BUIDL with Fluence at ETHDenver 2021

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3 min readFeb 7, 2021

Curious about BUIDLing at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021 with Fluence but wanting more details on their project? Get the scoop from their recent interview with ETHDenver:

What Is Fluence?

“At Fluence Project, we build the open application platform which allows developers to build composable applications using open stack and which works as a analogy to a centralized cloud, sort of a decentralized protocol that enables decentralized cloud marketplaces where different applications can be built, can be composed, and use the same and share the same data users and built on each other.

It’s a big battle in the open source versus cloud space for the last couple of years, when big open source became popular, open source projects started changing their licenses, because Amazon and other clouds earned a lot of money on their products that their customers pay to computation, like to run these open source databases and so on in the proprietary cloud. And authors of this open source do not get any money from it. So they changed the license. And they’re sort of trying to compete with Amazon in this case, and what Fluence enables is that all these projects can shift on an open stack, and decentralized stack enabled by Fluence. So if anyone would use these popular databases, or smaller pieces of software of Fluence, and would build applications on top of it. So the original authors would earn money. So it works as an open source royalty, if you wish.

What Else Should BUIDLers Know?

The onboarding to this technology is really easy. So it’s just like an analogy to Cloudstack. But it’s OpenStack. It’s fully open source, it’s, uh, you know, you can run a node, you can become a cloud provider, we can run services, you can build an app in SDKs. And tools that we produce, you can include other services that other people run. So it’s sort of collective and collaborative, open runtime that everyone can contribute to, and everyone can play a role in that and everyone can benefit from it.

Oh, mainly when we think of blockchains, like this system is general, it sort of enables DeFi style composability for the web scale for any off chain applications. And when we think about onchain, it’s always off chain parts of your app that just don’t fit, like Ethereum requirements and like guest limits and so on. It’s all things related to oracles’ written data from chain; writing data on chain there can be many different ways to think about this and to enable, and to implement oracles there can be different ways of choosing which data to trust when it’s being written to on chain. And Fluence is sort of like a building block, like a legal element you can build using Fluence tools and components, you can build any kind of logic related to your particular use case of your smart contract and your source of data. Like for example, you would want to trust particular nodes if the data comes from there, or you would want to require them to have a partial consensus on some part of data. You can build all these systems on Fluence; you can build distributed behavior, distributed logic between nodes that executes different different pieces of off chain data processing, and then you put it on chain and then you use it in your smart contract application.”

Meet the team and learn more about Fluence at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021, February 5–12! Apply today at ethdenver.com.




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: http://ethdenver.com • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam