EthCC Voices: Dominika Stobiecka, Cofounder of Toku

Bettina Boon Falleur
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2023

Welcome to EthCC Voices, the Medium Series for the EthCC community. Taking place in Paris from 17–20 July 2023, the conference organised by Ethereum France is regarded as Europe’s leading Ethereum conference for the community by the community!

Dominika Stobiecka

We speak to Dominika of Toku about how regulatory developments signify the maturation of the industry, new Ethereum updates that will drive scalability and more.

Dominika Stobiecka, Co-Founder of Toku, a platform that simplifies token compensation & tax compliance, globally.

What do you think are the highlight moments in crypto over the past year?

It has been quite a journey. It doesn’t feel like just a year; it feels more like a decade in terms of intensity and speed. Despite numerous setbacks and attacks, we have managed to weather the storm and come out stronger than ever. The anticipation surrounding EthCC and the overall activity in this space is remarkable. There’s a constant influx of new projects, making it feel like we had to endure these experiences to reach where we are now. So, being here, still standing, is the real highlight. It’s quite exciting when you attend conferences or have meetings with individuals who are truly building something meaningful. There’s a different energy among these people; they are here for the long term, even if regulations change or there’s a lot of negative noise in the news cycle. I focus on the positive aspects because, just like in any industry, building a company has its good and bad days, good news and bad news. It’s about going through it all, extracting the good energy, and learning from the challenging moments to become better. From that perspective, I believe we are maturing as a space, as a collective community. It feels like a rite of passage, almost.

What are some new trends you think will emerge over the next 12 months, which ones are you excited about?

The most exciting things are the ones that we don’t even anticipate. That being said, I believe many trends will be heavily influenced by regulatory aspects. Regulations in the crypto industry are not necessarily good or bad. They are, in a way, almost inevitable. It’s important to recognize that they are often beyond the control of any specific project. However, this rapid shift in regulatory attention and enforcement signifies our maturation as an industry. The fact that regulators are now paying attention is a positive development, as it demonstrates that we are being taken seriously. Regulation is a natural consequence of the industry’s maturity and its transition to the mainstream. With more people, projects, and investments involved, I believe that overall, we are moving in a positive direction.

How has being a part of the EthCC impacted you/ your team thus far? Has anything come out of it?

EthCC is undeniably one of the best global conferences, both in terms of the programming and the quality of projects showcased in Paris. The city itself adds to the overall experience, offering a fantastic backdrop for networking and connecting with friends and partners.

I am thrilled to be offered the opportunity to speak at EthCC this year about what we are building at Toku. Together with the team we were fortunate to attend last year, and we are eagerly looking forward to participating again in the future. The conference is growing each year, attracting exceptional people and projects. We are really excited to be part of EthCC and we cannot wait to see all the great things that will come from being involved.

What impact do you think Ethereum updates this year will have on the overall ecosystem, crypto projects, and mainstream adoption? (this can be the Shanghai Upgrade, the upcoming danksharding update, or any other developments you’ve been paying attention to)

The key focus of Ethereum updates revolves around scalability and efficiency. As the industry continues to witness an increasing number of projects, we often discuss who is building what and the various goals within the space. However, what unites us all is our belief in the technology, and Ethereum remains a fundamental component of the ecosystem. With the upgrades that have already taken place and those on the horizon, the future looks incredibly interesting and exciting.

These developments aim to enhance the technology layer of Ethereum, making it more scalable and captivating. This will unlock greater opportunities to build superior projects at a reduced cost on the Ethereum network. Furthermore, Ethereum’s impact extends beyond its own ecosystem; it also serves as a driving force for numerous other ecosystems. Overall, my outlook is highly positive and optimistic regarding the impact of Ethereum updates on the entire space.

Anything else to add? (feel free to share more about the projects you are working on)

Personally, I am excited to continue building Toku. Toku provides tax-compliant employment (EOR/PEO) and token grant administration solutions in 100+ jurisdictions globally. Our growing list of customers includes Filecoin Foundation, Gnosis, Hedera Hashgraph, PleasrDAO, Protocol Labs, Safe and many more.

If you want to learn more about how we can support your organization, reach out to or visit

