What is and how far does Brand Gamification go?

etermax BG
etermax Brand Gamification
4 min readMay 28, 2021

A new concept of Marketing solutions for advertisers, brands and agencies has born. The opportunities in the video games universe go far beyond the traditional formats and require a comprehensive look at the industry. With more than 12 years of experience in the Gaming industry and connecting over 230 brands with consumers in 16 countries, etermax creates an evolution of its proposal with Brand Gamification to fill the gap and promote an innovative bridge between advertisers and their audiences

A medium with great reach

The magnitude of the video games industry and its scope as an advertising medium are no longer in dispute. The industry shows $ 174.9 billion earnings in 2020, a year in which the sustained growth of the market was further boosted by the effects of the pandemic. More than 2.8 billion people play video games in the world, whether on mobile devices, PC or consoles. About 476 million are in the Americas. This audience is also joined by GVC (gaming video content) and esports, which in 2020 attracted 1,200 million viewers globally.

What many people do not know is that the audience is not only made up of children or teenagers, nor only men as the myths suggest. They are extremely diverse in their demographics and interests, but with one valuable trait in common: their attention.

It is a matter of mindset

The state of the players — focused, relaxed, happy — is one of the key benefits of In-Game Advertising, as it is a time of high receptivity for brand messages. Brand safety, the great possibility of segmentation and the creative potential and innovative formats are other of its attractions for advertisers.

However, Gaming is not just an interesting placement for banners and videos. Creating native experiences, where the advertiser participates into the game itself as a sponsor, is an especially valuable option for those looking to deliver memorable moments to users and improve their brand perception.

Creating powerful connections

But in addition to incorporating brands into games, we can incorporate gaming into other brand channels. From creating branded games, a practice that has existed since the 1980s, to adding gamification elements to processes of all kinds (such as online training or e-commerce platforms), to designing recreational activations for physical events or, more likely in these times, digital encounters. For example, a live broadcast can be made more dynamic with participatory interludes that challenges the audience.

Even without ad-hoc developments, just go through Instagram stories for a while to see how often brands and influencers propose games to their followers (be they trivia, surveys, contests or challenges) to entertain them and strengthen their virtual community.

“Today, the biggest challenge for brands is to achieve consumer engagement and loyalty. For that, there is nothing as effective as proposing a playful practice”, says Guido Farji, General Manager of etermax Brand Gamification and Chief Revenue Officer of etermax. The great benefit that Gaming in all its forms offers to brands is to increase interaction and generate deep emotional connections with consumers.

Above all, it is important to remember that the Gaming universe is also a spectacle that invites the masses. A global community of 1.2 billion people follow professional and amateur players in competitions and streams. With its own system of sponsorships, leagues, merchandising and advertisements, the industry already shows more than 1 billion dollars globally. If it was ever a niche environment, it certainly isn’t anymore.

A new bridge between brands and gaming

Taking into account the breadth of this universe and the potential it has for brands, etermax evolved in its offer of Marketing and Advertising solutions in Gaming. The business unit known so far as flame by etermax, a pioneer in Latin America in In-Game Advertising services, became etermax Brand Gamification.

This new and disruptive proposal brings together a set of comprehensive solutions for advertisers that go through Gaming in its entirety. “We are thrilled to bring brands an unprecedented gateway to this entire wide universe with a 360° approach to create memorable experiences and communicate with impact,” adds Farji.

In addition to In-Game Advertising, through its global network of more than 2,200 leading video games titles in a transparent and brand-safe environment, etermax Brand Gamification offers Consulting services in video game strategies, Gaming Experiences tailored for all platforms, and Esports Advisory so that advertisers can generate valuable connections in the new frontier of the industry.

With this evolution, etermax reinforces its objective of empowering connected communities and once again makes the experience and capabilities gained in almost 12 years at the top of the Gaming industry available to the market. “Our DNA is marked by Gaming, creativity, technology and data intelligence. With the successful trajectory of our own games, we continue to evolve our proposal so that no one is left out of this segment”, concludes Farji.

