The Afterhack — check what went on during ETHBuenosAires!

Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2018

We can’t begin to grasp that our hackathon ended almost 10 days ago. What a wild ride. We are thankful for everything that happened, and are still trying to process it, so this won’t be the last post you’ll read from the ETHBuenosAires team.

The ETHBuenosAires telegram group is still super active, attendees are writing recaps, the projects presented are beginning to show further development and promote what they worked so hard to BUIDL during the hackathon. We are still chasing down “gringos” that refuse to leave our parrillas, or that have just discovered that we make pizza in a different, yet spectacular way (we’re talking about you, Lane). AreaTres and the Hacker Houses haven’t been able to kick everyone out yet, because this hackathon was so amazing that people are hodling to Buenos Aires, and we are incredibly happy to continue to see all these familiar faces lurking around.

While #MARTELLA are still running around like headless chickens (someone please stage an intervention and send them on holidays — they deserve it!), some of us decided to organize the content that was produced during this fascinating journey and “open-source” it for the community to enjoy it.

Now, let’s cut to the chase:

We have worked on this publicly curated content Trello board (props to Tete for this impeccable organization, and to all contributors).

Here you will find a BOARD ordered by categories: Press, Videos, and Third-party coverage. All the content in the form of LINKS. Look for the content you want to share and copy/paste the link. Also, you can contribute adding the description + link to any content related to ETHBUENOSAIRES you want to share

Enjoy all the amazing content, and stay tuned, because this won’t be the last blogpost we’ll be publishing. IT AIN’T OVER TILL IT’S OVER.

ETHBuenosAires would like to thank Matt and all the volunteers, especially Helena, Tete and MP for their hard work before, during, and after this great event.




First Ethereum Hackaton in Latin America, part of ETHGlobal series.