BUIDL with Superfluid at ETHDenver 2021

Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2021

Curious about BUIDLing at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021 with Superfluid but wanting more details on their project? Get the scoop from their recent interview with ETHDenver:

What Is Superfluid?

Superfluid is money for the digital world very much like Ethereum and Bitcoin and stable coins, but is hypercharged. So instead of sending one off transactions, you send a continuous stream or you can connect accounts together, and you can move money, effectively frictionless across the accounts.”

Who Should BUIDL with Superfluid?

“We would love to attract anyone who is trying to build something sustainable. So a lot of things on Ethereum at the moment are mostly based on short term gains, short term speculation. Well, at Superfluid, we are very much oriented towards long term value creation. And we believe one of the best things that we can enable are these longer term economic relationships, which are powered by super fluid streams. So we’d love to, you know, have people who want to build sustainable products, monetize through subscriptions, join us!”

What Are You Excited About Right Now?

“The first use case that I would say makes me extremely excited is about subscriptions. So managing recurring transactions is a lot less hard and costly. If you use streaming. The second use case is around the artistic side, I really like the world of NFTs and artists. So in that case, you can rent the NFT and receive a payment as a rent ongoing. This can be used also in games, like Decentraland, or CryptoVoxels. And I’m super excited to see new use cases in that direction.

The third use case is really about social tokens or rewards in a way, where you can either distribute rewards one to many very quickly with something that we call instant distribution agreement, or you can stream social tokens over time, which means that your audience is engaged. And they’re incentivized in staying with you over a longer period of time than just a snapshot reward, which happens today. And then the month the tokens are taken, they can just be sold and dumped. And that person doesn’t have any engagement with the artist anymore. So those are three great use cases that I’m extremely excited about.”

What Else Should We Know?

“So we have a very different level of offering, it could be a simple app developer, which we just want to build an experience with, like a protocol to pay services in money streaming, or to mass reward distributions through a simple, easy to use interface.

We also provide our own chain application of possibilities. So we provide a very powerful framework called SuperApp to expand the possibilities of what real-time finance application we can build on top of Ethereum.

We believe in a future which is more decentralized, more open; we are strong supporters of open source software, and in general of openness and society. So our protocol is very much decentralized; permissionless. We believe, at some point, it would be amazing if it weren’t handled by us, right, if it were completely community owned and community driven. And these are all things which are built into our product, and obviously will become more of a reality as we develop a community around the product.

How to Get Involved

So this is a call for all the hackers out there! And all software developers do come to ETHDenver; it is the best event you can attend in February! We’d love to see you there and come by our booth at Superfluid and look for our logo; we’d love to talk to you! We have a lot to build, to create what we call real-time finance, and we have some building blocks that are very easy to use. So come by our booth, find us on Discord, and find us around. We’ll be all over the place, from outside the chill zone to the NFT zone! Come and talk to us! We’ll bring you into the booth; we’ll show you around. We’ll introduce you to other developers to get you started too. And we can’t wait to start building together!

Meet the team and learn more about Superfluid at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021, February 5–12! Apply today at ethdenver.com.




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: http://ethdenver.com • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam