DeFi Saver goes to ETHDenver!

Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

The world’s largest and longest-running ETH event is scheduled to happen between February 11–20th in the awesome Web3 Castle in Denver, Colorado, with builders and hackers from around the world all coming together to celebrate our shared vision for this incredible technology and the DeFi movement.

They’ll be visiting Denver in a nearly full Nikola composition with 4 Nikolas on board and their awesome junior solidity dev Nebojsa.

Alongside having a dedicated DeFi Saver booth where you can come to hang out, learn more about their product, features, and plans for the following period, we plan to host a Talk: DeFi Saver Automation V3 — Automate Your Strategies in which our backend lead Nikola will talk about the development of our long-awaited Automation upgrade which will bring numerous options and strategies and significantly expand the possibilities for automating DeFi positions.

Additionally, our frontend lead Nikola will be participating in a panel discussion — topic TBA. All BUIDLers and ETHDenver visitors are welcome to swing by our booth to share their thoughts on the current development of DeFi Saver and the potential for improvement. If you are their trusted user or have used DFS in the past, they’d love to meet you and chat about anything and everything.

Read the rest of the article to learn more about DeFi Saver, and connect to their social here.




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