Move over Netflix, there’s a new zoom talk show in town.

Department of Decentralization + ETHBerlin
3 min readSep 18, 2020

“2.5 The Talk Show”coming to a laptop screen near you…

So, it is with pleasure we would like to announce (and you know we love making announcements), that we will be hosting “2.5 — The Talk Show”, a white label virtual conference, on Thursday November 19th, as long as Apocalypse 2.0 can wait a bit longer.

We’ve had a lot of surprises thrown at us on a global scale this year, and they just keep on coming, not to mention the rollercoaster ride we have been on in the world of blockchain and crypto. However not even the events of 2020 can stop us from sprinkling some ETHBerlin/DoD magic on it, so we are organising a spin-off of our usual extravaganzas.

To be completely frank, we’ve felt a bit empty inside, not just because we haven’t been able to organise DREI, but also that there hasn’t been an opportunity for the community to gather together face to face since ETHCC3 (*cough cough*) and of course the Unhackathon. After our decision to postpone DREI to 2021, which is due to be the third in the series of events that began back in 2018 with the artist formerly known as ETHBerlin, we have been inundated with questions about whether we will go virtual instead this year.

We felt that the essence of our events is hard to put into a virtual context, however, after a brainstorming session with the team we came up with a concept that meant we could meet in the middle, hence the “2.5”.

“Talk Show” you ask? Yes, you heard correctly. There will be talking, lots of it hopefully, and very constructive. This will not be your average “slideshow and presentation” type of event, this will be a white label event in the format of a talk show. The quote “we’re in it for the tech” will strictly apply. We ask that there is no promotion of any project in particular, but for our speakers to share their points of view on why we do what we do and what we believe needs to change, be it linked to current events or the ecosystem in general.

The reason we picked this format is that we want to challenge our beliefs and notions, and discuss several topics from the standpoint of the critics of those topics. As we are sponsor-less this time, our main focus will be to get great speakers that can deliver quality content, therefore we will have some speakers from an open call, but we will also be inviting some selected by a community of organisers we’ve been putting together.

Other details to be announced soon(™).

We are also excited to have the awesome BUIDL Asia/KryptoSeoul on board as community partner and they will be adding their magic touch to the event too. More about this shall be revealed in the coming weeks!

Sound good so far?! WELL THEN SAVE THE DATE: Thursday 19th November 2020. If you want more details check here, or you can’t resist being part of ”2.5, The Talkshow” in some capacity, then drop us a line at the usual place: And of course, don’t forget to keep an eye on our twitter for the latest news and memes about the event.



Department of Decentralization + ETHBerlin

Growth @Centrifuge. Co-founder of Department of Decentralisation.