ETHDenver Hosting Celebrity & Art Auction to Benefit Apprentio, a Non-Profit Focused on Blockchain Youth Education

Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2019

Looking to make a difference at ETHDenver? Consider contributing to Apprentio, a non-profit launching a program for educating Colorado blockchain youth. You can contribute by purchasing ETHDenver celebrity experience and art auction items with Charity Stars.

ETHDenver 2019 Art. Photo Credit: Austin Wright

Colorado’s Apprentio is on a mission to educate youth who are new to blockchain. Last year, the non-profit partnered with ETHDenver to host a workshop at the #BUIDLATHON where Denver teens created their own non-fungible tokens (NFTs) called Cryptokicks. This year, in partnership with Women4Blockchain, Blockgeeks, Bounties Network, MakerDAO, Dharma Protocol, ENS, Crypto Kitties, OpenSea, Horad Exchange, Loom Network, Ideas by Nature, TruBit, Native and many other community volunteers, Apprentio is providing a world class experience for students at ETHDenver 2019. With over 12 hours of workshop opportunities and mentoring with the world’s top technologists and business leaders, Apprentio’s students will have a fast track into the blockchain ecosystem and sustainable work opportunities. The non-profit’s goal of educational inclusion in blockchain is a year-round intention, however, and so ETHDenver is hosting an auction of art + celebrity experiences to help Apprentio raise funds.

The Goal
Apprentio is a Colorado non-profit devoted to Blockchain Youth Apprenticeship and education for high school age students. The team is hoping to raise enough funds to provide an 18-month runway for a program focused on teaching Denver youth about web3 product management, cryptoeconomics, and entrepreneurship. The non-profit’s current goal is to have students employed full-time with Apprentio over the 2019 summer and even give them the chance to #buidl out their project ideas from the ETHDenver Apprentio workshop.

The Auction
Through a partnership with Charity Stars, the ETHDenver auction allows individuals to bid on and purchase auction items through the Charity Stars website. Anyone can sign up for an account with a credit card and then begin bidding. Auction winners can choose to pay in crypto. While all bidding takes place online, ETHDenver is also hosting a gallery on-site at the BUIDLATHON where all of the auction art pieces will be displayed. The celebrity experiences up for auction will benefit Apprentio in full; artwork proceeds will be split 50/50 with the artists who have created auction pieces and Apprentio. Charity Stars also takes a small percentage of every purchase. Here are all of the auction specifics:

Whether or not you are attending ETHDenver, you can participate in the ETHDenver auction online by joining here.

The ETHDenver auction features celebrity experiences including:

Auction artwork includes:

  • Polaroid mosaics, photorealistic portraits, painting interpretations of blockchain and mining, 3D portraits, digital collages, sculpture pieces, and more
  • The artists who have generously donated pieces include: Android Jones, Lewis Neeff, Peter O’ Donnell, Johnathan Applegate, Julio Alejandro, Ryan Colditz, Charles Russell, Jack Estenssoro, Brandon Vargas, Joseph DeAngelis, Victor Escobedo, Paula Wilkerson

To start bidding today, click here! To learn more about Charity Stars, visit their website.




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam