The show will go on after ETHCC!

Department of Decentralization + ETHBerlin
2 min readMar 4, 2020

The show will go on after ETHCC!

While we announced last week the unfortunate cancelation of the official ETHParis, there is some good news to share today: the venue is still open for us, and we would like to make the most of it! Thanks to the help of the community and the EF, we are hosting an unhackathon on Saturday, March 7th, from 9am to 6pm.

Definition: A space and a day for people to get together and jam on web3 technology; have open discussions, exchange knowledge and info, network, and help solve problems that can help our technology get in the hands of real people.

The unhackathon will happen at ESGI, Rue du Faubourg Sainte-Antoine (11th arr). There will be good wifi, whiteboards and a place to unwind where everyone can meet up and collaborate! The most important things to get those juices flowing. Register here if you want to join the day.

We want to open up the space to everyone else to host open mic sessions, 101s for newbies, ad hoc workshops, ad hoc team jamming sessions, ask an engineer floating around any burning questions you might have. The 1x researchers will also be meeting in the venue, so you may even catch one of them floating around too!

We also welcome you to get creative, if you want to say, host an ad hoc yoga or meditation session, or if you have any ideas for something to bring to the day you can email us as

The unhackathon is an open space, so any project can come down and give some product demos. Remember we are inviting students to attend so any basic, entry-level presentations would be very much appreciated too!

TL;DR? Join us for a day of knowledge sharing, brainstorming and education in the heart of Paris. Just show up and let us know what you’re planning and let’s make it work.



Department of Decentralization + ETHBerlin

Growth @Centrifuge. Co-founder of Department of Decentralisation.