Gaming as a tool: let’s bet on gamification

etermax BG
etermax Brand Gamification
2 min readSep 23, 2021

By Juan Pablo Veiga, Head of Business Planning at etermax

In terms of digitization, 2020 was about solving emergencies: both as companies, to rethink work processes, and also as consumers, solving how to shop from home. Surely in the coming years the challenge will be to refine the processes, make them more efficient and friendly.

In that sense, the gaming industry has a lot to teach the rest of the digital platforms. We are dedicated to making engaging programs, maximizing interaction, making the user journey intuitive and clear, motivating and retaining users.

This contribution is what we call gamification: the use of game design resources for processes that are not games. From ecommerce sites to loyalty programs, these strategies appear everywhere, many times without us noticing. Do any of the applications you use pose daily or weekly challenges? Do any of them give you points or rewards the more you use them? Do they show you your progress from one level to another to motivate you? Do they encourage you to compare yourself and compete with your friends?

Those kinds of resources are not going to transport you to a magical world of fun while making a bank transfer, but even in the least exciting contexts it makes any task more entertaining and satisfying, because the human mind is always eager to play.

Thus, organizations also use this strategy for internal processes: recruiting, onboarding, training, transmission of corporate culture and more. And whether it’s for inside or outside purposes, the goal is the same: keeping users engaged and attentive, and reducing friction and anxiety.

The game in these cases is not an end in itself, but a tool to increase, for example, engagement and loyalty. We do not seek to entertain but to encourage some behaviors and discourage others. That is why it is important to face this type of strategy with clear objectives and measurable KPIs.

As social perception of video games and their legitimacy changes, gamification is also gaining ground in the digital industry. My suggestion for organizations looking to explore this strategy is to feel free to knock on the door of those who know the most about gaming.

