All about users: gaming and brand safety

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etermax Brand Gamification
2 min readJul 29, 2020

Why do we say in-game advertising is safe for brands?

By Christian Cunha, Brazil Sales Director at flame by etermax

For several years now, brand safety has been one of the main concerns of digital advertisers, and they’re right to worry. According to a 2018 survey, the context in which an ad appears affects the way a brand is perceived, since consumers see it as intentional. This way, an “unsafe” placement can damage years of work.

Many advertisers use blacklists and whitelists to protect themselves and choose more favorable environments, like in-app advertising and especially gaming.

One of the advantages of video games is that, by their very nature, they’re a meticulously crafted product, designed in every detail to please and entertain users. Just like brands need a good stage for their ads, game studios need advertising to be a good experience for players.

At flame by etermax, our clients know what kind of inventory they’re buying, since we are 100% transparent when it comes to selecting apps for each campaign.

That’s why we not only offer a way to reach 250 million of Latin American gamers, with segmented targeting and excellent visibility results, but also a quality advertising experience that all parties can be certain of.

