ETHParis is ready for pre-applications, what are you waiting for?!
Coucou! Some of you may be wondering where the ETHParis applications are and why haven’t we launched the goddamn thing officially. Well in all honesty (because transparency is key) being a non-profit, all of us working on events in our spare time, and the holiday season was just upon us, ok ok enough excuses… Yes, we hold our hands up, we are delayed with the launch of our next event. Quelle surprise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
However, with just under two months to go, planning is well underway, don’t you worry. So, head’s up. This one is mainly to the wonderful projects out there that continue to sustain our ecosystem, like a single parent supports their child. Apologies in advance, you will have the pleasure of us begging for money to fund and help us execute the event. We are hosting the hackathon in a different location from last year, the ESGI, so expect students and non-blockchain devs to join the show this year, so it’s even more important that we get enough funding in order to continue our quest to onboard new technologists to the space by throwing an event that will not only encourage newbies to the space, but also help further educate the Parisian community on decentralised and open source tech. So we will be reaching out in the next week or two for pre-commitments.
For now, we ask all those interested in participating in the hackathon in the city of lights, in any way, to fill this out form. Tell us a bit about yourself, how you want to get involved with the event, maybe chuck in a meme for our entertainment etc, and you will be notified VIP style, as soon as we press the button to launch the applications.
Before you spam us with “I thought I already applied why haven’t I been accepted?! Mais pourquoi pas?!! Ou est ma baguette?!” (we warn you, our stupid questions board will be restored) we must clarify this is not the formal application. WE REPEAT, this is not the formal application, see this as a pre-application if you will. Additionally, please be aware that this time, approvals will come out around 3 weeks before the hackathon. Not because we are slacking, but because this ETHParis is completely grassroots and we want to make sure we will be able to cover all expenses. Therefore the number of hackers will depend on the funds raised. We’d put that shit on a bonding curve, but by now we know those look very much like pyramids, only more crypto-y.
As with every other hackathon, you don’t need to be a hacker to get involved. We need all the usual again; volunteers, mentors, judges, sponsors, emotional support animals, blocks of camembert, you name it. You know where you can reach us directly, so don’t delay, either fill out the above form (how many times do we have to tell you?!) or hit us up!
So, please fill out the form to pre-apply for your spot in Paris in March, and please reach out to us if you would like to support the event in any other way. Hold your panties because the website will be launched in the next few days, but follow us on Twitter to be updated with ETHParis breaking news or drop us a line at!