BUIDL with Filecoin at ETHDenver 2021

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3 min readFeb 7, 2021

Curious about BUIDLing at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021 with Filecoin but wanting more details on their project? Get the scoop from their recent interview with ETHDenver:

What Is Filecoin?

“To describe Filecoin, our mission is to create a decentralized, efficient and robust foundation for humanity’s information. We truly believe humanity’s most valuable resource is information. And we’re incredibly passionate about storing and protecting that valuable resource in an efficiently priced and distributed way. And to go into a little bit of detail, you can think of Filecoin as replacing a small number of cloud storage companies; it took that really control how your data is stored and priced, to a completely open global market where anybody can become a data storage provider, whether that’s a large data center, or you and your apartment or your house.

And so you can think of Filecoin as an analogy to the Airbnb of storage, where you now have a whole set of diverse options, being able to store your data with different prices and locations and retrieval speeds and various certifications. And as an entire global network, data storage providers on Popcorn are able to compete with the scale reliability and efficiency of larger players. infrastructure that developers have to get familiar with in order to really put into action, the Web3 vision of decentralizing the web.”

What Else Should BUIDLers Know?

“We run hackathons pretty often and many of those teams have formed, you know, by getting to know each other and sharing ideas. And I’ve moved on to like really professional projects that have entered accelerators that are now seeking funding and are launching as major projects and organizations. So it’s not only a way to like to learn the fundamental tools and the stack itself, but it’s a way to meet others, and share ideas that eventually evolved into major projects in Web3. Oh, there’s a whole bunch of videos and educational materials and community members that are available to kind of really get to learn how to use PowerPoint, or IPFS, or any Web3 stack layer. And so that’s what’s really great about hackathons. But it doesn’t just stop there.

As you go through a hackathon, you get familiar with the project, you might have a really good idea there then incubators and accelerators and then formal programs where you can take your ideas, and hacks and projects and organizations to the next level. You can get brands through our funding programs, you can enter accelerators, and then you can also tap into a wide variety of investors that also want to fund your projects. So for example, our first accelerator was run by Tachyon. It’s been going for the last three months. And we have demo day for the 13 teams that are graduating from that accelerator this Friday. And, you know, beyond that there are certain ecosystem funds that are solely focused on funding, you know, startups in the Filecoin and IPFS ecosystems, and they have millions and millions of dollars specifically earmarked for those startups that are building really cool tech. So it starts at a hackathon. It’s where you get familiar and interested in, you know, potentially finding some folks that you want to work with. And then if you’re interested to perceive those projects, there’s a whole bunch of opportunities later in the funnel to take advantage!”

Meet the team and learn more about Filecoin at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021, February 5–12! Apply today at ethdenver.com.




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: http://ethdenver.com • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam