This is your final warning to sign up cos there’s only two days left to 2.5 The Talk Show. Oh and here’s the rest of the speakers…

Department of Decentralization + ETHBerlin
3 min readNov 17, 2020

Praise be. With only TWO DAYS to go, our line up just gets better and better. We are ready to reveal the last bunch of speakers that have given up their time on Thursday to make 2.5 The Talk Show the true extravaganza it deserves to be. So here we go with the last list, and remember it is FREE, yes gratis, zero monies, (you get the drift) to sign up. You’re welcome.

So first up in this final speaker announcement, we are thrilled to have Hudson Jameson of the EF. Remember ETHBerlinZwei when everyone was Hudson? Well we actually managed to track down the real one this time. Hudson will be roasting crypto twitter, and reflecting on what the twitterverse has been bickering about this last year.

It took us a few months to convince her but Maya Zehavi will be problem solving and hosting a much needed “Dear Maya” column. It’s been that kind of year. Hopefully she can solve the problem that is 2020 so we can host drei next year but maybe that’s pushing it a bit. Also we are pleased to reveal Jarrell James of Celo, aka DoD’s version of Joe Rogan but smarter and way better looking, who will be joined by a surprise guest (we can confirm it is not Kanye West), to talk conspiracy theories on the blockchain. He’s promised us it will be lit and we expect nothing less.

Another huge supporter of ours, and a legendary member of the Berlin Birdwatching community is none other than Lefteris Karapetsas who just launched his new project Rotki this year, so he will be filling us in on that, as well as some of the rare species to be found in Goerlitzer Park (not sure if he meant birds or crypto nerds?!).

And now for the panels. As mentioned in the previous post there will be some panels on some of the hottest takes in crypto right now. We got Defi, NFTs and community panels on the agenda and we have some awesome participants that you will not want to miss!

Defi is the new orange. It’s everywhere. So we couldn’t say no to our Defi panel being organised by Deniz from Opium (BIG MASSIVE THANK YOU!) and he’s put together a great line up. The panel will be hosted by Yama Zhang (Three Arrows Capital), and her panelists will be Diane Dai, founder of DODO, Mona El Isa, founder of Melon Protocol and Avantgardefi, Clayton Roche of UMA, Stani Kulechov of Aave (yes we forced him again) and Andrey Belyakov, Founder of Opium. Popcorn at the ready!

Our NFT panel is focussed on the art world. We already filled you in on our partnership with the Foundation for the event. Lindsay Howard will be hosting the panel, and joining her will be the newest ETHBerlin celebrities on the block Matt Condon (Softspot), artists Blake Kathryn and Sarah Zucker (Fancy Nothing LA).

Obviously a DoD event wouldn’t be complete without a Community panel. This one was organised especially for us, by one of crypto’s community queens, Erica Kang. She managed to get us a great line up, hosted by Chjango Unchained and she will be stirring up panelists Peter Pan (1kx), David Vorick (Sia) and Mike Carson (

Ok that is all for speakers. Big thank you to all of them and also to our partners and community contributors: Simona Pop (Status), Erica Kang (KryptoSeoul), Samatha Yap (Yap Global) and The Foundation.

You have two days to sign up to join the event because it is literally on Thursday. And we cannot stress enough how free it is to join. See you in a couple of days for 2.5 The Talk Show!



Department of Decentralization + ETHBerlin

Growth @Centrifuge. Co-founder of Department of Decentralisation.