DAO Submission Instructions for ETHDenver BUIDLers

Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2020

Helllooooo BUIDLers- we’re so excited for ETHDenver to start! Because working with DAOs is new to most folks, please see below for detailed instructions on how to use them, submit your project, and vote on other peoples submissions!

Logging Into the DAO Interface

  • In order to submit your proposal to the DAOs, you will need to sign into “Alchemy” which has the BuffiDAO and Sponsor DAOs listed
  • The easiest way to do this is via the BuffiDAO app, and click on the DAO you want to submit your proposal to. Once you are within the DAO interface, you will need to log into the app with Burner Connect.
  • You can also go directly to https://alchemy-xdai.daostack.io/ to browse DAOs and submit your project.

Submitting to Open/Impact, Advance Colorado, and Exploration Tracks

  • You can submit your project to the Open/Impact track through the BuffiDAO. Each track will have its own competition.
  • You can submit to the Advance Colorado Track here. Please note: you should also submit your project to the Open/Impact Track competitions as well as any bounty DAOs.
  • Exploration track is not being judged via the DAOs. It has its own judging process, which is remote friendly, and can be found here. If you are submitting to the Exploration track, please do not submit to Open/Impact/Advance Colorado Tracks or Bounties.

What to submit
Please make sure your submission includes all of these fields:

  1. Project name
  2. Team members first names, last names, and Discord handles
  3. Detailed project description (no more than 4 sentences)
  4. A YouTube link of your demo or presentation (under 6 minutes in length)
  5. Track you’re submitting to (only choose one between Open/Impact)
  6. Project Bounties you’re submitting to (up to 10)
  7. A link to all your source code on a public repo (e.g. Github)
  8. A publicly accessible link to your presentation, if relevant

Finding Sponsor Bounties
There are a couple of ways to find sponsor bounties: 1) via the buffidao.com app, or 2) by browsing https://alchemy-xdai.daostack.io/

  • If you are browsing https://alchemy-xdai.daostack.io/, to find the Bounties:
  • Click on the DAO
  • Go to Competition
  • Bounties will show up either in the Proposal tab, or in the Competition tab (see here)


  • Submissions open at 10PM on Saturday
  • The DAO will stop accepting submissions at 8AM on Sunday. If you do not submit by then, your project will be ineligible for judging.

Community Voting on Submissions in Open/Impact
All attendees at ETHDenver will have the opportunity to vote on the winners of the BUIDLathon (both Open and Impact track competitions). Sponsor DAOs have their own judges, and for the most part, event attendees will not be able to vote on the winners for these DAOs. Here are instructions on how to vote for the Open/Impact competitions:

  • Judging will happen on Feb 16th, from 10AM to 1PM, and “Top 20” projects will compete again from 2:00–4:15PM (see schedule here).
  • Open / Impact track submissions will be within the “BuffiDAO” DAO, and accessible from within the BuffiDAO app.
  • To vote on a BUIDLathon project, select a competition (Open / Impact competitions). Within the competition page, you will be able to see the BUIDLathon submissions. Every participant will be able to vote on 5 projects. Once you submit your vote, you will not be able to change it!
  • In order to vote, you can click on a submission, and give the project a “thumbs up,” as can be seen in the image here.
  • Don’t forget that you can vote for your own submission!

Claiming Prizes
BUIDLathon winners will receive DAO tokens which will be redeemed for USD/ crypto after ETHDenver. Winning teams must fill out a W-9 tax form in order to fill their prize. Please include contact information in your submission in order to make this swap.

Need help?




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: http://ethdenver.com • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam