Colorado Lottery, ETHDenver, IGT and Chainlink Announce Winners of Lottery’s First GameJam Hackathon

200+ participated, 30 projects were submitted, and six winning projects were chosen.

4 min readAug 11, 2020


The Colorado Lottery, ETHDenver, IGT and Chainlink have chosen the winners of the Lottery’s first GameJam to develop new games. The winners were announced at the hackathon’s virtual closing ceremonies just moments ago. Participants of the GameJam were asked to create a new game of chance in a 10 day period. The developers of the top three games win a top prize of $10,000, second prize of $5,000 and a third prize of $2,500. An additional prize pool of $8,500 was awarded by Chainlink for games that met both the original guidelines and were completed using Web3.

More than 200 people registered to participate in the GameJam competition to create a new game for the Lottery. A total of 30 projects were submitted for the GameJam. Nearly 50% of the U.S. participants were from Colorado; there were participants from a total of 19 countries.

The Colorado Lottery GameJam winning designs were awarded as follows:

  • First Place: $10,000- Peaks and Rivers — Peter Locharernkul, Pichya Games, New Jersey — This monitor game allows players to place bets on how quickly a hiker will reach the top of a peak and discover a pot of gold. It relies on chance and karma to reach the top of a peak by rolling a dice to see how many places the hiker can move. If the hiker lands on a river, he has to go back. If he lands on a ladder, he moves up. The visual theme and design is inspired by the scenic geography of the Colorado mountains and rivers which Colorado Lottery funds protect. This game appeals to both new and sophisticated players and allows for various bets to be placed.
  • Second Place: $5,000- Blackbeard’s Booty — Josef Bertolini, Covideo Games, California — In this game, players are able to make a bet by selecting how many slots they want, filling each slot with a gem of their choice. The player wins if they are able to match their bet with the correct combination, which is generated from the chest.
  • Third Place: $2,500- Roll-E-O — Kyle Signs, Agartha Games, Colorado — In this creative game, a game piece moves across a board, based on the number that is rolled on a die. Rolling one at a time, the game piece moves to different numbered spots. It can only move diagonally and horizontally and can only move to a spot one time. Once the game piece can no longer move, the game is over. A player can bet on: the total sum of the rolls, what number it is going to end on, and even buy numbers so that the player can make money back every time that dice is rolled. This game allows for so many different types of bets, and the Lottery sees a lot of potential to further develop this game into a new Colorado Lottery product.
  • Runners Up: Star Royal, Rocky Trekkers, Random Roll Racers

The Chainlink winnings designs which utilized Web3 technology as part of their game design were awarded as follows:

  • First Place: $5,000- The Numbers Game — Michael Colson, Florida — This game is a popularity contest in reverse. In this fast paced lottery, a player casts a vote against other players, and the number to receive the least amount of votes wins! The next round advances automatically via the Chainlink VRF randomness consumer.
  • Second Place: $2,500- Buffi’s Wheel of Fortune — Santosh A, India — Buffi’s Wheel of Fortune is a simple game of chance or lottery where the player buys the ticket to win the jackpot and the wheel picks the random winner. It’s also a Dapp. All the tickets are bought and stored on the Ethereum smart contract, and a random winner is picked via the Chainlink VRF randomness consumer.
  • Third Place: $1,000- Lotto Buffalo — Grant Steuart, GMS, Kansas — Every time a player enters a Lotto Buffalo contest, they have a chance to randomly win an exclusive digital item for their buffalo. All of the items are tracked on the blockchain and can be sold through an item exchange. This game also utilized the Chainlink VRF randomness consumer.

Frontier Airlines Flight Voucher Winners:
GameJam Overall Winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd): 2 per team (6 total)
GameJam Runners-up (4th, 5th, 6th): 2 per team (6 total)
Web3 Winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd): 2 per team (6 total)
Online Contest: 2 vouchers randomly distributed (eligible to win if they posted at least 7/10 days of the Game Jam)

The Lottery has a goal to reach $1 billion revenue in revenue by 2023 to fund outdoor recreation, land conservation and schools in Colorado, along with its commitment to responsible gaming. The Colorado Lottery GameJam served as an excellent way for the Lottery to reimagine its game offerings to appeal to more adult Coloradans of diverse ages and backgrounds.

Congratulations to all of the Colorado Lottery & ETHDenver GameJam winners!




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