BUIDL with Parsiq at ETHDenver 2021

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2 min readFeb 9, 2021

Curious about BUIDLing at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021 with Parsiq but wanting more details on their project? Get the scoop from their recent interview with ETHDenver:

What Is Parsiq?

“We’re a very interesting project that allows users and programmers to monitor literally everything that is happening in blockchain and outside of the blockchain as long as we have connectors to it. And we even created a programming language that allows other script ability levels on top of any event that is happening. A very simple use case for our technology is just an ability to manage door balancers for wallets. So, you can easily express any condition about your wallet and what you want; either the deposits or withdrawals, or any types of changes. You can monitor them, you can configure any type of notification. So you can be notified via messengers of the grammatical things, but this is the very simple thing.”

What Else Should BUIDLers Know?

“More interesting is that you are able to express any condition in blockchain, like for example, margin calls; ocean liquidations. You can compare arbitrage opportunities between the two decks and create a sign, or trigger an arbitrage opportunity to send a transaction. We feel that what we are doing is a more correct way to automate everything that connects to programmability. We even see the possibility of capturing some moments of quantum mechanics; where we’re in quantum mechanics, you have a reality that this kind of branching, and you’re selecting your correct branch in which you are leaving. And the same happens in blockchains. And we think that we found the formalism that when being generalized, will be capable of describing even our reality and this is very fascinating!”

Meet the team and learn more about Parsiq at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021, February 5–12! Apply today at ethdenver.com.




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: http://ethdenver.com • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam