Announcing EthCC 3 ! To infinity and beyond

Jerome de Tychey
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2019

Some shed tears saying goodbye in Osaka, a twinge of despair in their eyes, wondering “When will we meet again?”, “When will we get updates on all the announcements we’ve heard this week?”, “How long shall I wait until I can show the community what I am building?”.

Others were trying to stream the conferences from home, wondering “Will I get to meet the community IRL?”, “Could I, one day, speak at one of those major events?”, “how much (crypto)money must I spare to go to a massive conference?”.
We heard you. We saw you. And community being all that matters we reacted. Fast.

Announcing EthCC 3 and France Blockchain Week 2020 !

On the 3–4–5 March 2020 EthCC, the Ethereum Community Conference will be back!

But wait, what is EthCC?

The Ethereum Community Conference brings together many actors from the blockchain ecosystem for 3 days of talks and workshops in the heart of Paris with 250+ speakers. The conference covers many subjects and addresses different levels of comprehension of the blockchain technology in order to be as inclusive as possible. EthCC is organised at a key moment of the year: right in the middle between DevCons.

Last year, we hosted 240 conferences (all live streamed!) and workshops listed in 14 different tracks such as Crypto Economics, Governance, Dev Tools & Security. We welcomed 1100 participants and 250 amazing speakers such as Sergey Nazarov, Taylor Monahan, Vlad Zamfir, Jorge Izquierdo, Franziska Heintel…

EthCC took place during a Blockchain Week in Paris, where over 30 side events were organised, including the Ethereum Magicians’ second Council and the EthParis Hackathon.

EthCC is first and foremost an event by the community, for the community. Organised by a non-profit, we keep the prices low, and our budget is completely transparent.

Who is behind this surreal event?

EthCC is organised by a French non-profit: the Ethereum France Association (formerly known as Asseth). At Ethereum France, we believe that sharing and transmitting knowledge is the most efficient way to develop a positive and fertile ecosystem. During the year we organise meetups once or twice per month and we help the french community grow by providing content through our website

What should you expect from this 3rd edition?

The same quality of talks, the same easy breezy atmosphere, the same ability to meet experts, entrepreneurs, developers, future employers and employees…no fire alarm, French baguEth (yes we dared), and much more.

  • New tracks : Blockchain for Enterprise / Other Blockchains / Blockchain for Good / Eth 2.0

In our will to be evermore inclusive, we have included several new conference subjects, allowing for new speakers to emerge. “Blockchain for Enterprise” will focus on how blockchain is -and can be- used by industries today. We welcome other blockchains to share their technologies with the “Other Blockchain” track. Blockchain can be used for many different services, and we wish to put the spotlight on “Blockchain for Good”. Last, but certainly not least, Ethereum 2.0 is gracefully happening, let’s hope this track will be host for some major announcements!

  • A VC track

As mentioned, EthCC is a non-commercial event. This means we have no commercial deals to promote companies during the conference. However, After the 2017 hype of ICOs and the hard felt crash through 2018, we realised how misinformation could hurt both investors and startups. There is a gap to bridge between VCs wishing to better understand the technology and discover groundbreaking projects, and blockchain projects/companies searching for funding with too few VCs in their network.

This is why we are launching a VC track during EthCC 3: a unique opportunity for VCs and curated blockchain-based projects to meet.

  • A new Venue

This year, the engineering school we usually partner with is undergoing a large renovation work making the place unavailable. We decided to make lemonade out the lemons and ramp up the quality of the event with a new venue: La Maison de la Mutualité! On three levels with 12 lounges and a legendary Theater, the Maison de la Mutualité hosts more than 300 events per year. Equipped with the latest technologies in terms of sound, wifi, lighting and video, it is the Parisian event spot on the left bank.

  • Tackling some important issues : Wifi / Maps / Schedule …

We know that our team’s survival chances plummet when the Wifi crashes, and that our volunteers run the risk of burnouts when attendees don’t know their way around the venue. For these reasons, we will do our best to provide a functioning Wifi service as well as a clear schedule and map.

We are looking forward to seeing the international community come back to Paris, and are thankful to everyone that has already started to support us. Keep it coming guys and hit us up on twitter.

That’s all Folks ! For now…




Jerome de Tychey
Writer for

Founder and Galactic Councillor @MUSTcometh ⚗ $MUST DeFi x NFT, President of @Ethereum_France , Hosting @EthCC , Associate Professor @LeCnam ,