BUIDL with Mousebelt at ETHDenver 2021

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3 min readFeb 7, 2021


Curious about BUIDLing at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021 with Mousebelt but wanting more details on their project? Get the scoop from their recent interview with ETHDenver:

What Is Mousebelt?

“Hey everyone, my name is Roshan and I’m a project manager at Mousebelt. I work on the reimagined 2021 virtual conference series that we’ve been doing for the past six or so months. I’m very excited to be here today. And a little bit about Mousebelt. Mousebelt is a full service blockchain accelerator. And we have a lot of different arms, such as Mousebelt University, and the innovation arm. And we really like to work in a lot of these different sectors to overall help increase the adoption of the blockchain ecosystem. So we like to get our hands dirty, and help everyone out.

If you just look at where a lot of these more mature projects are coming from, they always start off as a hackathon. I think we saw that with a lot of DeFi products, specifically, where a lot of the founders weren’t even technical founders; they just sort of ended these past hackathons and got inspiration and ideas. And I think one of the ideas was like, no loss lottery that someone created. And that was a great product to get more people involved.”

What Else Should BUIDLers Know?

“So I think, you know, hackathons are that sandbox environment where you can experiment and more importantly, find other founders to help you build your product as well. But I love hearing those stories and just sort of validating the importance of, you know, those early stage hackathons. Many members from our team have participated in 500 startups before. And what we sort of learned is that just giving, for example, funds to a startup is not enough. So our accelerator model, our philosophy is, in order for these blockchain projects to really be successful, they need a lot of support, specifically development.

So the way our model works, we essentially take equity out of the standard things in exchange for some funds. But we also have a very strong internal development team that works on our own projects. But also, the idea is to lend our developers to these products. And that’s how we sort of divert our own risk. But overall, that’s what we believe that, you know, they’re going to use the funds to go look for developers anyway. So we sort of supplied both. And that’s what I would say that we sort of sit in the intersection in the middle of a lot of these discussions. So yeah, that’s what we believe overall, that it’s not just about money. It’s about being in there with the founders many times and solving the problems together, really. I think there needs to be more developer tools, and honestly, more more tools that can appear to a wider base of people.

Developers can think of ways they can either break and create solutions within their product directly to offer those options of some of the things, some of the examples I gave it, such as protecting against risks, you know, automatically coding this into some of the smart contracts, right? I think, you know, we’re still developing these smart contracts in terms of how I would say, how interchangeable or how much specificity you can code into a smart contract because we’ve been tested just in the testing stages. So I would say that if you build around solving a lot of those problems, I think you’ll find that companies will be more willing to be involved and get more exposure.”

Meet the team and learn more about Mousebelt at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021, February 5–12! Apply today at ethdenver.com.




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: http://ethdenver.com • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam