Technological Revolution and Artificial Intelligence

Where are organizations heading today?

etermax tech
etermax technology
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2021


By Roberto Cruz, General Manager at etermax AI Labs

The technological revolution we are experiencing is constantly expanding: new technologies are constantly being created and developed that break with established standards. As it happened in the 18th century with the industrial revolution, today artificial intelligence (AI) reminds us of the resistance imposed by part of society. Time and the logical evolution of all processes, has shown how technological advances transform society, with clear economic, productive and social benefits.

In 2021 we can say that AI is disruptive by nature and has the power to transform society and organizations. However, we have the challenge and the opportunity to adequately deepen its adoption with clear objectives and metrics.

The reason that moves a company to think about AI is to gain competitiveness by being more productive, agile and improving user experiences. The promise of AI is to give its collaborators knowledge to make better decisions, automate processes from the understanding of the information and connect with users. A correct adoption of AI is, therefore, not only to incorporate the technology, but also to think about the processes and set mechanisms for the organization to learn from the knowledge that arises from its application. It is this path of organizational learning that is catalyzed with AI and that, ultimately, generates competitive advantage.

Artificial intelligence is a disruptive tool that automates, streamlines and helps organizations create and manage innovative knowledge. At etermax AI Labs we work to connect people, organizations and knowledge, using technology to achieve tangible benefits: better customer service and more rewarding work for employees.

Perhaps the most important challenge facing this disruptive technology is not in its implementation or the technology itself, but in society and organization leaders. It is necessary to transcend and resolve subjectivities, fears and cultural biases; and this can only be achieved with a gradual but systematic implementation, measuring results and learning. This learning will generate the change typical of disruptions, and new processes and capacities will be created. Organizations that undertake this path of transformation are now the new protagonists.

