EthCC Voices: John Lilic, executive director of Telos

Bettina Boon Falleur
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2024
John Lillic

In this conversation, John talks about how the industry has made significant progress in zero-knowledge (zk) technology, particularly with zk-rollups and zk-SNARKs, increasing scalability, privacy, and security, expanding applications from DeFi to privacy-preserving smart contracts. He also expects a surge in Hardware-Software co-design for zk systems in Ethereum and beyond, integrating specialised hardware accelerators and optimised algorithms to enhance performance, driving innovation in the space.

Welcome to EthCC Voices, the Medium Series for the EthCC community. Taking place in Brussels from 8–11 July 2024, the conference organised by Ethereum France is regarded as Europe’s leading Ethereum conference for the community by the community!

John Lilic is the Executive Director of Telos, the home of high-performance execution environments.

What do you think are the highlight moments in crypto over the past year?

In the past year, the crypto space has seen significant progress in zero-knowledge (zk) technology. Innovations like zk-rollups and zk-SNARKs have greatly improved scalability, privacy, and security in blockchain networks. These advancements have enabled faster, more secure transactions and opened doors to diverse applications, from DeFi to privacy-preserving smart contracts. The collective efforts of talented individuals have propelled zk technology to the forefront of crypto innovation, promising a more efficient and private decentralised future.

What are some new trends you think will emerge over the next 12 months, which ones are you excited about?

In the next 12 months, I expect a surge in Hardware-Software co-design for zk systems in Ethereum and beyond. This trend integrates hardware and software to optimise performance, scalability, and security. By leveraging specialised hardware accelerators and optimised algorithms, developers can enhance zk-systems, accommodating DeFi, NFTs, and more. This approach strengthens privacy protections and mitigates vulnerabilities, driving innovation and differentiation in the blockchain ecosystem.

How has being a part of the EthCC impacted you/your team thus far? Has anything come out of it?

Participating in EthCC has enriched us personally and professionally. With Jerome (President, Ethereum France) as our technical advisor as well as a dear friend, and John Lilic’s sponsorship history, we feel deeply connected to the event. Engaging with experts and showcasing our project has opened doors to new collaborations and opportunities within the Ethereum community.

What impact do you think Ethereum updates this year will have on the overall ecosystem, crypto projects, and mainstream adoption?

One of the key areas of focus is reducing gas costs, which have been a persistent concern for users and developers due to their unpredictability and high fees. Reduced gas costs could have far-reaching effects across the ecosystem. Lower transaction fees may encourage greater participation from retail investors and small-scale users. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that addressing gas costs is just one aspect of Ethereum’s evolution. Other upgrades also play a crucial role in enhancing scalability and sustainability.

Anything else to add? (feel free to share more about the projects you are working on)

Alongside our excitement for ASIC Proving, Succinct & Recursive Proofs, and zkproofs, we’re actively exploring innovative zk technologies for blockchain and decentralised systems. We’re passionate about collaboration and welcome discussions on all things zk — let’s connect and push the boundaries of privacy, scalability, and efficiency together!

