ETHDenver MakerSpace Hardware Art Bounty 2020

Open Call for artists and programmers to apply for the ETHDenver 2020 MakerSpace Hardware Art Bounty.

Jessica Angel


Bounty Deadline: January 15, 2020

We are excited to announce that ETHDenver will be sponsoring an Art Bounty at the MakerSpace 2020. Directed by visual artist Jessica Angel and the #ArtProject Decentralized community, the MakerSpace team will foster creative ways of hacking by supporting projects and people who want to expand the horizon of a traditional BUIDLathon, or hackathon, by experimenting with art and blockchain.

An art tech gallery from ETHDenver 2019’s MakerSpace.

What is the MakerSpace?

The MakerSpace was born at ETHDenver 2018 in response to a collective interest in experimenting with art and technology to enable the creation and exploration of art through the lens of blockchain technology. The MakerSpace has been featured in different blockchain events and hackathons around the United States.

MakerSpace provides opportunities to learn, play, create and/or compete. Makers and programmers interested in making installation art prototypes and interactive experiments between blockchain data and physical art are invited to dive-in and get working with arduinos, raspberry pi and all sorts of hardware to make of blockchain data a tool for artistic creation.

Participation Guidelines

This year, the MakerSpace is focused on interoperability, a subject that ETHDenver 2020 is highlighting. The MakerSpace team are interested in bringing together the blockchain community to a higher level by inviting projects from inside and outside the Ethereum ecosystem. Regardless of the blockchain dominant in your research, you will have a space and a voice at the MakerSpace.

There are two categories in which you can participate:

  1. CONTESTANTS // Individuals or groups interested in competing for the bounty
  • Participants will have a general idea of a prototype to be developed and will agree to work on it only at the BUIDLathon. Previously developed projects will not be considered.
  • Participants should have the knowledge on how to achieve the idea. Note that the idea can be flexible, turning into something different during the BUIDLathon. There will be facilitators who can give you guidance.
  • Participants are encouraged to team up with other members of the MakerSpace to achieve collective goals.
  • ETHDenver mentors will be in the space to assist and give workshops in the space.

2. CONTRIBUTORS // Individuals or groups who want to learn and contribute to the creation of a collective piece with the guidance of the MakerSpace facilitators.

Materials provided by the MakerSpace:

  • Arduinos
  • Raspberry pi
  • LEDs
  • Sensors
  • Power supplies
  • Hook up wires
  • Spotlights
  • Double sided tape
  • Soldering iron and solder
  • White cardstock

The group of artists and programmers facilitating workshops and providing assistance at ETHDenver’s MakerSpace for both participation categories are Evan Trumbull, Iain Nash, Theo Goodman, Gustavo Grillasca and Jessica Angel.

BUIDLing at ETHDenver’s 2019 MakerSpace.

Ready to Submit?

This is the deadline to submit your participation interest for either category above.

To be considered to participate in either category please send an email to art@ethdenver titled MAKERSPACE HARDWARE BOUNTY APPLICATION before 01/15/20. State the category you want to participate in and your participation goals.

Sunday February 16th at 8am MST. Submissions will be done via Details will be provided after selected artists and programmers are listed.

Selected videos will be published between January 20-January 25, 2020 via Twitter and via email.

Other Involvement

If you’d like to participate as a facilitator, propose a talk or workshop, or volunteer at the MakerSpace, please email

Find information about ETHDenver’s MakerSpace 2019 in collaboration with Truebit HERE.


Email jessica@ethdenver or join Art Project Decentralized’s Telegram HERE.

