ColoradoJam Incubator Launched by ETHDenver with Colorado Government to Further State’s Blockchain Innovation Sector

The incubator will be seeded from ETHDenver BUIDLathon submission projects from its recent virtual event with 31k attendees from 94 countries & 47 U.S. states.

2 min readFeb 19, 2021


Colorado Governor Jared Polis announced support for the ColoradoJam incubator for blockchain and Web3 technology projects at the virtual software building competition ETHDenver. The incubator’s initial cohort will be selected from some of the event’s winning projects, and will exist to further Colorado’s innovative technology sector.

Said Colorado Governor Jared Polis at the event, “Our goal in Colorado is very simply to establish Colorado as the national hub for blockchain innovation in business and government. We want to have the very best legal framework for that and make sure that people can innovate and experiment in our state, and really I think it’s the strong leadership and innovative spirit, that kind of frontier spirit, that Colorado has that’ll help us do that… on top of that, as you know, ETHDenver has launched the ColoradoJam incubator which will foster innovative blockchain and Web3 projects right here in Colorado.” (Watch the full video with this announcement)

Additionally, the Colorado Governor’s Office of Information Technology awarded 17 bounty winners at the event for solving state problems using Web3 technology, and announced three winners for its Greenfield Lightning Pitch Competition for addressing state challenges with blockchain technology solutions:

Said Founder & Executive Steward of ETHDenver John Paller, “The ColoradoJam incubator will be created over the next few months through collaboration between the State of Colorado and ETHDenver. 94 countries represented, 31,000+ livestreams, and close to 3000 registrations for ETHDenver 2021’s virtual event are an amazing testament to this emerging community.”

ETHDenver is the world’s largest annual web3 #BUIDLathon and Innovation Festival. The 2021 virtual event took place virtually February 5–12 and offered $250k in prizes. See the full list of 2021 winners here. For more information, visit




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam