in the development lifecycle. They promote a collaborative culture by regularly integrating changes into a shared repository and subjecting them to testing for potential errors.

Automation of the building, testing, and deployment processes can be simplified through tools like Jenkins and CircleCI. This automation empowers development and operation teams to collaborate effectively and respond quickly to any issues that may arise.

Implementing notifications and alerts for significant events, such as successful builds, test failures, or merged pull requests, proves useful in ensuring that all team members remain informed and aligned.

Team communication

Effective communication is crucial in remote or diverse time zone work environments. Platforms like Slack enable our team to stay connected asynchronously, ensuring that even if a team member faces scheduling conflicts or cannot attend a meeting, they can stay informed.

Slack offers a consolidated workspace, seamlessly integrating group chats, calls, file sharing, direct messaging, and third-party integrations. Creating project-specific channels allows us to centralize information related to each project.

Integrating with tools such as Jenkins or CircleCI, Slack delivers notifications for build failures, allowing immediate discussions on resolving issues.

Additionally, Zoom is used for internal and external project discussions, supporting activities like stand-ups, retrospectives, and client demo meetings through face-to-face interaction and screen-sharing capabilities.

Documentation and knowledge-sharing

Maintaining an organized flow in a remote work setting is a significant challenge. Knowledge repositories serve as a centralized reference point where team members can access, search, and organize information for clarity.

To address this need, we employ Confluence to document processes, store, and share critical project details, coding standards, technical documentation, and best practices.

Confluence provides customizable templates for diverse purposes, such as documenting software requirements and creating playbooks or guides. Recently, we initiated the development of a Confluence technical playbook for project managers, offering breakdowns of technical terms and a collection of wiki-style articles on software development.

Screenshot of Confluence collaboration and documentation tool.
Source: Nuclino

Task and time management

Project management is an essential aspect of our work as a product development agency, especially with the need to oversee various projects simultaneously while maintaining high-quality standards for our clients. Managing a remote team further emphasizes the importance of effective coordination among engineers, designers, business analysts, and other team members.

For these complex needs, project management tools are indispensable.

Jira stands out as one of the most widely used solutions among software teams globally. It offers a robust set of features tailored to streamline development workflows and support Agile methodologies. With Jira, tasks can be assigned, sprints planned, progress tracked, and priorities managed.

Jira provides diverse visualization options for workflows, including Kanban boards, timeline views, dependency tracking, and burndown charts. It also offers intuitive reporting features, offering valuable insights into project progress, team performance, and potential bottlenecks. Add-ons like Tempo simplify time logging through automation features.

Screenshot of Jira Scrum board feature.
Source: Jira

Tips for implementing remote collaboration tools

Introducing collaboration tools can significantly enhance remote team dynamics, particularly when engaged in complex development projects. These tools serve as effective means to increase productivity, improve communication, and foster a generally better work environment.

Nevertheless, the implementation of new tools requires careful planning, thorough training, and seamless integration to fully realize the advantages of the investment.

1. Choose the right tools for your team

Before incorporating any collaboration tools, evaluate your team’s requirements and workflows. Look for tools that align with your development processes and team dynamics.

Determine whether your focus is on productivity, project management, communication, or other aspects.

2. Prioritize training and support

After selecting your collaboration tools, the following step is to ensure that everyone can fully utilize them. Conducting training sessions is an effective way to show how these tools work.

Do not underestimate the value of support. Having a designated person available for troubleshooting can significantly enhance the adoption rate.

3. Integrate with existing workflows

Every company wants to avoid a disjointed system that complicates rather than simplifies processes.

Search for tools that seamlessly integrate with the other software your team already uses on a daily basis, particularly communication apps, to ensure instant notifications of ongoing developments.

4. Ask for feedback

Continuous improvement is needed to refine your remote collaboration strategy.

Encourage your team to regularly share feedback on the tools or create a dedicated channel where they can provide suggestions and insights on usability.


In the realm of software development, collaborative tools not only bring smoother teamwork and social interaction but also enable the creation of exceptional digital products.

These tools are necessary for teams, like ours and countless others globally, in managing code, automating testing and deployment, brainstorming solutions, and tracking progress.

Whether you’re a project manager or a product owner, providing your development team with robust collaborative tools is like equipping them for success.

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Victor Grytsai
Editor for

Cofounder of eteam.io and sapience.io. I've been hammering out the nitty-gritty details that make a tech company work for the past 8 years.