Four keys for a summer mobile strategy

etermax BG
etermax Brand Gamification
3 min readDec 16, 2019

Why it’s important to be there when consumers only want one thing: to have a good time.

With summer beginning in the Southern Hemisphere, starts a very special time for retail, tourism, media and advertising. Far from being a lull after the Holidays, these are crucial months for brands.

Though we know many of you are already thinking only about going on vacation, let’s review a few things we should consider while planning an in-app strategy for the coming months.

Mobile is an (even bigger) star…

When the weather gets nice everyone wants to spend less time at home, work or school and more time having fun outdoors.

That’s why during the summer we don’t watch TV or use our computers as much, and other media like out of home and especially mobile become more relevant. Just like cell phone use increases on weekends, summer is the time of the year when people surf the web outside of their homes the most.

Besides, when exciting things happen we run to post them on social media, to the chagrin of those stuck at work.

…especially for travelers

This is doubly true for those who travel during the summer, since they rely on their phones to explore a new city.

Besides using GPS data to play with the user’s location, advertisers can anticipate their needs and offer (or sponsor) truly relevant content: information like the weather forecast, maps or restaurant recommendations, for example, are key in this context.

Consumers just wanna have fun

With more spare time people can and want to spend more money (hello, Christmas bonus!), especially in categories that involve sharing with friends. Soft drinks, for example, shine in the months when all we want is to have a cold drink with our loved ones.

This willingness to have a good time translates to media consumption and entertainment: cinemas and theaters feel it, just as other apps and platforms in the sector. Although it seems contradictory to the first point, those who have been busy all year sometimes use their summer break to catch up con TV shows, movies and videogames.

“Back-to-schools” starts earlier than you’d think

When summer comes to an end, families with children shop for school supplies, clothes, shoes and other accessories.

Since 77% of the category’s shoppers want to begin this task at least three weeks before school starts, it’s good to be early. According to Google, mothers and fathers make 40% of all related searches during the summer, from mobile devices.

This way, brands have the opportunity to reach their audiences in a very receptive moment, when, just like the resto of the year, mobile is the best way to reach them.

At Flame Ads, we create disruptive ad experiences in mobile games to entertain your audience. If you want to lead your brand to new horizons, email us or subscribe to our newsletter and get our latest news right in your mailbox.

