Software Development Outsourcing: Benefits, Risks, Top Countries

Victor Grytsai
Published in
11 min readOct 20, 2023

The software development outsourcing market is undergoing rapid growth, with the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of remote work accelerating this trend.

By 2032, global spending on IT services is projected to surpass 1,149 billion USD.

Outsourcing software development has evolved into a strategic advantage for business owners, offering early-stage startups and first-time entrepreneurs access to top tech talent without massive investments.

This shift toward decentralization, however, brings increased competition and many questions to consider:

  • Should you outsource your development efforts offshore, nearshore, or a combination of both?
  • What are the benefits and risks of outsourcing?
  • What factors make a country suitable for software development outsourcing?
  • How do different countries compare in the outsourcing landscape, and where are the key outsourcing hubs?

Let’s explore these questions together.

The map of software outsourcing services hotspots.

Comparing nearshore and offshore outsourcing

When considering nearshore outsourcing, geographical proximity takes center stage. This involves collaborating with software development companies in neighboring countries or, in the case of onshore outsourcing, within your own country.

The benefits of nearshore outsourcing are clear:

  1. Ease of in-person meetings and travel.
  2. Shared time zones, facilitating real-time collaboration.
  3. Reduced cultural and linguistic differences.
  4. Fewer communication limitations to overcome.

However, this approach can also be limiting. By concentrating on local or nearby options, you might miss out on a broader talent pool or more cost-effective solutions.

In contrast, offshore software development outsourcing involves hiring a team from anywhere in the world to work remotely. This comes with its own set of challenges, such as potential cultural differences and less direct control over your team.

Nevertheless, it offers several notable advantages:

  1. Access to a vast and diverse pool of software professionals with varied expertise.
  2. Greater cost flexibility as you’re not confined to a specific cost per hour determined by vendors in a certain region.
  3. The ability to leverage time zone differences, allowing for around-the-clock project progress. Your offshore team can respond swiftly to issues and provide support during your off-hours.

Leveraging a hybrid approach to nearshoring and offshoring

Both nearshoring and offshoring have their pros and cons, and they may not be a perfect fit for every organization. Therefore, many companies are exploring a more balanced approach.

The hybrid model allows companies to diversify their operations across multiple locations, thereby reducing risks. Some aspects of software development can be managed locally for quick and direct communication, while the majority of the work can be outsourced to countries that offer cost- or time-efficiency advantages.

For instance, a company might choose to outsource development to a neighboring country for smoother communication while also engaging in offshore outsourcing to extend business hours and service availability.

What makes a country an ideal fit for software development outsourcing?

When researching options for overseas development, it’s essential to consider various criteria that determine whether a country is suitable for outsourcing.

Quality of tech talent and education

Nations that prioritize higher education, especially in STEM fields, tend to produce high-quality software engineering talent.

In some countries, both the government and non-governmental organizations actively support software development training in addition to standard academic programs.

Cost efficiency

Hourly rates for software developers can change greatly from one country to another. For instance, in the United States, the average hourly rate for a software developer is approximately $51.59, with more experienced professionals charging even higher rates. In contrast, countries in Eastern and Central Europe, as well as Asia, often offer more cost-effective development services.

Although cost reduction is a primary advantage of outsourcing development, it’s important to consider the price-to-quality ratio. Some countries, like Poland and Ukraine, are recognized for delivering high-quality development services at competitive rates, making them appealing options for budget-conscious businesses.

Language proficiency

Effective communication is key when working with an offshore development team. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that the team you choose has a strong knowledge of English or another widely spoken international language.

Countries, where English proficiency is relatively high, make it simpler to find development teams capable of effective communication with clients from different regions.

Infrastructure and security

Outsourcing to countries with modern infrastructure, high-speed internet, and up-to-date technology is quite helpful. Even the most skilled software professionals can’t overcome issues like power outages or unreliable network connections.

Additionally, a strong commitment to cybersecurity practices at the national level, including data governance and data protection, is essential to ensure the security of your outsourced projects.

Domain expertise and programming languages

Consider the preference for specific programming languages and expertise domains in the country you’re considering for outsourcing. This will help you choose a location with a larger pool of specialists in your desired tech stack or industry.

For instance, China is a prime choice for companies in electronics, hardware, and manufacturing, while Poland is a hotspot for software development in the financial sector.

How to address risk when outsourcing development to another country

Outsourcing development abroad offers considerable advantages, including scalability and global expertise, but it’s not without its risks.

As a decision-maker, you might have doubts and questions about potential obstacles and how to overcome them. Here are two common scenarios to consider.

Software outsourcing and cultural differences

A common misconception is that only technical expertise matters when outsourcing software development. While technical skills are important, it’s necessary to remember that you’ll be working with people, so a smooth collaboration is of major importance.

Understanding and navigating cultural differences is vital because they can significantly impact communication. Globalization has made it easier to share common values, and many American and European countries operate according to similar business etiquette. This is one reason regions like Central and Eastern Europe have become major software outsourcing hubs.

Cultural differences can affect work ethic, punctuality, and commitment levels. To mitigate this risk, consider selecting an outsourcing partner from a country with a similar approach to yours. For example, working with Eastern European outsourcing providers can lead to better understanding and require fewer adjustments to accommodate differences.

Software outsourcing and performance concerns

Another common concern when outsourcing software development is the fear of receiving subpar work and encountering performance issues. These concerns can manifest as poorly written code, difficulties in understanding project requirements due to language barriers, missed deadlines, or a lack of ownership.

Conducting thorough checks before committing to a software outsourcing company can help prevent unpleasant surprises. You want the quality of your offshore team to be at least as good, if not better, than your in-house team.

In one of our recent articles, we’ve outlined 10 criteria to consider when outsourcing custom software development. These criteria can help you ensure that you choose a capable and reliable outsourcing partner.

Additionally, the essential practices you use in-house, such as reporting and tracking progress through check-ins and demo meetings, are equally important when working with software outsourcing partners. Regular catch-up meetings should be scheduled throughout the development process to maintain alignment and engagement between you and your team.

Software outsourcing landscape: key facts

Let’s begin by reviewing some key insights about the global software outsourcing landscape and how it’s evolving.

  • Traditional software outsourcing hubs, such as India, are facing strong competition from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). This region has emerged as a leader in terms of the price-quality ratio.
  • For many companies, quality is now a higher priority than cost when outsourcing development, leading them to turn to CEE developers.
  • CEE countries share cultural proximity with Western Europe and the US, which facilitates smoother collaboration, both in nearshore and offshore outsourcing.
  • Countries like Vietnam, Brazil, and Mexico are gaining fame as emerging players in software development outsourcing. Attractive government policies and incentives for foreign investors make these countries appealing options for outsourcing.

Top countries for outsourcing software development

Poland: the rising star of software outsourcing

Poland stands out as one of the top destinations for software development outsourcing. It ranks 3rd globally in terms of developer skills, as per HackerRank’s assessment. Additionally, it excels in English proficiency, securing the 13th spot out of 111 countries, surpassing even Switzerland and Luxembourg.

Polish developers not only have advanced English skills but also represent a substantial portion of the highly skilled IT specialists and software engineers in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), accounting for over 20% of the region’s talent. Poland is known for its favorable business environment, a well-educated tech workforce, and a strong commitment to quality. Major enterprises like IBM, Nokia, and Intel have chosen Poland as an outsourcing destination.

Moreover, Poland has established itself as a prominent hub for outsourcing in the finance, banking, and fintech sectors. The government has shown support for this industry through initiatives like the Special Task Force for Financial Innovation, actively assisting entities operating in this field.

Software development outsourcing statistics for Poland.

Ukraine: European software quality at competitive rates

Ukraine stands as one of the prominent software development service providers in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) alongside Poland. Ukrainian developers achieved an impressive 88.7% performance score on HackerRank challenges. This highly skilled software engineering workforce positions Ukraine as an ideal destination for software outsourcing, with 1 in 5 Fortune 500 companies relying on Ukrainian developers.

Despite the challenges posed by the war in Ukraine, the government and Ukrainian development companies acted swiftly to mitigate risks. In 2022, the country’s IT industry concluded the year with record profits, and over 90% of IT workers returned to their work. The Ukrainian government actively supports the IT industry through favorable tax policies and laws. These factors continue to make Ukraine an attractive outsourcing location, offering European software quality at competitive rates.

Ukraine maintains a robust STEM education system, with the National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute consistently appearing in university rankings. The majority of Ukrainian software engineers hold one or more specialized certifications or diplomas, with many having pursued education abroad.

Software development outsourcing statistics for Ukraine.

India: the software development outsourcing giant

India is renowned for its cost-effective development services and its big pool of software engineers. The country boasts over 2500 engineering colleges and 1400 polytechnics, providing an extensive talent pipeline. Having English as a second official language in India is advantageous for international companies seeking to outsource development. However, cultural differences are still present.

Despite the abundance of technical talent, India’s ranking in HackerRank’s list of the world’s best developers is relatively lower, at 31st, in contrast to countries like Poland (3rd) and Ukraine (11th). Research by Gild also showed that Indian developers underperformed in web programming, especially in PHP and HTML, compared to their American counterparts, despite over half a million Indian developers working on outsourced projects for US-based companies.

India continues to be a favored destination for cost-effective development. However, the trend is shifting away from cost over quality. India’s popularity is also attributed to the diversity of its tech expertise, although there is a growing preference for more specialized development providers.

Software development outsourcing statistics for India.

Vietnam: an emerging software outsourcing powerhouse

South-East Asia is gaining a reputation as an emerging technology hub and the birthplace of many tech unicorns. In this thriving environment, Vietnam stands out as a promising destination for software development outsourcing, providing skilled developers and competitive pricing. Statista predicts a 16.77% growth in Vietnam’s IT outsourcing market.

Vietnam ranks closely to Singapore in the HackerRank best developers index, with only a slight difference. However, when it comes to the cost of hiring software developers with similar competency levels, Vietnam is about 60% cheaper than Singapore. Notably, Vietnam achieved the 3rd position in HackerRank’s ranking for Artificial Intelligence expertise, trailing only Japan and Belgium.

Vietnam is actively positioning itself as a software outsourcing powerhouse, offering cost-effectiveness, a young and well-educated developer workforce, and an attractive investment climate. While there are some challenges, such as the absence of a unified data protection law and a slightly lower English proficiency compared to some competitors, Vietnam is gaining recognition for its expertise in mobile app development, gaming, and software testing.

Software development outsourcing statistics for Vietnam.

Mexico: the go-to nearshore software outsourcing partner

Mexico is an attractive destination for nearshore software development outsourcing due to significantly lower development costs, a large pool of software engineers, and trade-free agreements. Its geographical proximity to the United States, coupled with competitive pricing, makes it a popular choice for North American clients. The Mexican software development market is growing at an annual rate of 10–15%.

Mexico has taken a leading position among Latin American countries in training STEM professionals, producing nearly as many STEM graduates as the United States. Additionally, Mexico is the first in the region to regulate the fintech software development industry. Government investment in technology parks has also improved Mexico’s technological infrastructure.

However, Mexico faces challenges as a software outsourcing provider. While it has a bilingual workforce, it scored lower on the English Proficiency Index. The country’s lower level of digitalization results in more paperwork and bureaucracy. Nonetheless, Mexican software and IT partners prioritize service delivery and have a strong presence in software development outsourcing, manufacturing, and software testing.

Software development outsourcing statistics for Mexico.

Brazil: an emerging market for software nearshoring

Brazil is a favored destination for US and Canadian companies seeking nearshore software development outsourcing. The country’s IT industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, with substantial investments totaling $39.7 billion in 2022.

Brazil is actively promoting the development of technology centers, with Sao Paulo as a central hub for this technology boom. It has a robust infrastructure and a good knowledge level of the English language.

Brazil also has a sizable and skilled workforce of software developers, earning it the second-place ranking in technology among emergent countries in Latin America according to the Coursera Global Skill Index 2022.

However, Brazil’s IT community is relatively young, and it falls behind some of the previously mentioned countries in terms of developer rankings according to HackerRank. The presence of complex taxation laws and certain challenges in establishing local operations are among the drawbacks.

Nevertheless, Brazil remains a cost-effective and culturally compatible destination, particularly for regional clients.

Software development outsourcing statistics for Brazil.

Ready to outsource software development?

The software outsourcing landscape offers a plethora of choices for companies today. However, it’s important to find a balance between cost savings and software quality. Eastern and Central Europe has established itself as a major region known for offering the best price-to-quality ratio.

As a Ukrainian software development company with a strong presence in Poland, the US, and Mexico, ETEAM provides the advantages of both nearshore and offshore outsourcing. We have a proven track record of long-term partnerships with clients in the US, Europe, and the UK. We leverage cutting-edge technologies to facilitate business growth through custom software development.

At ETEAM, we don’t just provide services; we become your software outsourcing partner. Let’s embark on this journey together.

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Victor Grytsai
Editor for

Cofounder of and I've been hammering out the nitty-gritty details that make a tech company work for the past 8 years.