All of the Project Submissions from ETHDenver 2020

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36 min readFeb 25, 2020

Today, we are excited to share the ETHDenver 2020 projects with you. We’ve scoured all possible submission avenues to produce the full list of projects. We know the submission and judging process wasn’t without its kinks this year as we were experimenting with more cutting edge tech than ever before, but we want you to know how important the hackers and submissions are to us. After all, you are why we do this in the first place! You can find a condensed list here, or read on to see the unrolled version.

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Impact Track Submissions


Abstract: A BlockChain Based Textual Content Sharing Application. The Textual content sharing system serves as a major backbone for resolving problems and providing security. Unfortunately, there are some issues with the existing system which can be solved using blockchain technology. In India, most complaints of people are not solved and even if the complaint gets registered, most of the higher officials are unaware of the complaints as most of them are being manipulated in between. This kind of problem can be solved using a decentralized platform for people to register their queries, which all the officials in that particular zone can access and take action immediately without means of altering the message.

Working Model: When a user enters a complaint, it gets registered into one of the blocks in our blockchain system in a systematic manner. Once all the Blocks are mined, a list of complaints are made visible to everyone over the network. As the content provided by the user is stored in individual block which is then attached to the blockchain networks makes it impossible for anyone to alter the content.
Team: Krishna Chaitanya, Abhin Gude, Yoganand Biradavolu, Nikhil Chakravarthy

StakedTrials — ReciproKitty

Abstract: Reciprocity to enable Decentralized Freemiums Dapps. We use the Measured Transfer Protocol that uses the concept of reciprocity as a means to reduce barriers of entries for new users, to make available surplus tokens, and overall create a means to stabilize fluctuating values. We leverage the power of the blockchain to define a stable value measurement and systematically assure reciprocity in order to create a universal sharing economy. In our Demo, we use a proxy delegate architecture to extend and interact with Dapps that are enlisted in our StakedTrials — Universal Sharing Economy. This demonstrates a way for users to use the dapp, claim tokens and continue to grow your user community through a freemium model.
Github, Presentation deck
Team: Wade Tait, Harish Prasanna, James Shih


Abstract: Grantchain is an open grant database and grant writing collaboration tool. We connect institutions with students to empower collaboration. Using Grantchain, Students can earn an side income by helping organizations write for grants, and positions students to better compete in the job market by providing a portfolio of verified work.
Github, YouTube
Team: Todd Youngblood, Briant Elliot Oliveira, Jaeson Booker, Jamie D’Andrea

High Priests

Abstract: High Priests is a spendless social giving app to sustain Web3 open source projects. Users join the flock of one of nine Ethereum luminaries, who direct their followers’ DAI interest to 3 curated Gitcoin Grants projects.
Team: Patrick Gallagher, Patryk Adaś, Victor Rortvedt, Francesco Renzi

DMV Demolisher

Abstract: The DMV Demolisher is a credential wallet, built using 3box, that allows you to selectively reveal any single credential your identity has been given. Our vision is a world where you only have to be verified by the State once before you are able to leverage any government service. Our system allows people to turn their MyColorado Digital ID or Driver’s License into a verifiable claim on their 3box account, using a secure chat thread to collect any necessary information before the clerk issues the claim. The principles and technology contained in this technology point towards an era of self-sovereign identity; wherein many sources of truth are used to evaluate personhood rather than some monolithic institution like the DMV.
Github, YouTube
Team: Tristan Eric Roberts, Eric Badiere, Dan Shields, Ian Philips

glopact/SNODEX: Augmented Bonding Curves for Planetary Impact Initiatives *Finalist*

Abstract: Coupling scenario bonding curve markets to a continuous research funding pool and oracle provider ignites a cryptoeconomic knowledge engine, cybernetically feeding financial and epistemic speculation into the production, refinement, and dissemination of information critical to the problematics that drive it.
Github, YouTube
Team: Louis Parker, Jake Hamilton

DAOathon— Turn Hackathon Project into a DAO

Abstract: We the people walked through several ETHGlobal events found a sad fact: The sustainability of the hackathon projects is low. Those projects lack support from the hackers, the community and the organizers(typically the investor groups in the industry), after each event. Without sustainability, most of the projects become glittering gizmos down to the basement. 2020 is the year of DAO. In order to solve the massive adoption problem to attract next billion users, we develop a near bridge relay layer and telegram bot so that the end users can transfer, query and play with their ERC20 compatible token within a telegram group!
Github, YouTube
Team: Feihu Tang, Lori Oikawa, Angelika Hsu, Alice Volfield

WolfPack *Finalist* *Vitalik Buterin’s Choice*

Abstract: Wolf Pack is a token based gig economy that provides an accessible labor market, identification, work history, personalized wallet, wage theft protection, and financial empowerment to the homeless. By creating a connected relationship between the homeless population and the community in which they reside, Wolf Pack aims to solve a growing problem with a human centered design approach.
Team: William Sterling, Alexandra Gardner, Arnaud Konan, Konstantin Papskovkiy

Auditorium — fundraising… decentralised

Abstract: Auditorium lets you donate to a charity without worrying about how your money is spent. We are partnering with organisations to ensure that your money is only spent on verified merchants. You can even start to raise money for your own cause in 3 easy steps. Auditorium is the first fully decentralised platform powered by Ethereum , Maker Dao and 3Box so all your information is stored securely.
Team: Pranav singhal, Arvind Kalra, Harjot Singh


Abstract: TallyLock reduces the risk of election fraud by providing a simple and affordable way to notarize and lock election tally sheets on a public blockchain right when they occur in 3 simple steps.

Registered Notaries are added to the TallyLock Smart Contract as Authorized Notaries On the day of the election, right after the tally is performed the Notary takes a picture of the tally and uploads it to IPFS and the TallyLock Smart Contract where it’s timestamped and protected from tampering so results are not manipulated or changed in the future At any moment after the tally is performed, citizens can audit and validate the results

This process is currently performed physically, using expensive and insecure scanners or sometimes unreliable and expensive software.

Tally lock can also be used by Notaries to notarize any document on the go without carrying seals or ledgers. Documents can be made public on IPFS or a signed certificate can be produced for private documents.
Github 1, Github 2, Presentation
Team: Jorge Garcia, Oscar Presidente

Living Proof — censorship resistant attestations built on the ETH blockchain

Abstract: LivingProof makes it possible for journalists to keep their audiences informed with globally visible, easily consumable, censorship resistant attestations. Using the Ethereum blockchain, journalists can cryptographically attest to a message of their choosing with a time interval to feed the proof, creating a “”living proof”” as long as the proof is fed a new signature before the interval is reached.

Living Proofs can also be funded with Ethereum, making funds available for bounties on actions once a proof dies or funds available for payouts to predetermined recipients. This allows individuals and organizations to programmatically execute actions on the failure of meeting the conditions of life for a proof.

Each Living Proof comes with an embeddable badge for the owners website that can be shared across the web for awareness. This badge displays the status of the proof to the world in a familiar and easy to understand interface. A green badge means the proof is still living, a red badge means the proof is dead. While the proofs themselves are trivial, the ability to globally attest to one’s personal safety in a user friendly way can make a major difference to a journalist reporting on national corruption that does not have the means or desire to leave their country.

Next steps before launch: refactor LivingProof.sol for security and modularity, add multiple optional trigger contracts, improve global feed to feature Living Proofs that request publicity for increased attention.
Team: John Wineman

GiveCrypto Pooled Micro Loans

Abstract: In the world today many people are trapped in poverty because they lack access to the financial resources needed to change their situation. For example, with a loan of $1,000, a farmer in Venezuela earning $20 a month today could move to Bogota and make $2,000 a month as an uber driver, a 100x increase in income.

For our hack, we worked with GiveCrypto, a charity focused on using cryptocurrency to enable economic freedom, to build a peer-to-peer lending tool that allows people to create micro loan fundraisers that can be used to finance these loans. This lets anyone easily lend funds to people in countries without good financial infrastructure, helping lift people out of poverty. Lenders not only help people in need, but also earn a small amount of interest on their investment. We are helping GiveCrypto run their pilot and have three recipients waiting for loans.
Github, Presentation
Team: Carl Cortright, N/A, Alan Nader


Abstract: Robosaver aggregates rates from different Defi platforms and auto-rebalances user accounts to provide them with the highest earning interest rate. Our users do not need to spend time searching for the best deal on the market. Robosaver finds the highest interest rate and swaps the users funds into the currency that is yielding the most returns and deposits the funds for them.
Github, Presentation
Team: Galina Zhiliakova, Zacharias Mitzelos, Val M

Coz — the social DAO to save the world *Finalist*

Abstract: A social network DAO for solving problems. Users post ideas to crowdsource solutions. Donors donate directly to the best solutions. Anyone anywhere can earn rewards for contributing to solutions.
Github, YouTube
Team: Willy Ogorzaly, Dylan Macalinao

Flowerpot 🌻 *Finalist*

Abstract: Flowerpots are an easy and more open way to sustain projects & maintainers. GitHub Sponsors is marketed as a way to connect maintainers with the community who depend on their work in order to receive recurring funds to sustain digital infrastructure. Other platforms, like Open Collective, have followed suit — making an effort to provide new ways for people to fund free and open source software However, when GitHub Sponsors requires acceptance from a “waitlist” and Open Collective requires the formation of a legal entity, we become aware of the limitations of these approaches.

That’s why we built Flowerpot. Flowerpots are wallets that are linked to GitHub orgs. Maintainers and Members of Orgs can use Flowerpot to link a wallet to their GitHub organization. When linked, they can generate a markdown button for their READMEs. When clicked, these buttons automatically initiate a transaction to the Org’s wallet.
Github, YouTube
Team: Abbey Titcomb, Alex Miles, Jenny Pollack

MetaCredits — Bootstrapping the truly unbanked into the ethereum ecosystem *Finalist*

Abstract: We want to create meaningful “on-ramps” into the ethereum ecosystem for developers with limited or no access to cryptocurrency. Our system is designed to allow these developers and their potential end users to be able to interact with the ethereum blockchain in a real and meaningful way (layer 1 transactions) without ever needing to own a single wei. The gas for their transactions will be paid by beneficiaries who are interested in growing the ecosystem and being charitable while feeling secure in (coded) guarantees as to how their funds would be spent by the benefactor.

We have robust and working smart contracts modeling this and have two separate front end applications (representing different user personas) to demonstrate our system design.
Github, Presentation
Team: Joe Bernitt, William Luedtke, Kames Cox-Geraghty, Robert Kruszynski

Castle DAO

Abstract: Allows for low barrier entry to income generating assets, to give passive income. Creates a self-sustaining economy on top of and in service of the DAO. Management and overall ownership is managed in a decentralized way by utilizing a DAO. It also utilizes a novel voting concept as reputation and voting weight is determined by each owner’s token balance.

Allows participation and fund pooling, gives the ability for even small holders to earn passive income. Reduces risk for individuals by giving them the ability to exit at any time through the bonding curve (penalized Ragequit). Creates a governance mechanism for all token holders to provide input into any proposals and expenditures: Repairs, property Management services, Renovations, Additional Dividend Distribution, Potential for DeFi applications for DAO controlled Funds, Rent increases or decreases, Purchasing additional assets.
Github, Presentation
Team: Kris Jones, John Kozan, Richard Lopez, Anar Enhsaihan


Abstract: DAOmocracy is a platform that makes organizations more democratic by allowing members to determine the structure of their group through voting.
Team: Christian Gonzalez, Nora Liu


Abstract: To feed today’s global population, we currently need a farm land equal to the size of South America. Despite the excessive amount of land already allocated for agriculture, an estimated 815 million people worldwide still sleep hungry each night. In addition, by the end of 2050 the worldwide population is estimated to be 9 billion. Modern cities of the world already have half the world’s population, which follows that the effect of projected growth in the global population will be drastically reduced by the habitable land to maintain modern infrastructure to extreme levels. Urban areas are not built for agriculture but a rapidly changing world already lacking land with hunger and agricultural difficulties inspired us to come up with a solution that can redefine the way we think about agriculture.

Urban-Bowl is a decentralized urban farming platform where individuals could lease empty spaces like backyards or basements to produce food using urban farming methods. Our platform incentivizes urban population into farming by providing them a decentralized marketplace to sell their fresh produce directly to consumers in their neighborhoods. We are focusing on impact track and our product meets the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Team: Rohith Kattamuri, Srinivas Teja V.T, Bhargav Muthe, Pushya Mitra

Harmony Charity DAO

Abstract: P2P decentralized charity fundraising platform with campaign quality controlled by DAO voting, and slashing risk exist for potentially malicious fake voter/donator achieve higher level of security.
Team: Jong Hyuck Won, Joshua Armah, Cem Fahliogullari

Open Track Submissions

Primary Market / A Simple Market Game for the Presidential Primary Process

Abstract: A simple market for buying and selling shares in candidates during the primary election process. There is no central order book or matching engine. Users buy or sell shares from a central counterparty. The dApp is meant for small groups of people, e.g. in an office pool. The number of available shares per candidate and the initial credit balance per candidate can be adjusted according to the size of the user base.

Keeping the total number of shares fixed encourages diverse strategies, e.g. put all your money in your favored candidate vs. hedge across multiple candidates. As the primary process goes on, the administrator logs outcomes according to which points are assigned to the users. The leader at the end of the primary process wins the game. The smart contracts were written in Solidity for the Ethereum blockchain using Remix.
Github, YouTube
Team: Vishakh Null , Swapneel Chhaya

Outfront — address monitoring/protection *Spencer Noon’s Choice*

Abstract: Outfront is a safety net! We monitor user specified addresses and with a personal generic whitelist, intercept any erroneous transactions before they can happen, sending your crypto to a user specified safe harbor.
Github, YouTube, Presentation
Team: Jaden McConkey, Jordan Cason, Lawrence Forman, Justin Schuldt

RAD: Reputation and Achievement DApp

Abstract: Problem: A user’s engagement with the Ethereum ecosystem is difficult to measure without scanning each of their transactions.

Solution: Microbounties: Offer a way for users to earn a reward for engaging with a piece of ethereum technology.
Github, YouTube, Presentation
Team: Alexander Angel , Brock Smedley Alex

🔒🙋🏛️ Secure myState

Abstract: Secure myState demonstrates re-usable government/state services for identification, messaging, and document management, between people and their government offices.
Github, YouTube, Figma
Team: Nico Valencia, Kate Jeremko, Julian Ramlal, Chieri Wada


Abstract: DeFiat is a fiat to any ERC-20 on ramp. As of December 2019, there were only 65,000 active users in the DeFi space. Yet, in the US alone, there are 327 Million fiat users. A factor contributing to the lack of DeFi adoption is the absence of direct fiat to ERC-20 bridge. By enabling fiat users to access DeFi directly, we can increase awareness and usage of the DeFi space. With DeFiat, we have solved this problem by developing the first USD to any ERC-20 on ramp. Users are able to input their debit card information and the ERC-20 they want to acquire and, in a single transaction, execute the exchange. The core problem that we’ve solved with this project is removing the need for a user to manually take ETH returned from Wyre’s onramp and execute a swap in a secondary transaction to reach their desired asset. By removing this additional step, we have greatly reduced the friction involved in onboarding new DeFi users. To build DeFiat, we have combined Wyre’s fiat onramp widget with Totle’s swap-and-pay functionality. The result is a regulation-compliant, non-custodial widget that accepts USD payments and automatically swaps funds into any ERC-20 (and, due to Totle Decentralized Aggregation system, at the best pricing available on the DEX market). To do this, we developed a smart contract which holds funds transacted by Wyre; funds held in this contract can only be retrieved by a defined address. By doing this, we can, in a non-custodial manner, execute a swap on a user’s behalf and send it the specified address.
Github, YouTube
Team: Sarah Gibbons, Noah Passalacqua, Andrew Trudel , David Bleznak

User Analytics for Dapps

Abstract: Provide dapp creators with important metrics about their users. Who Can Use this? Any dapp creator in industries such as gaming, exchanges, marketplaces, and others. What are the strengths of this service? Provides value to dapp creators because they get a better idea of where they stand in the market. Gives you a cheap way of gathering competitive intel. What are the weaknesses of this service? Not very privacy oriented. What key metrics do we want to provide? How much time are my users spending on my competitors’ app? What contracts are my users interacting with? Doesn’t necessarily have to be competitors. That way we know our users better. How many unique users do I have? How many users do my competitors have that I don’t have?
Frontend Github, Backend Github
Project Planning documentation
Team: Jason Moujaes


Abstract: Endaoment is a no loss DAO, enabling digital communities to pool funds and direct interest to entities building public goods. A source fork of MolochDAO, it preserves those incentive mechanisms while leveraging Compound and rDai.
Github, YouTube
Team: Matt Solomon, Ben DiFrancesco


Abstract: A modular open-source IoT framework that employs Chainlink middleware to execute real-time peer to peer insurance smart contracts built on Ethereum. On-chain parametric deterministic insurance contracts are set to minimise the transaction costs, specifically the coordination costs, when claiming for insurance. Data-driven insurance contracts allow for claims to be instantly approved or disapproved, which lowers the processing time for agent to effectively zero. Become reconnected with the risk in your immediate network by engaging in peer to peer insurance markets.
Insura Link Github,Hardware Github, External Initiator Github, Contracts Github, YouTube
Team: Raymond Mogg, Aidan Tether, Owen Evans, Patrick McNab

Safe — Authentication through Facial Recognition

Abstract: Safe is a mobile application that assists in providing a 2nd factor of authentication for wallets. By utilizing facial recognition, a person can be identified and verified to be the owner. In doing so, this will lower the risk of fraud in the case of someone stealing your wallet.
Github, Demo
Team: Gavin Ching


Abstract: Warpy is Venmo + them 🔥 DeFi interests. Warpy smoothly onboards users into a DeFi savings account: sign up with email/phone number & deposit with debit card (Fortmatic), and get interest-bearing DAI (Chai), all without using Ether/gas. At the same time, Warpy onboards the user and their Chai onto Loom Network, allowing them to send money instantly & for free. Though Warpy uses Loom Network, it can work with any side chain or roll-up chain that has an asset bridge with Ethereum Mainnet.
Smart Contract Github, Front End Github

Team: Zebang Liu, Owen Shen Rewards Program

Abstract: Krypton Kitchen is a small healthy food company that produces Kombucha, whole sells unique tea blends, and sells jarred fruits and vegetables from small farms in MA and VA. We’re adding a new product this week, Yerba Green Bars! We sold 45 bars this weekend to hackers and accepted crypto as payment via QR codes on our site.

What we built: A NFT token that is used as membership to our rewards program, giving any holders 10% off on our online store. We used OpenZeppelin 721 contracts as a template, added features to let an owner set an initial price for tokens, and let anyone buy them with a call to the contract. Then we added web3 to our website with a DappHero integration that checks a users balance and automatically applies discounts to their owner even if they pay with credit card or ETH.
Team: Brian, Joseph, and Shannon

TikTok <=> ERC721

Abstract: TikTok was downloaded 1.5 billion times as of Nov. 2019 with 700 million daily active users. Let us bring Web3 to these people. By tokenizing TikTok videos into unique NFTs, these crystals of human creativity will be chiseled into Ethereum permanently. We offer them a new way of making money off their already amazing content and a new way to show off, so what’s not to love?
Github, YouTube
Team: Hsea Ching Hsueh


Abstract: Dappr is a decentralized dating app. Think Tinder, but on the chain. The app checks for a Metamask profile, if none is found, it prompts the user to make a Fortmatic account. Then the user is logged into 3box. Users match with others through swiping on profiles, they then can communicate with each other using a thread for 3 box chat. If the match wants to meet somewhere, both users will be prompted to stake $20 worth of Eth. If both stake then they will get their money back when they meet each other and scan the QR code on their respective phones. If one of the ghosts meets up they lose the stake.
Github — Leverage Aggregator

Abstract: Easy leverage ERC20 tokens with stop-losses and take-profits on top of Compound, Fulcrum, Aave and MakerDAO CDP with usage of Aave flash loans, ChainLink oracles for on-chain price verification and 1split.eth swaps (splitted swaps among Kyber, Bancor, MakerDAO and Uniswap). Reduced risks to get a high price slippage at big trading amounts by splitting token swaps among Kyber, Bancor, MakerDAO / Oasis and Uniswap.
Github, YouTube
Team: Sergej Kunz, Kirill Kuznetcov, Nikita Kozlov

Near DEX

Abstract: A DEX prototype based over NEAR blockchain using Rust contracts.
Details: 3 contracts were mainly deployed. One was of Fun token, another similar called ETHB and then I wrote my own contract in rust for an exchange. The contract has an orderbook, it allows the user to submit funds to the contract and then keeps a map of the orders. If an order matches another, it simply executes it. The video features the exchange contract getting executed on the terminal and then it moves on to the front-end for the exchange.

Future Plans: At the moment, its single player, needs to make it multiplayer and enhance it to a full-fledged dex.
Github, YouTube
Team: Hammad Tariq

Flume — Log Indexing for Everyone

Abstract: Our mission is to make ETH nodes operationally manageable. Flume, the log indexing service makes getting log data, simple and fast. It gives people access to the same core functionality of proprietary services while running your own nodes.
Github1, Github2, YouTube, Presentation
Team: Greg Lang, Austin Roberts, Beth Van Horn, Sam Johnston


Abstract: Crypto is volatile and that is a fact. Being able to hedge against its volatility is a game changer for developing the DeFi ecosystem and that is what ohmydefi is working on. By connecting different users on the options market, we are able to sell a straddle for any ERC20 token. We chose to start providing hedge against ETH’s volatility.
Builder, Writer, Hedge
Team: Rafaella Baraldo, Guilherme Guimarães Viana, Robson Silva Junior, Luiz Ottino

We Watch in Public Space: Oracle IOT Space Activity Toolkit

Abstract: We “watch” the makerspace on-chain using a laser beam sensor. We then use our dark layer, iot wifi datastore http magic to fetch data of # of people passing into and out of the maker space every 30min and publish on the blockchain (using chainlink’s token / api) the-graph fetches this from the blockchain allowing us to publish is before your very eyes
Website Interface
IOT Sensor
Chainlink Smart Contract
The Graph API
Website Code
Team: Iain Nash, Evan Trumbull

Alfred by Team Hackers

Abstract: Alfred is a dApp for self-sovereign endowment that walks people through the steps necessary to create a “crypto will,” provides a consensus algorithm for generating proof-of-death, and enables executors to pay debts and distribute assets at the click of a button. With Alfred, people can transfer their cryptocurrency and tokens to crypto-natives and make it easily accessible to individuals who don’t maintain their own digital wallets.

Alfred combines data from a variety of sources including electronic death reporting systems (EDRS) run by state governments and the Social Security Death Index as well as obituaries and social media with a dead man’s switch that gives the executor, beneficiaries, and the allegedly-deceased a way to establish whether or not proof-of-death has been achieved. Once proof-of-death is established, Alfred gives the designated executor the power to settle the deceased individual’s outstanding debts and the smart contract distributes their assets to beneficiaries either “as-is” or settled for Ether thanks to our integration with Kyber.
Github, YouTube, Presentation
Team: Ken Hodler, Aaron Anderson, Morgan Sherwood, Seth Goldfarb


Abstract: Centralized eBook marketplaces take a huge piece of the revenue pie for the service they provide. They create a centralized trust model between publishers/authors and the end consumer. TexTEGRITY removes middle men like Amazon and creates a decentralized trust model that allows publishers/authors to create and manage product listings.
Github, YouTube
Team: Dave Anderson, Mitchell Valentine, Tai Kersten, Nach Dakwale

UpSideDai — 20x leveraged DAI *Finalist*

Abstract: UpsideDai is a highly leveraged contract for difference (CFD) built on the price fluctuation of Dai. This enables market makers and speculators to hedge against and bet on the Dai´s price deviation from the peg. The CFD enables high leverage (20x) while remaining capital efficient (100% collateralization). UpsideDAI helps to stabilize the DAI peg by enabling market makers to arbitrage the price of DAI.
Github, YouTube, Presentation
Team: Alex Scott, Chris Maree, Diego Mazo, Haythem Sellami

Bound: A Patreon-style platform built on a tokenized bonding

Abstract: Patreon built on an out-of-the-box tokenized bonding curve. Fans purchase an artist’s token and gain access to exclusive content. Artists take a fee on every token purchase/sale.

Content creators are underpaid. Fans don’t have a meaningful and mutually beneficial way to directly support their favorite artists. Bound allows content creators to further monetize content in a novel way. Their profits scale alongside the growth of their dedicated fanbase, and the fans receive to major forms of value:

Enjoy the benefits of an exclusive “”club”” that provides access to premium content. For example, a musician could offer early album downloads, signed merchandise, Bound-exclusive concerts, etc. For as long as a fan holds the token, they retain access to all current and future rewards.

The ability to invest in and profit off of the speculative market around the future success of an artist. Early adopters are rewarded the most, but even those who might lose money by selling back into the bonding curve at a loss still support the content creator.

Artists are able to continually profit as long as people are buying & selling the token, and they are able to establish a more meaningful connection with their fans.
Github, YouTube
Team: Jérôme Rastit, Jeremy Stern, Hal Hyatt, Michael McKain

Medici *Finalist*

Abstract: Medici is a platform with Youtube and Twitch integrations with the ambition to grow to integrate with all content creation platforms. The platform enables both users and content creators to quantify important metrics on-chain such as; likes, views, subscriptions, time spent watching videos. These data metrics can then be quantified and represented on-chain via a point mechanism. The point mechanism enables reputation to be initially established and through reputation amongst users a closed loop economy can be established around this audience: ie through avenues such as a swag store or NFTs.
Github, YouTube
Team: Ashley Morgan, Jacob Parker, Clarence Liu, Leo Vigna


Abstract: This project consists of ERC721 P2P lending through escrow Smart Contract and dApp taking care of Smart Contract transactions. By lending ERC721 borrower has to pay collateral worth of ERC721 initial worth plus interest that is set by lender and stored Smart Contract thus can be claimed by lender in case borrower refuses to return ERC721 after lending period ends. By enabling the ability to loan any NFT, LEND721 creates new liquidity for digital collectibles and virtual land. With the emergence of new platforms like Rocket DAO, which offers loans against ERC721, providing and validating a revenue stream for NFTs will allow for lower APR and better credit lines.
Github, YouTube
Team: Deimantas Spucys, Drew Harding

AI Treasure Hunt

Abstract: Do you store your private keys in the cloud? Is it safe for companies to train ai models on your “”anonymized”” data? We hid a SECRET HASH inside of GPT2 (a deep learning language model), “”interrogate”” it to win a bounty in CHAI (Dai DSR derivative token).
Team: CJ Carr, Julien Heller, Saga Arvidsdotter,

MyCO file management

Abstract: File management and proof of existence of files for Advance Colorado Track
Github, YouTube
Team: Solange Gueiros, Adrian Giannini


Abstract: A web3.dart App using flutter to connect cancer/leukemia patients to platelets donors on a P2P basis. A user-friendly chat to connect humans and generate a valuable bond between them.
Github, YouTube, ReadME
Team: Juliana Passos

TemporalX IoT (TexIOT) — An IoT Mesh Network Framework With Bundled LibP2P & IPFS Video Streaming

Abstract: TemporalX IoT is an IoT mesh network comprised of multiple ESP32 chips, including an ESP32-CAM chip which streams a webcam on the meshnet. The meshnet is bridged to a MKR1000 board functioning as a regular WiFi network, giving the ability to route traffic from the meshnet to hosts on the regular WiFi network, although I didn’t get a chance to implement the routing of traffic, however the meshnet is bridged to the regular wifi network. Additionally there is a backend comprised of TemporalX, S3X, and a generalized LibP2P node. TemporalX + S3X are used to pull the mjpeg stream coming off the ESP32-CAM and does a few things:

  • Copies the output into a LibP2P protocol
  • This means that any libp2p host can stream the video coming off the camera
  • LibP2P video streaming, wat? :O
  • Copies the output into S3X
  • The entire video feed is stored on S3 + IPFS as a backup
  • Takes the data from S3X and streams it via a http server

Team: Alex Trottier

Kettlecorn — Anonymous Eth 2 Deposit Dapp

Abstract: Our idea was to build a dapp that allows Eth holders that want to validate in Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 an easy way to anonymize their deposits to the beacon chain deposit contract on Ethereum mainnet. We succeeded in compiling and deploying the deposit contract to Kovan along with uploading and verifying the source code on Etherscan. We also successfully used Carl Beek’s Ethereum 2.0 Toolkit to generate credentials to use with deposits to the deposit contract. We also modified and deployed an update tornado cash to Kovan to accept 32 ETH deposits. We also created a dapp to begin tying the workflow together to walk the user through tornado deposit, withdrawal, credentials generation for Eth 2, and then deposit to the beacon chain deposit contract.

We felt this historic migration of ETH from Ethereum 1.0 to 2.0 with consistent deposit/transfer amounts of 32 ETH could provide a high likelihood of anonymity for new and long time users of Ethereum 1.0 that have little to no privacy on the current mainnet.
Team: Alex Fisher, Bryan Edelman, Kevin Vitale, Mike Jadick


Abstract: Info TBD
Team: Aditya Asgaonkar, Lakshman Sankar

Whiteblock ETH2 Network Partitions

Abstract: Info TBD
Team: Nathaniel Gentile, Zak Cole, Nathaniel Blakeley

Die Kitty Dai *Illia Polosukhin’s Choice*

Abstract: Send your Cryptokitties out on a raid in a massive boss battle. Each CK submitted performs an attack on the boss, and if the boss is still alive, the CK is turned into a Wrapped Cryptokitty and stored in the boss’s contract. When a Cryptokitty defeats the boss, the cat remains alive and its owner wins a ton of Wrapped Cryptokitties and any DAI submitted to boost the Cryptokitty in its raid attack.
Team: Ben Heidorn, Michael Arnold, Paul Gadi, Mark Pereira

The Ethsplainer 2.0, Fearlessly explore the Ethereum protocol *Finalist* *Taylor Monahan’s Choice*

Abstract: The Ethsplainer 2.0 is an educational tool that peels back the curtain and strips away the magic from blockchain data formats. Users of all levels can explore various blockchain data formats and gain newfound understanding of commonly seen but not often understood data constructs.
Github, YouTube
Team: David Alexander, Ronald Stoner, Peter Hendrick,

MuckRaker — Shining Light A On The Truth

Abstract: Journalists are constantly persecuted for reporting on politically or socially contentious topics. Threats or other forms of intimidation have been used throughout history to enable established political structures to maintain their power and prevent dissidence. Repercussions for reporting can often go as far as physical violence or death, as in the case of Jamal Khashoggi.

How do we solve this? MuckRaker is a dApp that enables journalists to be anonymously supported by a set of patrons who would want to sponsor their work. MuckRaker enables patrons to search for journalistic works based on content, location, and a select few other tags. Funding is processed through MetaMask and Ethereum mainchain. Privacy is important in the latter steps of the journalist-patron interaction. Quorom Tessera is a natural choice for maintaining private smart contracts in order to submit project reports (the finalized summary for the work) to the patrons. This feature enables patrons to verify their journalists’ work without any potentially identifying information in the report to the

How did we do this? We used IPFS for our distributed data store and Quorom for our permissioned blockchain system. The React front-end client displays the information and enables payments with MetaMask. Work needs to be done on better decentralization and privatizing transactions when possible. We were also looking into a chain-swap feature, where a Smart Contract on main-chain would issue events through an Oracle to mint and transfer money on our permissioned chain, and a similar flow would enable cash out.
Github, Presentation
Team: Aneesh Saripalli, Luis D. Osta

D Corp

Abstract: A meme DAO implementing futarchy using a sample ERC-20. Uniswap is used both as an ICO mechanism for the ERC-20 and as a price oracle. The value of this token is speculated on through a combinatorial prediction market, which drives the DAO’s decisions.
Github, YouTube
Team: Alan Lu, Thor Kamphefner, Brayton Goodall

MakerDAO BTC Vault

Abstract: Using RenVM to collateralize DAI with BTC. Send real BTC and get DAI, simple as that.
Github, YouTube
Team: Loong Wang, Chris Mooney, Andrew Cassetti

Web3 x SAML — Unified Authentication for Web2 and Web3

Abstract: We built a bridge between Web2 and Web3 with a SAML identity provider. This enables users to sign into the thousands of SAML supporting apps using a KeepKey hardware wallet, and manage their user data via 3Box. A users identity is compared against a smart contract that manages the roles a user has in an organization and kept in sync across Web2 and Web3
Github, Presentation
Team: Greg Taschuk, George Weiler

Identity and Social Collateral

Abstract: We aim to lower the heavy collateralization required by most DeFi protocols by tokenizing user identity. ID data is encrypted and held in an erc20 token which is then passed to the Lendroid protocol. Under normal repayment conditions the borrower remains anonymous but on default their identity is exposed.
Github, YouTube
Team: Bryan Campbell, Dennis Juanito, Siva Ragavan

Liame — Wallet Based Email

Abstract: Traditional email is not suitable for spam resistant, privacy centric and user friendly interaction.

Key things Liame is solving: 1. Data Ownership — Your wallet is your access to your emails 2. Spam — Every message sent requires blockchain authentication against user defined preferences. Every email is a unique hash that is thrown away after successful message send, no more guessable email addresses! 3. Privacy — Wallet based accounts mean public/private keys control end to end encryption 4. Autonomous Communication — Finally blockchain smart contracts can engage with users for meaningful decentralized application events. 5. User Experience — Using products like WalletConnect, simply scan into viewing your inbox.

We intended to add two features: 1. Email proxy — store a preference where emails could get forwarded. Useful if you have multiple wallets. 2. Decentralized network relay layer — Implementing similar tech to gas station network for generalized email delivery.

Why “Liame”? We reversed how email is delivered and controlled, seemed fitting :)
Gitlab, YouTube
Team: Mike Purvis, Trevor Clarke, Hushel Roberts

ShopiFi — E-commerce plugin for DeFi *Finalist**Joe Lubin’s Choice*

Abstract: ShopiFi is an ecommerce plugin to instantly deposit funds into a DeFi protocol. Any e-commerce solution can install the plugin to allow mainstream users access to Compound, Pool Together, and Chai all via a credit card or Apple/Google Pay. To demonstrate ShopiFi, we launched an e-commerce site selling breakfast cereal, called “General Shills”, because cereal is an important part of a (re)balanced breakfast.
Github, YouTube
Team: Jordan Lyall, Corbin Page

Bitcoin Earn- Earn interest on your bitcoin and access DeFi swaps while still HODLing *Finalist*

Abstract: Bitcoin Earn allows you to start earning interest on your Bitcoin. Deposit your Bitcoin to create TBTC (tokenized Bitcoin), convert your TBTC to Compound Bitcoin, and start earning interest while still HODLing. Bitcoin Earn also allows you to trade for ETH and other interest-bearing tokens via our UniSwap integration. Also, deployed on IPFS Textile. Note: Since there is little/no liquidity for TBTC, we could only swap via a uniswap pool (TBTC to ETHER).
Github, Demo File, Demo, Figma
Team: Jonathan Schwartz, Parker Place, Jonathan Sanders, Trucy Phan


Abstract: Traditional 2x leveraged ETFs can allow consumers to maintain a continuous double exposure to underlying assets on the stock market. moonETH (mETH) aims to provide a similar asset on the Ethereum blockchain via a tokenized 2x ETH asset with all borrowing managed by a linked smart contract and rebalanced via Oracle. Underlying assets are a MakerDAO Collateralized Debt Position (CDP).
Github, Presentation, CLI Run
Team: Jacob Caban-Tomski, Tanner Moore, Jordan Reindl, Robert Hauser

Bux — Simple UX Tests Powered by Ethereum

Abstract: Crypto tools typically have poor UX so we built Bux to help developers conduct simple UX tests. Bux connects developers directly with users who are incentivized by payments. Users earn Bux tokens by completing UX tests and tokens are used to purchase additional UX tests.
Github, YouTube
Team: Ryan Yosua, Rachael Drennan, Adrian Hanft


Abstract: niftInsure is a protocol that enables fixed term NFT insurance. The smart contract allows an NFT owner to request a quote for insurance on an NFT in exchange for a premium. If the NFT owner pays the premium (in DAI) they then have the right but not the obligation to sell the NFT to the insurer at any time during the term (American put option). The insurer instantiates the insurance contract with a pool of funds such that they must maintain a given ratio of assets to liability. In short niftInsure helps with NFT price discovery and liquidity while unlocking NFT lending with much stronger value guarantees!
Github, YouTube
Team: Will Sheehan, Hans Enlin

cl(ea) Open Quadratic Funding

Abstract: Open Bribery-Resistant Quadratic Funding for ETH Public Goods
Github, Presentation
Team: Auryn Macmillan, Adam Stallard, Paul Cowgill, Tommy Cox


Abstract: We recognize that decentralized applications strive to be ‘zero fees’ for transfers among users. However, there is no good way of monetizing the service as a result. How is it possible to monetize a smart contract for a service while maintaining 0 fees? Introducing LedgerLocker…

We built a generic staking protocol that allows smart contract owner to earn interest while maintaining account balances. Any DAI that is received from the smart contract can be directed to DSR where the smart contract owner is the recipient of the interest.

We want users to keep their funds but also allow smart contract owners to monetize their services through interest. Think POOLTOGETHER but instead the balance is going straight to the owner.

Any time DAI gets transferred into the smart contract, the smart contract will convert the DAI into DSR. The smart contract keeps a balance of the DAI for each user. As such, when a user wants to withdraw, the smart contract will take the DAI out from DSR and transfer it back to the user. The smart contract owner earns all of the interest generated by the DAI as payment for the service. In our smart contracts, we chose to use DAI, however we built our smart contract in a generalized way such that it can be extended to multiple lending tokens such as Fulcrum or Compound. Additionally, it can be abstracted to use ANY ERC20 or ETH and earn interest off of it.
Github, Presentation, Finalist demo
Team: Haardik Kumar, Jason Du, Ryan Ouyang, Jonathan Xu


Abstract: Our eminent interconnected world brings opportunities across various industries, but requirements of trusted and valid data sources are necessary.

We are creating a decentralized marketplace for a shared-economy of robot data and services. Users from around the world can explore our marketplace and purchase real time/streaming data or static data from a set of worldwide data sources (e.g. robots, IoT devices). With drones and mobile robots, we allow users to set navigation paths for autonomous navigation, and temporarily allow for the teleoperation of such systems.

In our platform, we leverage a ChainLink oracle that links data of multiple data sources that are present in a single location — for example, a set of drones surveying an agricultural field, or a set of temperature sensors. In turn, the Oracle can provide a single source of truth that provides harder guarantees on the validity of the data .

We leverage EtherMint for faster transaction time and to lower the gas cost of our smart contracts, as well as for interoperability and the ability to fine tune the state transition logic for our unique requirements. Our set of smart contracts enable the purchase of the data and enable permissions access to the machines.
Github, Arxiv
Team: Irvin Cardenas, Antoine De Vuyst, John May


Abstract: Implementation of Pit game meant for private deployment of Ethermint for teaching traders.
Team: Tai Kersten

Cosmos Scavenger Sidechain API

Abstract: Rest client for the scavenge module as well as a merged PR on the tutorials Repo.
Team: Theo Ephraim

IPFS iOS Backup

Abstract: Today iOS backups go to iCloud where others have access to it. Our command-line utility runs a local backup from your iPhone and pushes it to IPFS and pins it. It is encrypted locally before pushed to the pinning service of your choice to store it in decentralized servers allowing only the user to have access to their data!
Github, YouTube, Presentation
Team: Cody Hatfield, Steve Derezinski

Humanize Pay / Send payment for multiple currency with domain name

Abstract: Sending payment through a crypto address is hard for humans to remember and verify. Humanize pay allows you send a payment through domain name, which associates with corresponding crypto address
Github — humanize pay, Github — unstoppable domains resolver, YouTube
Team: Xuefeng Zhu, Sirong Li


Abstract: The future of mobile auth. SAFENET protects mobile phone users by detecting SIM changes and notifying third parties of suspicious activity. This solves the common SIM-Swapping attack where hackers phish for personal details and use social engineering to swap SIM cards and change passwords on custodial exchanges to steal crypto.
Team: Mitchell Opatowsky, Michael Coon, Michael Powers, Michael Cohen

Microverse.Life Cell NFT

Abstract: Mint, split, and merge NFT biological cells. Compete to make unique and special cells and avoid getting rekt!

Mint new cells directly from the contract at a cost of .008 per cell. Cell art is procedurally generated using the random values assigned during minting. The visual complexity of the cell depends in part on the total mass of the cell. Cells are minted with a mass of 8. Any cell with a mass of 8 or less is a level 1 cell. The mass threshold for each level is twice the previous level. A player may merge any two cells they own into a new cell. The genetics of the merged cell are sampled from the input cells based on their proportion of the total mass being combined. E.G. A cell with a mass of 8 has a small chance of influencing the genetic outcome when merging with a cell with a mass of 100. When merging cells, the resulting mass can vary greatly. The table below describes the probability of different mass altering outcomes. A player may divide any cell they own into two cells of smaller mass with identical genetics. The distribution of mass between these divided cells will range from 50–50 to 70–30 at most. The total mass of the resulting cells is equal to the mass of the parent cell.
Team: Alex Hansen, Nate Hart, Jacob C


Abstract: The problem MemeTogether solves People’s faces and voices are becoming composable and transferable like “money legos.” DeepFake technology is improving the quality of memes and faceswaps w/o permission of users.

We are creating a Dapp that allows the Community to Meme together and also rewards the owner of the face and voice data. Additionally the Memetogether product creates the following:

1) A staking mechanism that creates a higher level of commitment to the meme created, ensuring that it is shared 2) Funding Compute: An integration with Compound, where the DAI locked for 7 days generates an interest, that is used to subsidize the computational costs and also subsidize the AI talent to create high quality memes
Github, YouTube, Overview, Presentation password: tMMT6L3BnC!g
Team: Arif Khan, Joseph Turner

Abstract: Content creators can use this component to monetise their content. A content-creator can use our component to set an address, an image (although we believe this could expand into other media) and a payment amount. Our component will then blur the content to obscure it. Paying some ETH will remove the blur and make the content visible. Imagine an artist monetising an online exhibition, an illustrator ensuring they get paid for their work. Maybe some of the Spankchain performers could also make use of this…
Team: Mike Lockwitz, Ryan Cordell


Abstract: No-loss betting to reward community voted content.
Team: Shadman Hossain, Tsolmondorj Natsagdorj


Abstract: A prototype Hemp tracking system.
Team: Jeff Prestes, Mike Wyszinski, Dulce Villarreal

Snap Codegen

Abstract: Generate high end snaps in a snap. A generator tool for creating metamask snaps via openrpc. Also with this tooling includes a separate, stand-alone tool and website: Inspector Snaps, a tool to create, modify and execute JSON-RPC requests to metamask plugins: Github snaps openrpc generator, Github — inspector snaps, Xops — Github — inspector snaps, YouTube
Team: Zachary Belford


Abstract: DApp that runs directly in Car allowing Drives to easily pay for fuel using Ethereum. Communication and payment is done via smart contract. UI Scan QR code at the gas pump to get the eth address of the station. UI appears on Car’s touch screen dashboard to authorize payment. The impact? DeVi makes finding and using environment friendly alternative fuels easy.
Team: Derrick Wilson-Duncan


Abstract: Metamask x Kyberswap. Integrated Kybernetwork directly into Metamask for token swaps.

1 Million Blocks

Abstract: Win Crypto from your friends.
Team: Pablo Peillard and team

The Graph on Flutter

Abstract: Mobile apps can use leverage subgraphs too! We wanted to show other developers that a flutter application can use The Graph to query subgraphs just like a Gatsby.js / React.js can.

We used the Compound subgraph to display a list of supply rates per cToken markets. Given more time we could see the potential for adding notifications when supply rates change using graphql subscriptions. Beyond that we also want to add sign-in capabilities on the app with wallet authentication so we could query data based on the signed in users account.
Team: Jonah Walker, Gabe Greenfield


Abstract: ASTROETH — is an out of this world idea…. from the simple plains of the buffy comes the space age technology of the money lego future! Not just normal ETHS either…. but rather ETHs that WENT TO SPACE BRO… SPACE. Neal Armstrong didn’t plant an ETH client node when he went on his last moon mission so we will just have to settle for low earth orbit.

ASTROETH are special ERC20 that have taken the rainbow bridge of digital bits to the magical land of stars… only to be beamed at the freaking speed of light to a mesh of 66 other SATs (not satoshi’s you nitwit… SATELLITES) anyhow, it makes its way back to the normie internet and BAM… NOT JUST LEVEL2… but a whole other level.

SASS startup landing page

Abstract: Added template for sass startup landing page
Github, Site
Team: Saurav Tomar

Improved the Donation Box by adding animation

Abstract: Donate coffee pls
GlitchTeam: Pablo Peillard, Benjamin Sarquis Peillard

Integrated Unstoppable Domain Resolving

Abstract: Found an ENS resolving extension and wanted to see how easy or difficult it’d be to integrate unstoppable domain and IPFS resolution
Team: Pablo Peillard, Philip Prophet, Benjamin Sarquis Peillard

dotCrypto chrome extension

Abstract: Chrome extension to handle .crypto and .zil domain redirects
Team: Saurav Tomar

UniLogin module for ENSLogin

Abstract: ENSLogin is an initiative to provide dapps native access support for all wallets, in a decentralized way. This relies on a common SDK that dapps have to include, and independent, wallet specific, modules. While not yet being production ready, ENSLogin already supports metamask, opera, authereum, portis, torus, ledger, and now/soon unilogin.
Team: Hadrien Croubois, Miguel Mota

ENSnap, an ENS toolbox within metamask

Abstract: ENSnap is a toolbox that will contain everything needed to interact with ENS, from name resolution and lookup to domain registration and configuration.
Team: Hadrien Croubois

DAO Token Telegram Bot Manager

Abstract: 2020 is the year of DAO. In order to solve the massive adoption problem to attract next billion users, we develop a near bridge relay layer and telegram bot so that the end users can transfer, query and play with their ERC20 compatible token within a telegram group!
Github, YouTube

Kickback IPFS content hash smart contract

Abstract: Currently Kickback does not have any meta event info (title, date, etc). Added ipfsHash field and handleUpdateMeta event handler
Team: Makoto Inoue

Fortmatic staker stats

Abstract: This dashboard shows stats around Fortmatic staking. Stats include:

  • Value of staking pool, when it was deposited, and now.
  • Total ETH transacted by addresses that staked over the last 7 days
  • Transactions by addresses that staked over the last 7 days
  • A force directed chart of transaction connections over the last 7 days

Team: Jayson Jacobs

SKALE URL Shortener

Abstract: On-chain URL shortener for SKALE
Github, YouTube
Team: Saurav Tomar

Improve distributed computing on iExec decentralized cloud infrastructure with efficient and secure result collection.

Abstract: The textile bucket feature over IPFS offers a simplified, secure and efficient solution to collect the result of distributed computation. IExec is well suited to distribute computation thanks to the decentralized marketplace for computing resources. With iExec, large simulation is divided in many tasks that optimizes the resources usage and the time to solution. But when simulation is completed, the result collection is fragmented and more complicated to achieve. Textile simplifies and improves the process.
Team: Eric Rodriguez

Limitless UX for Real-time Data Analytics

Abstract: There are tools and platforms that can analyze blockchain and DLT data — however nothing exists that enables buidlers to create compelling UX dashboards.. until now. Splunk’s latest dashboard framework removes creative design boundaries and lets you make data beautiful. Team Splunk created one such example for OST and Pepo!
Team: Stephen Luedtke, Nate McKervey

Analyzing Hedera Hashgraph Contracts

Abstract: We created an endpoint to connect MythX and Hashgraph’s deployment console
Team: Pablo Peillard, Benjamin Sarquis Peillard

DappHero Templates

Abstract: DappHero Templates is a resource hub to download/buy/access web3-enabled templates with the DappHero engine.
Team: Sydney Lai

Simple Custom Donation Template

Abstract: Simple Customized Donation template that can be used and modified by anybody else. Made in WebFlow. Can also be used to send eth to any custom address.


Abstract: A web app that translate eth address into a spectrum of colors built using Dapp Hero.
Team: James Shih

jquery examples using dapphero static data in a dynamic way

Abstract: In my project, and most, users will need to make UI decisions based on onchain data, like how many tokens people have, whether they are logged in, or what the result of contract calls are. There are no docs on exactly how to do this yet on DappHero, and all the values grabbed from contracts are easier to get, but inserted statically in HTML. I forked an existing tutorial on simple contract calls and made 2 examples of using jquery (with many comments) to make dynamic decisions based on whether users have tried to log in and handling results of contract calls.
Glitch 1, Glitch example
Team: Joseph Schiarizzi


Abstract: Lottery with Smart Contract and DappHero
Team: Ermano Nicolas Joseph

Near URL Shortener

Abstract: On-chain URL shortener for the near blockchain
Github, YouTube
Team: Saurav Tomar, MD Halim

If you got this far, congratulations! Thank you for taking the time to look through all of the wonderful ETHDenver submissions. We’re proud to have incredible hackers from around the world come work and play with us, and we look forward to their work living on long after the event. See you in 2021 for the Year of the Spork Marmot!




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