BUIDL with Ceramic Network at ETHDenver 2021

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4 min readFeb 6, 2021

Curious about BUIDLing at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021 with Ceramic Network but wanting more details on their project? Get the scoop from their recent interview with ETHDenver:

What Is Ceramic Network?

“Ceramic Network is a way to store information that users and builders have direct control over. It’s really enabling more direct control of information and interoperability across Web3. So I mean, if you’re building a traditional way, one of the biggest complexities and increasingly biggest liabilities is, ‘How do you manage user information?,’ both personal information, but also just a very longtail of things that different parts of your business might collect about the user. And, again, if you’re trying to do it on your own user tables in your own infrastructure, you have to make sure that you have, you know, both really good permissioning systems, so you can use it in the right ways, but also security across that data. And you’re basically setting up a trove of data that could be hacked into that you could abuse and you have to comply with all sorts of regulations but still try to set up the access controls for different parts of your system to get access to the right time. It’s just a huge complexity. And a huge overhead when you really want to be focusing on, ‘What’s the value you’re out to provide? What’s the service that you want to give to users in as simple a way as possible?’

So again, when you flip the model, and start to store data with users, you don’t have to worry about any of that; you don’t need a user back end. Instead, it’s managed in a very simple, standard way flexible for you to define how the data is saved, where the data is saved, and how its access is controlled. But that lives on Ceramic, and it lives with the user. And each time any given user returns, they bring that with them. And it’s such a huge load off of developers and lets them focus on, again, what value they want to provide instead of how they want to manage the data behind the scenes.”

What Else Should BUIDLers Know?

“So ETHDenver has a special place in our team’s hearts; we’ve been coming for years, we’ve sponsored a couple of times now, it is one of the most engaging, active hackathons we’ve ever seen. The quality of the projects, the quality of the people there, the discussions that take place around it, the panels and talks, and even events that happen around it are always a great way to kick off the year. We’ve had tons of people build and teach us what they want to get value from on our previous products; it’s a really good way to test our newest features to get early input on. And also just to get the word out about what’s possible: you have a hugely concentrated set of people who take brand new tech and use it in ways that you don’t expect. And so I think we had 20 different teams use 3Box products last year, and half of them were things we had never even thought of. And so it’s really exciting to see them get up on stage and demo something with something you built without an idea of how it’s going to be used and do something new with it. And so we get to see everything we built; we get to learn from it.”

What Is Ceramic Excited About This Year?

“This year, it’s going to be the first hackathon where Ceramic Network is really ready to be experimented with and used. And so we’re super excited to see what people build with it. We really want to give all the builders of Web3 the best tools that they can to bring their vision to life with; we think there’s been a lot of progress on a whole bunch of fronts. But they’ve been pretty disconnected. And so it’s hard to make use of different databases and authentication tools and blockchains in a fairly easy way, in part because they’ve all been a little bit siloed. And so one of our goals is to really be the connective tissue and bring all these different aspects of the Web3 vision together in a really easy to use way. Almost helping these different technologies speak the same language. And that is the role that both Ceramic as a technology can provide, and also the community of developers that’s been helping us build it and building on it. And so yeah, really, this composability and ability for data and identities to be composable and interoperable, as well as assets on a blockchain is the role that we want to bring to Web3!”

Meet the team and learn more about Ceramic Network & 3Box Labs at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021, February 5–12! Apply today at ethdenver.com.




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: http://ethdenver.com • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam