Etekly Submission Requirements & Style Guide

Christine S., MPP


We’re a new publication, focused on telling poignant stories about how tech impacts the human experience. Read on to learn how to contribute.

First Things First.

Thanks for stopping by! We’re super glad to see you and excited that you’d like to contribute.

Request to Contribute

New writers must request to contribute by filling out our Writer Request Form. Filling out the form does not guarantee addition as a writer.

New requests are handled manually and take up to 2 weeks to process. Please be patient and wait for a confirmation email to arrive.

Submission Guidelines.

Please make sure your submissions comply with Medium’s Rules, Ad-Free Policy, Content Guidelines, and Curation Guidelines.

Submission must be unpublished, locked (behind the paywall), and mostly ready to publish. To get the most exposure, we want to be the first to publish your story. Please do not submit stories that have already been published elsewhere on Medium. Stories behind Medium’s paywall are reviewed by Medium’s curators and have the potential to see even broader distribution. Locked stories enable you to be compensated for your work through the Medium Partner Program.

Submissions must follow our Style Guide. Please review it to be sure you have followed the proper formatting, selected unique and properly cited images, and have descriptive titles.

Style Guide and Checklist:

Mission statement: The ETekly blog focuses on creating informative and engaging posts about tech that anyone can read, stay informed, and enjoy. We focus on not only what is new and interesting, but how innovations help people improve their lives and pave the way to a better future for all.

Style Guide

Persona: Friendly, conversational, clever, educational.

Tone: Informative, relaxed, and witty.

Language: Accessible, conversational, colloquial. Either properly breakdown or avoid overly technical terminology. A good measure of this is to ask yourself if it’s something that would be considered common/general knowledge that the reader base would have. Also, speak English, not science.

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Length: Varies

Format: We suggest that authors use the formatting tool in Google to select consistent headers, etc.


  • Use non-bulleted hooks to draw people in
  • Include images, charts, and/or infographics, complete with a link to your various sources.
  • Please note if there is one that you have selected as the feature image (preferably with an alternate as well in case there is an issue with your first choice).
  • Please provide credit to your image sources.
  • Link sources to keywords
  • When possible, end on a positive note (please, feel free to incorporate an emotional component in your article, but be conscious of the state in which you’re leaving your reader).
  • Provide meta descriptions and headlines for their work but can provide them if necessary.

Submission Checklist:

When submitting your completed article, did you remember to:

  • Give it one last read-through to ensure that it’s clear, to scope, and follows the above style guide?
  • Provide links for your sources and images (and if applicable, specified a primary and secondary preference for the featured image)?
  • Hit the three dots next to the big green publish button in the upper right corner. Select “Add to Publication” and then select Etekly.

Submission Process

Please follow Medium’s process for adding a draft to a publication if you are added as a writer for our publication. All submissions must be made through this process.

We currently publish 1 story per day, Monday through Wednesday. Writers may have no more than 3 articles in our submission queue at any given time. Please do not spam us with submissions. We focus on quality over quantity. Publishing on this schedule ensures consistent content and maximum exposure for each story. Because of this schedule, stories may be scheduled a week to two weeks from the day it is submitted.

We currently have 2 editors who manually evaluate each submission. This process can take up to a week. If a submission is not yet ready for publication, we’ll leave a private note explaining why. Some submissions can be revised and resubmitted. Please do not resubmit stories without correcting the indicated issues. If a submission is ready for publication, we will schedule it in our next available publishing slot.

If we choose to pass on your submission this time around, we will provide a note to let you know. If you have and questions, concerns, or feedback, please let us know!

Happy Writing!



Christine S., MPP
Editor for

Passionate about Humanity, Music, Business, Policy & Technology.