Furious February, 2016 — the hottest month in more than a 100 years

Krishna Kanth
Eternal Earth
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2016

With each new sun rise, as the mankind wakes up to a new day, the world is changing, and so is our planet’s climate. The event of climate change has recently, and very unfortunately, taken a gigantic leap in the direction of doom: February month of this year, 2016, was recorded as the hottest month in the last 130 plus years.

That’s a horrific news to the world right now, especially to a world that is fighting an impending doom called global warming. Earth’s surface temperature in February, 2016, was 1.21C higher than the average temperature of the entire planet in the 20th century. This speaks volumes about the rising threat to the entire world and our very lives in it.

Just a few months prior to this shocking discovery, the world had witnessed a challenging optimism at the Paris Climate Summit, an event that brought together hundreds of countries to take a stand in working towards building a sustainable planet for future generations. But with the shock of a furious February month, the hope for a greener and more prosperous planet is quickly diminishing.

It might not sound like a big deal to the world as this seems to be about just one hot month. But the reality behind it is quite bitter. Before the record-breaking February month of this year, the hottest month that was noted was January, 2016. Technically those are two hottest months in a row. And there is more to it. We are now 16 years into the 21st century, and fourteen warmest years have already been recorded, which means the planet is growing warm with each passing year.

So, when you look at the big picture, you can realize that we’re constantly moving towards higher and higher temperatures year after year.

If this pattern continues, which unfortunately seems highly possible, there are greater and far more horrid situations for us to face in the impending future.

The foremost of consequences that would take place due to earth’s rising temperatures is the melting of ice caps.

The entirety of polar glaciers will melt away and merge into seas and oceans, thus causing a drastic and disastrous rise in sea levels globally. This will especially make islands and other coastal regions disappear into the depths of deep blue seas.

If that happens, all the exotic and breathtakingly beautiful islands, such as Andaman, Fiji and Maldives, just to name a few, will vanish off from the world map.

As the warming of mankind’s home continues, the affects are inevitably directed towards the cycle of seasons as well. With the hiking of heat in the atmosphere, nature would lose its grip on the regularity of seasons. This is already apparent in numerous countries in the form of warm winters and lengthy summers, and at times, absent monsoons, too.

In the long run, these calamities could trigger significant social and economic divides between countries, and will potentially cause overwhelming political turmoil for governments around the planet. With all of this in store, it is not an exaggeration at this point in time to state that there could be major wars between nations solely due to the consequences of climate change.

Such a fate would change away the face of mankind as we know it, and that is reason enough for our species to take responsibility of our planet’s future and our own.

Hence, it is time for us to walk together in making earth greener more sustainable for life.



Krishna Kanth
Eternal Earth

Reader, Writer and Enthusiast of interesting stuff!