We’re running out of ideas: SO THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT

Department of Decentralization + ETHBerlin
6 min readAug 7, 2019

With ETHBerlin just over TWO WEEKS away, the DoD is all systems go and ready for lift-off after months of organisation and teamwork. We are excited to announce the next batch of sponsors that are making our vision a reality for a second year running, and again, we’d like to thank them for everything they have done to bring ETHBerlinZwei to life during Berlin Blockchain Week in August.

First up, a special shout out to one of our all-time supporters. He is not a project and this is not a drill. He volunteered last year and kept the team sane with his entertaining outfits, and he is set to volunteer again and we actually cannot wait to see what he will be dressing up as this year. The wonderful thing is, believes in our work so much he had to jump in. And in true Mitch style, he tells us why he is one of our sponsors this year. “@Mitch_Kosowski is the #GreatestTraderOFALLTIME and is supporting ETHBerlin because it was the BEST #blockchain event last year BAR NONE.”

Our next sponsors, Infura, told us the hackers are their main focus, and as per usual they are organising some entertainment for the week. “We’re excited to support the hackers at ETHBerlinZwei, one of the best developer events of the year. Don’t miss Infura founder E.G. Galano’s talk on the advantages of running hybrid infrastructure, and come to our welcome party with the Department of Decentralization on Wednesday! Infura’s Ethereum & IPFS APIs serve thousands of dApps every day and we want to keep building the best developer toolset for you. So if you use Infura, we’d love to hear from YOU — come visit us at the ConsenSys booth…or slide into our DMs!”

Anyone in the know about events in the industry knows that ETHCC (an annual conference in Paris) is one of the most prominent in our yearly calendars. And it could not happen without the team at Asseth. These guys kill it every year with ETHCC and they understand exactly what blood, sweat and tears go into organising an event like this, especially as a non-profit organisation which is very much aligned with our own. “The Association Ethereum France (aka Asseth) is a non-profit association focused on education and training about Ethereum and blockchain. We are the largest non-profit blockchain association in France with 400+ active members. Our main activity is the organization of free weekly coding and technical workshops since late 2015 in French-speaking countries. We host the EthCC conference and the Ethereum-France.com website. We are sponsoring ETHBerlin to support the Department of Decentralization as we value transparency, dedication and hard community work.”

All the way from LA, the team at Whiteblock couldn’t resist getting involved in the extravaganza, as they are aligned with our values and they want to give back to the community. They told us, “Whiteblock is proud to sponsor such an awesome community event like ETHBerlin. By giving back to educational events, we make sure new people and ideas continuously enter the crypto ecosystem. We’re looking forward to helping people learn more about protocol layer development with a workshop at the event.”

Superblocks came, they saw, and now they sponsored. We are thrilled to make enough of an impression last year that they HAD to sponsor this year. “Yet, when we visited ETHBerlin as mentors/participants last year (among other ETHGlobal events), we found something special. We found enthusiastic people actually coding, learning, building, failing, and iterating. Developers like us that were there to build things. As such, we feel ETHBerlin’s promise holds true. And despite the event being called ETHBerlinZwei, what we admire is the commitment to decentralization uncoupled with a religious crusade for a specific chain. They made it very clear in their blogpost. In the end, it’s the attitude of being open and experimenting with different methods and technologies that allows us to advance.”

Hackers focused on security will be pleased to hear that CDili will be there to represent! Not only are they supporting the event, but they will also be part of a Security Helpdesk that will be open through hacking hours. “ConsenSys Diligence is excited to support ETHBerlin and offer office hours at the Hackathon as well as a best practices presentation. We always put the eco-system first and are on the mission to solving Ethereum smart contract security.”

Limechain, a blockchain consulting and dev company is one of our fantastic sponsors this year too! Supporting ETHBerlin because “ it has proven to be a catalyst for huge innovation in the blockchain dev world and we want to see more of that!”

Welcome to the family Bitfwd! They are supporting us because they too are all about extravaganzas and bringing the community together. “bitfwd is running the #Blockathon movement, similar to ETHBerlin it is is an epic cryptofest extravaganza both online and offline. This is why we want to support ETHBerlin as we share the same community spirit and would like to extend this friendship as much as possible.”

As ETHBerlin is a little extra at times, we cannot stress how important it is that sponsors align with our values. We have explained the manifesto behind the event and we are lucky to have MythX on board with our mantra. “We believe many of ETHBerlin’s values and principles are firmly tied to our own core beliefs. We aim to not only inform solidity developers about smart contract security, and help development teams avoid costly errors. But also to build a community around the goal shared by many; to make Ethereum a safe and trustworthy platform for all. In addition to building a community, we have an ecosystem of partners that integrate MythX with both client-side developer tools as well as managed services. This is why we are proud to be a sponsor of ETHBerlin this year and super excited to spread the word!”

Massive thank you also to DARMA Capital for their generosity this year. ETHBerlin attracts some of the most talented hackers and a lot of our sponsors are keen to see the future of the space in action, and there is no better place to do so. “DARMA Capital is an institutional investor in Ethereum, and ETHBerlin is the best place to see the brightest minds of the Ethereum ecosystem.”

Big shout out to Panvala for contributing to ETHBerlinZwei. They are crucial to supporting funding in the ecosystem and they are big fans of face-to-face collaboration and we are also excited that they decided to choose this week to launch to mainnet! “We’re supporting ETHBerlin because we believe events at which the Ethereum community can meet up in person are of great significance in moving the ecosystem forward. It’s also a great opportunity for us to connect with the community and spark meaningful conversation about ecosystem funding. We’ve chosen Berlin Blockchain Week as the week to launch Panvala on mainnet… which speaks volumes about the great atmosphere and incredibly talented blockchain community in Berlin. We’re very much looking forward to it. Look out for our launch party!”

Many thanks to the team over at SKALE! Super glad to have them on board this year especially as they have been a great platform for hackers to use at previous hackathons, we are happy they will be attending ETHBerlinZwei too. “ETHBerlin is one of the most important Ethereum hackathons on the planet. It plays a huge role in making the Ethereum ecosystem stronger and growing the developer community. SKALE is happy to support EthBerlin and is very excited to see what EthBerlin hackers will create. SKALE has been the most used Layer 2 solution at ETH hackathons in the biggest cities this year, and we are happy to make the power of SKALE protocol easily available to developers building at EthBerlin.”

ETHBerlin is also happy to welcome Chainlink to the list of all-star sponsors for the 2019 edition. “We at Chainlink are all about building. To this end, Ethereum Hackathons do a wonderful job of bringing together developers to build projects that demonstrate the power of smart contracts. We are excited to support ETHBerlin and all the talented European developers who are looking to connect their smart contracts to the real world.”

Last but not least, welcome back to some of ETHBerlin’s OG’s MakerDAO! “Our team had a fantastic experience of sponsoring last year’s ETHBerlin. We’re happy to witness the evolution of the hackathon, the traction it receives from the well-known and newer projects in the space, and are glad to support it again this year. The theme of Bauhaus anniversary is very appealing too — looking forward to seeing how it inspires the hackers!”

Join us for more sponsors’ announcements in the next blog post, and stay following for updates and announcements for ETHBerlinZwei. There are more surprises to come and more info to be released about the event, we like to keep everyone on their toes.



Department of Decentralization + ETHBerlin

Growth @Centrifuge. Co-founder of Department of Decentralisation.