Every Project Submitted at ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021

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41 min readFeb 13, 2021

Here’s a complete list of the ETHDenver & ColoradoJam 2021 Projects submissions. Congratulations to all who participated!

Team: TeamBadge
Project: Attendee Hardware Badge
— Conferences and hackathons have been creating custom hardware based badges for attendees to use, hackers to hack on, gamers to game on, and businesses to integrate with. Why not ETHDenver? This project was designed to enhance the conference experience and motivate the ETHDenver community into exploring and creating hardware based attendee badges. This opens up a ton of possibilities for network connectivity, voluntary tracking, heat mapping, games, scavenger hunts, daily announcements, interaction with vendors (POAP/scanning QR codes), FIO address display, local and regional maps, and business advertisement. This badge was also designed with the ColoradoJam CDA “map/beer/wine offline listing” bounty in mind.

Team: YingChun Zhang
Project: ThaiCondoDefi —
Pledge the real estate to DeFi to obtain loans and open the Thai market first.

Team: Nifty Chess
Project: Nifty Chess —
Crypto can be difficult and intimidating, This app gives people a low-effort and fun introduction to crypto using cheap, easy to produce NFTs on xDAI chain.

Team: TokenWithManifesto
Project: Token With Manifesto —
Since the establishment of the ERC20 standard, token handling has become easier and a variety of tokens have been created. In addition, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) services have been enhanced.Many projects are sincerely trying to increase the value of their tokens, but in contrast, there are more and more people who generate tokens in a messy manner or handle them fraudulently. Recently, individuals and communities have been issuing tokens, known as Social Token, and we expect more and more tokens to be issued in the future. Therefore, we thought it is necessary to have a tool that can increase the reliability of tokens.

Team: Melomaniac
Project: Melomaniac —
Digital collectibles are the new cat’s pajamas, but what we predominantly see from platforms like Rarible and OpenSea are collectibles in the form of art or gaming assets. But where is the music? Although you see NFTs for music, they don’t gain a lot of traction because it is hard to show the collectability or rarity the same way you can for artwork. From Spotify to Soundcloud, streaming services create a market where digital music is mainly free. Musical artists make a bulk of their profits from shows and merchandise sales. When we consider the impact COVID has had on musical artists, we know they are struggling. To make matters worse, when we did have live concerts, scalpers and Stubhub were making money off of the resales of in-demand or sold out tickets, not the artists. The problem is demonstrating to the community how music can become a collectible the way a digital print or vinyl can.

Team: Cryptoduck
Project: Advanced Block Explorer —
There are existing blockchain browsers out there, what makes Advanced Block Explorer different? Powered by Parsiq, it allows not just browsing the historical data, including transactions and blocks, but also executing arbitrary EVM code at any point in any historical transaction. Amongst other things, this can be used to execute code in failed transactions, which can be very useful for debugging them.

Team: Mansanori Uno
Project: Referral System for $WORK —
Associate the Referral structure with the Payroll Block Mining on Opolis.

Team: Jayden Dunn
Project: Eureka Network —
Bridging the ethereum and polkadot ecosystems.

Team: Gasless
Project: Gasless Wallet —
This will allow users without eth to interact with ethereum using other tokens.Easy onboarding for early and existing users; users do not need to go through the hassle of buying eth before interacting with smart contracts. Initial payment not required to generate the smart address or use the wallet. No payment required, not now, not EVER! Addresses can be pre-known using eth create2 opcode. Single-use smart address increases security compared to multi-use smart addresses generated by other wallets. The smart wallet address only exist when a transaction is being performed. Old ERC20 token and non-ERC 1776 (meta transaction) contracts are supported. Compatible with DEXes and supports cross-chain interactions. Wallet functions are easily extensible to support complex smart contract calls.

Project: Skejj DAPP Media —
Media on IPFS can be difficult to discover, and is not always optimized for quick browsing and searching. Skejj is an easy way for users to upload images, video, and audio to IPFS and add descriptions and tags to help others find your content. Thumbnails and video previews are generated from the original media file, to allow for quick loading and browsing. Media can be public (Creative Commons / Public Domain) or private. Use Metamask and access tokens to upload and download private media. Public content is stored un-encrypted on IPFS, and does not require Metamask or login.

Team: Consenso
Project: Portex —
Secure crypto portfolio management and exchange application. The problem Portex solves most of the existing management tools are managed by services that don’t guarantee complete confidentiality. Even the portfolio tools that guarantee don’t have a mechanism to exchange and share it with other users in a secure manner. We feel that it can be solved with the help of a user-controlled profile (Decentralized Identities) and an open yet secure way of exchanging messages. The solution we built using Portex provides a way for each user to maintain their portfolio confidentially. It also gives flexibility for the user to exchange their portfolio securely whenever there is a need to share such information with other users or institutions without exposing it to any intermediaries.

Team: God and His Disciples
Project: pr!ce —
A reimagined financial market, pr!ce, for social good. Buy shares of your favorite NBA players, trade in a fair market, win awards at the end of the season, and support SDG charities across the world.

Team: Betting & Prediction Markets
Project: Betting & Prediction —
Prediction markets have proven to be very accurate through history.

Team: All or Nothing
Project: All or Nothing Bet —
Crypto twitter features prominent members making bets with one another regarding topics like: -> Will Uniswap V3 launch before Q1 2021 -> Will Yearn approve additional miniting of YFI -> Will ETH market value surpass BTC in 2021. These bets are constructed in twitter threads and normally have 50% betting odds. The problem with this behavior is two fold: The bets are socially enforced, meaning it is possible for bettors to not pay up their bets. The community cannot participate in the bet. All Or Nothing Bet solves the 1st problem by locking in the bettors collateral on the ethereum blockchain. This means that once the two bettors have sent their collateral to the All Or Nothing Smart contracts, the bet is locked in. These initial bettors are guaranteed a payoff of 100% return on the committed collateral. In order words they win the other initial bettors collateral. The second problem is solved by allowing community members to purchase tokens which represent a stake in a bet’s outcome once the Bet has been locked in. These bets do not have the same payoff as the initial bettors, but rather they are competing for a share of community bettors who stake on the opposite outcome. The end result is two prominent crypto twitter users can lock their bets on the ethereum blockchain and the community can back the outcome they believe will happen.

Team: Clement Lakhal
Project: Yogen —
Create and trade future swaps on Ethereum Yogen always anyone to create “future swaps”: swap that are scheduled to happen in the future, at a specific date. The idea behind this concept is to be able to speculate on the change of value between a pair of tokens.

For example, let’s take the COMP / AAVE pair with a current price of 1 COMP = 1 AAVE. Alice thinks the value of AAVE is going to increase a lot in the future, so she creates a future swap proposal from 100 COMP to 100 AAVE with a delivery date on the 2021/07/31. On the other side, Bob is more bullish on COMP and is looking to dump his AAVE tokens, so he decides to accept this proposal. On the 2021/07/31, two scenarios are possible:

  • 1. The value of AAVE went up and now 2 COMP = 1 AAVE, Alice is happy, she receives 100 AAVE for the price of 100 COMP (2 times cheaper than the actual market price). On the other hand Bob is disappointed by this trade, he’s going to receive 100 COMP for 100 AAVE (2 times more expensive than the current market price).
  • 2. The other scenario is when the value of COMP increases more than the value of AAVE. Let’s say that 1 COMP = 2 AAVE, Alice made a bad call, because she’ll be receiving 2 times less tokens than the actual market price (100 AAVE instead of 200). Bob is happy in this scenario, because his 100 AAVE tokens are swapped against 100 COMP (instead of 50 COMP at the actual market price).

Additionally, every time a user is going to take a position on a future swap, they will be receiving an NFT token representing their side of the swap (initiator or counterparty). This feature allows a bunch of additional scenarios, such as:

  • Selling their position when benefits can be made: instead of waiting for the delivery date and the execution of the swap, a user can sell his position to another user.
  • Limit the loss by selling a negative position: if a position is negative (the other token has its value increasing), a user can sell his position to another user to limit their loss.

Team: Central Mountain Buidlers
Project: Central Mountain Buidlers —
Usage: Rent a space on a virtual billboard (decentraland/cryptovoxels/sandbox) based on a streaming auction. Tokenize the revenue stream so the owners can also sell this revenue to others! How it is done: Users will send a stream of DAI/xDai towards a pooling contract. Individual with highest bid will win the billboard. If the first highest bidder is done streaming, the billboard auction will go to the next highest available bids. Users can see the locations where the billboard will be hosted and bid for it.

Team: VallaTeam
Project: Custom Contract —
There is a lack of documentation about how to use an HD-wallet in a Truffle project (https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle/issues/2795) Two resources for the solution:A documentation page (with markdown format), prepared to be appended as a truffle docs (like this one https://www.trufflesuite.com/docs/truffle/reference/truffle-commands#migrate). A truffle box for demonstrate and exemplify, prepared to be added to the truffle boxes catalogue.

Team: Casey Falvey
Project: February 12, 2021 —
Users still (in 2021!) have no way of owning their data — how can that be? This is solving that issue.

Team: Chorablee
Project: **b** ( **e** **t** h ) —
A minimal, productivity-focused, task sharing tool with incentive mechanisms to encourage collectives to get tasks done. View the product. Have you ever had an awkward house meeting trying to decide how to handle chores? Or a passive aggressive roommates leaving instructions everywhere? Perhaps you’ve gotten into a spat friend who didn’t do their dishes! Delegating and deciding on tasks is difficult enough! The complexities of relationships make this worse. Let b ( e t h ) handle delegating and deciding for you — no need to trust, read the code yourself! Focus more on doing and togetherness rather than creating power dynamics and formalities where it feels best not to have them.

Team: PubKrew
Project: Colorado-OS:Defi Charged —
Colorado OS is a series of decentralized license registries on Web3. DeFi features make it self-sustaining and revenue-enhancing for the state, on top of the benefits to users/citizens. USE CASE NO. 1: CPW DIGITAL PARKS PASS The future of state-administered licensing programs. Secure, efficient, and self-sustaining. We hit 7 of the UN SDGs with this application! 3 (healthy lives); 6 (availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all); 7 (energy); 9 (resilient infrastructure, innovation); 10 (sustainable cities); 12 (sustainable consumption); 15 (life on land); and others! UseCase #2: DIGITAL GAMING LICENSE ENTERTAINMENT + DOING GOOD WORKS First Colorado OS issues a Web3 digital gaming license NFT to the player. This license allows its holder to access a Web3 CoinFlip non-profit game of chance on Rinkeby. We demo a betting bot simulator that shows how adoption of the technology can raise $10 Million for Colorado public goods / projects with the CoinFlip.sol game. All gaming profits are pooled into a public goods and infrastructure contract. Funds can be used to establish a foundation for quadratic funds distribution though self sovereign IDs.

Team: Gasless Chain Agnostic Builders
Project: Gasless Chain Agnostic —
At present, Ethereum users experience very high gas fees and operational complexity, which causes people to lose money and discourages them from using the network. Layer two solutions exist, but the user experience is difficult due to customizing wallet RPC nodes, switching networks, and understanding how layer two solutions relate to Ethereum mainnet. Our Gasless Chain Agnostic Minter makes the user experience fast and simple when creating an NFT. The user simply inputs NFT data, clicks a button, and approves the transaction in Portis wallet. We take care of the gas payment with Biconomy and the layer two connection with a chain agnostic relay, giving the user a simple UX while taking advantage of speed and cost savings. We see much potential for building beyond this proof of concept. We could offer gasless, agnostic functions to NFT marketplaces so they would improve their speed and expand their user base. We could also allow marketplaces to import existing NFTs with easy composability between Ethereum and layer two solutions. In addition, we see the possibility to make the user experience even easier by integrating social account logins (ex. Google, Facebook, etc.). There is also the possibility of adding NFT income streams to the gasless, agnostic experience with superfluid, enabling artists and other creators to give and receive payment streams. We are enthusiastic about this proof of concept and see much potential for building upon the foundation we have laid with Gasless Chain Agnostic Minter.

Team: Caitlyn Lenhoff
Project: Polkadot-Chan —
This is for the Polkadot non-technical hack. My submission is an anime-style personification of Polkadot. I have long seen images of Earth-chan or Internet Explorer- chan circulating the web. These are essentially someones personified interpretation of the browser, search engine, planet, etc. So I thought it may be fun to make a Polkadot-Chan and personify Polkadot using the aesthetic of their website. I figure that since this is already a popular trend out there, it is a fun way to connect with others even outside of the crypto community. I also included a transparent version that could be made into stickers!

Team: GG
Project: Crypto Plants —
CryptoPlants is a crowd-funding platform for environmental and social causes. It works towards SDG 13- partnerships for the goals. Any organization working on SDG 1–17 (food, health, education, climate action, etc) can join our DAO. Users earn CryptoPlants by buying ‘seeds’ from listed NGOs. Each seed sponsors a specific cause like food donations or deforestation. CryptoPlants are unique NFTs that can be gifted, traded or sold. The idea is to gamify donations and turn them into status and currency.

Team: notreal.ai
Project: notreal.ai —
Pairing ethereum curation markets with AI-generated art NFTs for fun and profit

Team: SuperSapiens
Project: DBeats —
We are developing a Decentralized Web Music Platform where the artists/song creators can publish their tracks without the need for any fees or complicated rules. Our motto behind developing this project is to provide independent artists a medium for incentivizing their talent.

Project: DIGID —
Your Personal Digital Identity. Student lives are increasingly becoming more digital. We want to create a digital identity system which makes it easier for students to upload their certificates which are essential for their application in Universities and for Universities as well to upload the certificates for the students once they finished a course.

Team: Swapper
Project: Swapper Swap —
Swapper Swap enables users to swap their tokens without having any ETH with them. It leverages the power of Infura ITX. User’s can swap token of their choice and they just have to sign the transaction and our service with ITX takes care of the rest. We also have identified risk and mitigation techniques which will be crucial for us as a relayer service. We have followed the Smart Wallet Relayer architecture where the user either provides with the permit signature or approves us and we create the transaction for ITX. For this, we charge a small fee on top of ITX which will be paid in output tokens of the user. The fee is charged considering the asset pack and the current gas price. We do not charge fees in percentage. So, no matter how large the swap is, you only have to pay the fee equivalent or less to the current gas price. If the user’s do not want to sacrifice their output token, they can use $SWPR token to swap. $SWPR token is minted with every swap which can be utilzied in future for FREE SWAPS. Everytime the user utilizes their $SWPR it get’s burned. $SWPR can be also traded on uniswap and used as a governance token to add more options along side Uniswap. $SWPR will be fair launched, meaning no one will have pre-mine tokens or airdrops. To get $SWPR user either swaps or buy it from uniswap. Thanks to ITX and Swapper, We will now have a better gasless swap service that is cheaper, reliable and fast. PS: User’s can also do concurrent trades, they don’t have to wait for previous transaction to be mined. :)

Team: Krishang Nadgauda
Project: Tellor RNG Random —
The general problem with on-chain RNGs.

Team: Sikuang Zheng
Project: NuCypher Meme Happy Hour —
This MEME is created for NuCypher Bounty 3-MEMES MEMES MEMES!! NuCypher is very popular in Chinese crypto community. This MEME helps NuCypher find a good way to promote itself in Chinese crypto community. “牛年买NU” means that you can buy NU in the year of bull.

Team: Stable Nearkats
Project: USDNEAR Stablecoin — Fees:
Stablecoins on Ethereum are hampered by astronomical fees. The fee to send DAI 100 could reach USD 15 or more. Ethereum fees make low-amount trading impossible. On the other hand, the fees on the NEAR blockchain are tenths of a cent, so minting USDNEAR and sending the tokens costs only a fraction of a cent. Ease of use: NEAR accounts are “named accounts” where users choose their account name, e.g.: ‘alice.near’. Having readable account names, very low fees, and a stablecoin are drivers for mass adoption outside of the crypto enthusiast circle. A stablecoin with fees less than a cent and readable account names becomes useful and usable. Auto-paid Interest: Staked Near receives staking rewards every 12 hours (each NEAR Epoch), so the interest on the loan is paid from the staking rewards, the collateral naturally increases and never decreases. The whole process is transparent and automatic on NEAR Blockchain. Users can reap staking rewards and at the same time mint a stablecoin to operate without the volatility of the market. Trust: We chose a simple design to make the system transparent, easy to understand, and highly reliable. The contract has a Conversion Window where USDNEAR owners can exchange their tokens for stNEAR from the collateral pool. The rate is fixed, so “1 USDNEAR” always equals “1 USD woth of stNEAR” at the current market price. The over-guarantee rate is 200%, so there is ample funds to feed the conversion window.

Team: Doge Consensus & the DPPArmy
Project: Hacking World Peace —
Humanity faces multiple intersecting crises. The UN SDGs are the greatest collective effort by the world’s nations to tackle them. We MUST collaborate! The DAOGE harnesses the Power of Capital-P Partying and DOGE Consciousness to supercharge key UN SDGs, namely: SDG3: Good Health & Well Being SDG10: Reduced Inequality SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals

Team: Jam
Project: JamBot —
The problem we are trying to solve is that it is very difficult to track what is going on in the DeFi space and to track all the new projects coming out due to lack of information. We decided to use collective intelligence to solve this problem using the Telegram bot API. Right now in its current form, JamBot allows the admin to suggest a trade. The group then votes on whether or not the admin should execute the trade. Once there is a majority vote, then the admin can execute on the trade on a DApp linked to the telegram bot. JamBot also keeps track of portfolio performance, and helps the group find all the resources they need to do diligence on each token. If you’re new to crypto and want to start investing, you can use JamBot to help you. You can get friends to help suggest investments, while the bot helps you with research and learning what the token is and how it’s been performing. While we did not get round to implementing this during the hackathon, our long term vision for this project is to have a rolling list of 20 tokens from the Uniswap top 100 invested at any one time in a portfolio. Any member can suggest a new coin to enter that roster at any time when there is a free slot available. Once the token has surpassed a target growth, e.g. 25%, JamBot will trigger an automatic vote to the group on whether we hold our position or sell our position, thereby freeing up a new slot in our 20 token roster for new investment. JamBot will also then execute the trade depending on whether we are selling or holding that particular asset.

Team: Raphael Mazet
Project: SimpleFi —
Have you ever aped into a new yield farm promising 100%+ APY, but realised later it actually lost you money? Have you ever wished you could track your combined liquidity provider and yield farming ROI? Ever had cold sweats trying to remember what you’ve invested in? Then SimpleFi is for you. It will automatically find which fields you’re invested in and how much money you’ve actually made from each one. Not only that, it will “rewind” your investments and tell you what underlying assets you own and where you’ve staked them or provided them as liquidity. SimpleFi also calculates your ROI from multi-field strategies: for example, if you provide liquidity in a Uniswap pool and then stake your LP tokens in a yield farm, SimpleFi will show your combined return.

Team: YOLO
Project: Super Saver —
As Defi grows popular, the gas fee also skyrocketed. As a result, it made Ethereum mainnet almost unsuable except big whales. We cannot state that Ethereum is decentralized if small guys cannot participate. For example, if a user is trying to deposit $1000 into a Defi pool, the gas fee can be over $20, which does not make sense at all. To address this problem, we propose Super Saver protocol. It defines simple deposit and redeem implementation to minimize users gas usage. However, the tradeoff is that the final deposit and redeem resolution to Defi will be delegated to a processor. Essentially, Super Saver will aggregate small amount deposit for a certain period, and then processor will trigger processDespoit/processRedeem function to send the sum of small txs to the actual Defi protocol. The processor will be compenseated for its gas usage.

Team: Atomica
Project: OxReferrals —
Most of early-stage decentralized protocols and dApps are n-sided markets. So is the market our team is building. Demand side is represented by the users who consume the protocol features/services (borrowers in lending, premium payers in insurance, dApps that use the oracles and APIs). Supply side represented by users who would like to get an extra yield by staking, depositing their capital (lenders, delegators, protocol token holders). Supply side is growing naturally when demand side grows (if there is yield, there will always be capital providers). Bootstrapping the supply side of the markets is more or less a solved problem. It is the actual end-users who use new dApps to borrow, exchange etc are ultimately generators of protocol/dApp revenue. Up until now, dApp and protocol developers mostly used content marketing (educational blog posts, partnerships) and most recently — token incentives and yield farming. These worked very well to boostrap the supply side. They educate their users, write the blogposts, trying to support community (pretty time consuming task for small teams), looking for partners and joint marketing, provide bounties, yield farming options, etc. Mature protocols are looking for the ways of opening new markets and scaling. They open new positions, hire people who will make grow the community, allocate large budgets to business development. But users usually conservative and stick to existing consuming habits. Demand side is often a stumbling-block to grow and scale. It appears to be way more challenging to attract the consuming end-users to new protocols, dApps (i.e. borrowers, new wallet users) compared to attracting suppliers (i.e. LPs supplying capital, lenders, stakers, validators). We wanted a proven solution to this problem for ourselves and identified an easy and proven growth marketing tactic — Invite codes & Referral program.

Team: Octaloop
Project: Unirace —
Currently, there are not enough ways to create NET NEW REVENUE STREAMS from the sold tickets. The sold tickets will have their own value in the GAME’s world. These trades can happen for any reason: e.g. The number of the ticket or someone is not able to participate in the game in due time and wish to participate and many more reasons To draw parallel as in why these NFTs might have values is essentially these tickets will be like POWERUPs in the E-SPORTS games (e.g. XP)

Team: Creaton2
Project: Creaton —
A decentralized content-sharing platform that allows for secure transfer of content in exchange for streaming subscription payments. We provide a censorship-free alternative to centralized applications where our users are the only beneficiaries and fully control their data. Creaton has two main products as part of its ecosystem, Creaton Engine, and Creaton Market. Both are futuristic approaches to peer-to-peer content-sharing and highly well-suited with the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) economy, for creators to create unique revenue streams, build reputation, and award their early supporters.

Team: Sublimate
Project: Sublimate.Finance —
Sublimate is a DeFi smart contract app that lets artists, open-source developers, content creators, and charity organizations accept continuous financial support from anyone in the form of streamable tokens. For supporters: Reward your favorite artist, creator, or charity on a continual basis, at your own pace. Mint streamable tokens (strETH, strDAI, etc) by depositing ETH, DAI or any ERC-20 token. Start a “streamable subscription” to a recipient by choosing a token, a duration, and a rate or maximum amount. Funds will be streamed out of your balance and into the recipient’s every time a block is added to the blockchain. You can cancel a subscription at any time. You pay gas fees only when starting/canceling subscriptions, and converting between streamable and non-streamable tokens. There are no recurring fees during the subscription itself. For creators: Connect your wallet address to build a personalized “creator page” ready to receive streamable tokens. You’ll get a custom sublimate.finance link to share to your fans and followers (optionally personalizable by connecting to ENS/Unstoppable Domains, e.g. sublimate.finance/creator/vitalik.eth or sublimate.finance/creator/brad.crypto). Track your balance, number of supporters, and other analytics using our built in dashboard powered by The Graph. Use our embeddable subscribe widget so anyone can support you from your newsletter, blog or website. Pay it forward — showcase other creators you’re supporting! About the protocol: Streamable Tokens are an extension of ERC-20 overriding the balanceOf() and transfer() methods. Subscriptions are stored within the contract and defined as a rate in tokens per block and a max amount of tokens to send. The balance of streamable tokens can be dynamically computed at any time, using the following formula: balance = lastUpdatedBalance + (incomingRate — outgoingRate) * (block — lastUpdatedBlock). Subscriptions can be canceled at any time by the sender.

Team: All-in on IDX
Project: Identity Lego Starter Set —
Demonstrating the power of decentralized identity through several new identity legos (SourceCred, myColorado, Property Ownership, & IdentityLink) that can be mixed & matched to enable new use cases. The problem Identity Lego Starter Set (4 pcs) solves:

  • SourceCred currently relies on the manual creation of aliases by the instance admin to aggregate Cred across accounts & platforms (Github, Discord, & Discourse). We created a service that allows the admin to automatically generate and link aliases from a list of ETH addresses. The service matches ETH address to IDX DID then to the associated index records.
  • Our myColorado IdentityLink service allows a user to add their digital Colorado ID as a verifiable credential to their IDX DID, so it is user-owned & controlled. Their credential can be used independently of the myColorado app in any number of ways.
  • Our Property Ownership Oracle (Chainlink) allows contracts to verify the owner of a land parcel in Denver County. For this POC, we’re using publicly available data and an exact name match (which could be compared to their digital ID credential). This service could be remixed to create a verifiable land title credential in IDX, as well. We plan to use this type of data for an AR metaverse project outside of this hackathon, the Geo Web (https://geoweb.network/).
  • We created a simple UI template to allow developers and users to more easily create verifiable credentials and link accounts to IDX DIDs.

Team: Star Relay
Project: Star Relay —
7 years since the ALS ice bucket challenge we believe with the use of blockchain technology we can streamline the process of raising awareness and money in a fun way. With our app Star Relay we provide a simple process for defining clear parameters for new fun challenges. Now creators have the ability to add a charity address where all the money will automatically and transparently be transferred to for everyone to see, a minimum donation to participate amount, an end date -to add urgency to participate-, and much more. Perhaps even more exciting is the new value which we will be able generate by using blockchain. To start we plan on capitalizing on the use of NFTs for the content uploaded on the platform. By bundling all the content of a challenge and tokenizing it one can now own a token representing the entire ALS Ice Bucket challenge, the value of this NFT could then go towards helping a respective charity. Even more an NFT marketplace could also be created for all the challenges uploaded on the platform. Another great problem that we solve is incentivisation. The Ice Bucket challenge was an extraordinary and does not happen everyday Again we hope to use Star Relay to solve this by offering incentives such as ERC20 tokens as badges for people who are participating in the challenge. Users with the most amount of contributions or most popular videos (measured by likes) can earn specific ERC20 badges which will thus help incentivize them to submit more creative and high content videos. Much like how Tik Tok incentivizes people to submit high quality content with the thrill of potentially going viral we will incentivize people with the ability to earn ERC20 tokens all while raising money in a direct and transparent way to a charity which they care about. Finally we hope to address the problem of corruption with the power of DAO!

Team: Leon Do
Project: Harmony One to BTC —
Cross chain swaps between two different blockchains without a need for a central party. Bridging layer 2 BTC with layer 1 ONE.

Team: GraffitETH
Project: GraffitETH —
What is the fair price of a pixel? GraffitETH offers an answer. It’s an experiment in market socialism wrapped up in art, living on Ethereum. The problem: Ethereum is way too hard to explain. GraffitETH is something visual, interactive, and intuitive that can help the world understand the kinds of innovative markets that are possible to create on Ethereum — and it’s simultaneously a way to show off the unique culture of our community. GraffitETH is a digital graffiti wall in which pixels are NFTs subject to the Harberger tax. What that means: You can paint a pixel by buying the NFT, but anyone else can buy it from you immediately and paint over it. To prevent other people from painting over your pixel, you must set a high price. But you can’t set it too high, since you will have to pay pixel taxes on it! The Harberger tax is a market tool theorized to encourage fair property prices, and thus ensure that everyone pays an appropriate amount of taxes. It’s not a new idea, but it hasn’t been put into practice on a large scale. Ethereum is an excellent environment to test innovative market tools like this one, that would otherwise disappear under logistical roadblocks or political inertia. Using the Harberger tax may help us discover the fair price of space on the graffiti wall, pixel by pixel. We will also be able to better understand how people interact with property (like pixel NFTs) under these unusual market conditions. Finally, a DAO will use the money raised through pixel taxes to display the evolving artwork over time (on billboards, online ads, etc.). Perhaps someday your pixels will appear on a billboard in Times Square, ETHDenver t-shirts, or even a flag on the moon…

Team: Zesty
Project: Zesty Market —
Zesty Market is a decentralized advertising network. It seeks to be an alternative to dominant centralized advertising networks which have resulted in anti-competitive practices. Such anti-competitive practices include things such as opaque commissions and fees, which stifle the flow of revenue from advertisers to smaller content creators. A lack of transparency also makes advertising fraud hard to detect. Zesty Market seeks to allow publisher to achieve better price discovery of their advertising spaces; provide advertisers a peace of mind through better transparency; and enable consumers to browse the Internet without fear of privacy infringing data extraction. Zesty Market uses a novel Auction Hash Timelock mechanism augmented with Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing to facilitate value transfer. By mediating the exchange between advertisers and publishers as delivery versus payment system the protocol is able to guarantee the transfer of funds upon sufficient completion of an advertising service without a centralized intermediary.

Team: Sustia LLC
Project: IDX Ceramic Todos —
Manages secure smart documents to a user identity anchored on the Ethereum blockchain.

Team: DK
Project: The DaoMV —
Helps new drivers quickly apply for a driving permit. Motocycle drivers even have the option of taking or uploading their vision test for their online application.

Team: Santosh A
Project: Rent the Billboard —
Dyanmic price discovery of Billboard against time and demand.

Team: Degenics.com
Project: Degenics —
With the rise of popularity of companies like 23andme and ancestry.org, personal genetics testing has become a US$ 9 billion market this year, and will grow to US$ 18 billion by 2025. There are, however, major ethics questions. The leading companies are owned by centralized organizations who own your KYC-DNA pairs and thus hold massive power over you: Anything from providing forensic proof in criminal cases without user consent, to tracking you offline. What’s worse, these companies already sell users’ genes to drug research companies with arguable consent.In the near future, insurance companies may utilize your genetic profile to determine your premiums, and companies hiring applicants may choose on the basis of genetically-determined personality traits.Decentralized Genetics Degenics creates a physical-digital bridge that allows users to send in genetic samples to be tested, completely anonymously. Payment is made in crypto, and no KYC data is shared. Genetics labs (from DIY labs, universities, hospitals, or smaller personal genetic testing startups) can list genetic testing products on the marketplace and provide results through assymetric encryption. User genomes are sovereign, anonymized and reusable for additional tests. Use cases include your potential for a severe COVID-19 response, ancestry, and parentage. The Post-Pandemic Potential Due to the pandemic, there is no lack of availability of PCR equipment ownership. Many startups and hospitals have invested in PCR equipment, which can be repurposed for personal genetic testing. They can easily be brought into this ecosystem.

Team: DeCameo
Project DeCameo —
A person like myself can connect with famous blockchain profiles (or celebrities in general), get answers to programming questions or just receive a nice happy birthday wish etc. The celebrities will be incentivised to use the product as money goes to charity, they can get some exposure and goodwill, as well as connecting to their followers. People ordering the videos will do so knowing their funds will go to the charity organization (a verified ethereum address) chosen by the registered profile. Also a good way to send a happy birthday wish or a motivation talk to a friend. In the charity space, it’s often only about giving, which people with money do if they also have the motivation to do so. DeCameo is a fun product that should motivate people to give more to charity and help people in need. With crypto currency values surging, many in the blockchain space have funds but miss that little extra motivation to do something good with the money. DeCameo makes it easy to choose a charity organization to give to, and it offers a playful product where both registered profiles and people ordering videos get a clear value back. It can be a way for celebrities and fans to donate funds together while having fun.

Team: Furball
Project: Furball —
The furry community has a vibrant, collaborative artist culture where artists: 1. Create, share, and sell their own artwork 2. Sell rights to their artwork that others can make derivative works from. The problem is that, as people tend to share those images online, oftentimes people will use the artwork of others without paying for it. Furball is currently a bare-bones concept solution that shows how this problem can be approached with a combination of smart contracts and steganography.

Team: Machu Pichu
Project: Machu Pichu —
For the humanitarians, with the blockchain and IPFS, the cost of managing the data of persons in need is reduced, the reporting to donors is auditable, the design of helper programs is more accurate. No more silos. Each person in need will own the personal data and is incentivised to keep them data accurate and relevant, as if they were the portfolio of an artist that would be consulted by casting agents. Self-help. The data is open to all organisations that address this segment: humanitarians (WFP, UNICEF, red Cross…), micro-finance institutes, development agencies, insurers, world-size buyers (Nestlé, Danone, Coca-Cola), input sellers (Bayer, Syngenta, Corteva…). Everybody would pay the owners a small fee (tokens) to access the data. This would be on top of their existing Voucher & Cash Assistance programs. Open + Integrated with existing Big names will have their own tokens, small players will use a commonly accepted token, for example Machu Picchu’s. Open + Decentralised The persons in need would ultimately use a DEX to exchange their tokens from various origins into a bundle of one type of tokens of their choice, to be able to convert them into fiat for a specific use, to keep the bank conversion overhead low. Inclusive Finance + banking the unbanked It contributes to SDG 1(No Poverty) and SDG 17(Partnership for the goals). By its tokens, it supports directly SDG 2(Zero Hunger), SDG 3(Good Health & Weel-Being), SDG 4(Quality Education), SDG 5(Gender Equality) and SDG 10 (Reduce Inequalities).

Team: OpenDive
Project: Polkadot-Chan —
We wanted to make a personification of Polkadot as an anime character that could then be used for sticker, and even animations. We took inspiration from a previous Anime / Cyberpunk game we are building. We look forward into turning Polkadot-Chan into a full 3D avatar that could be rendered as an NFT or even be used within games or other animation works.

Team: William Hsieh
Project: Gravel —
With the influx of Decentralized Fixed-Rate Lending protocols, like Swivel, Yield, and Notional, I think it’s clear there is a need for a protocol that helps users select the best current Fixed-Rate Yield.

Team: ColorDAO
ColorDAO — Helps the citizens to connect with their government through incentives and take an active role within their community.

Team: BeNFT
Project: BeNifiT —
Charities are struggling. Sure, donations were still coming in during 2020, but many sources of typical revenue — like charitable art galleries were all but shut down due to COVID-19. Auctions and charities are searching for new ways to digitize their offering and obtain more donations digitally. So we built BeNeFit! BeNeFit is an online auction for NFTs that benefits charitable causes on chain. The market has two distinct features that set it apart from other NFT markets in that 1) pieces can be ‘donated’ with all proceeds going to charity of choice or 2) proceeds over and above a set reserve will directly go to a charity of choice for the auction, giving the owner some amount back for their work while also benefiting the charity. All proceeds over fair value is tax deductible (according to the IRS) in the US.

Team: prana:
Project: Prana: —
We humans have a unique way of adding value to entities just by interacting with it: a particular DVD of Star Wars once owned by Mark Hamill fetches more than its MRP (Maximum Retail Price), you attach sentimental value to the watch that your dad gave you (so much so that you’re not willing to part with it for any sum of money). This level of interaction and sentiment-attachment is only possible in the physical realm, precisely because there is no uniqueness attached with digital copies. Until the advent of blockchain and Non-Fungible Tokens. With NFTs, suddenly we’re able to hold unique digital collectibles, attach sentimental value to it, and have a history associated with it. But they don’t just have to be collectibles. They can be utilitarian entities, just like the watch that you wear to tell time. Here we propose such a platform for utilitarian non-fungible tokens: for digital content. All forms of digital content (movies, e-books, tv series, comics, music, games, etc.) can be distributed on the platform, but we’ll concentrate on e-books for simplicity and scope of this project. A unique NFT is generated and assigned to an owner when an e-book sale is executed. And since these tokens are unique, they behave like physical entities, i.e. as physical copies of a book. This means that there are a whole new set of behaviors that opens up for the owner, which doesn’t exist in any of the current content distribution platforms.An owner can sell or rent the book as she pleases, for the price that she chooses, to anyone in the globe. A whole new market gets opened up with this, while providing increased freedom and control to the customers. The platform is designed in such a way that each monetary transaction attached to a particular e-book copy results in a percentage of that transaction value being sent to the content creator/author, incentivizing their participation on the platform. Thus, both content creators and consumers are incentivized to be on the platfor

Team: Acala GSN
Project: Acala GSN Gas Station —
Ethereum Gas Station Network (GSN) abstracts away gas to minimize onboarding & UX friction for dapps. With GSN, gasless clients can interact with Ethereum contracts without users needing ETH for transaction fees. The GSN is a decentralized system that improves dapp usability without sacrificing security. Reference: https://docs.opengsn.org Example use cases for GSN: Pay gas in any token: Allow users to pay for gas in any token Pay gas in fiat: Allow users to pay for gas in fiat without having to go through KYC Privacy: Enabling ETH-less withdrawal of tokens sent to stealth addresses Onboarding: Allow dapps to subsidize the onboarding process for new users

Team: Zeshuai Pi
Project: Crypto Cat —
Social photos with what people are interested in.

Team: Freefund
Project: FreeFund —
A decentralized crowdfunding platform that accepts crypto (DAI) to kickstart projects. We are charging 0% fees and the governance of the overall platform shall be managed by the crowd as a DAO. The current top crowdfunding platforms are all: 1. charging fees, 2. not accepting cryptos, 3. centrally owned, managed and intransparent. We are changing all 3 aspects with FreeFund: 1. 0 fees, 2. projects can be supported in crypto ETH or DAI, 3. DAO governance.

Team: Trucol
TruCol — Aims at building a decentralized, trust-less platform for test-driven programming development. Utilizing Ethereum smart contracts and a bounty-based system, we hope to contribute to the online programming job market by providing developers the opportunity to contribute regardless of their geosocial circumstances, gender or ethnicity. The presented protocol has the potential to increase market efficiency of new and existing developer bounty programs. This potential is realized by eliminating the need for trust between sponsors and bounty hunters allowing the middle-person to be eliminated from the transactional chain. That way, the protocol creates a free and fair job market within which income inequalities between countries are eliminated. Such a free and fair developer market enables a thriving community of development that can positively stimulate growth of experience and knowledge. This way, we contribute to UN Goal #8, to “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”. The emphasis for us lays on inclusive, fair, accessible and decent work for all.

Team: Xops
Project: Documint —
An IDE for decentralized documents via Ceramic. Ceramic is awesome, and Documint makes shows it off. It is an interface to ceramic, providing the tools you need to be able to view, edit and create documents.

Team: Farenheit
Project: SuperSonic —
Nowadays creator communities have found ways to monetize their time, but what about builders? So many entrepreneurs who keep getting their “brains picked” yet have no gains from it? If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been asked to “meet so I can pick your brain about this crypto thing” I’d be rich. On the flip building blockchain-based projects is incredibly hard. No amount of documentation or videos can teach you as much about building an app on the blockchain as getting advice from someone who has already built one. That’s why we created SuperSonic — to give a new way for those who have built on blockchains to provide expert advice to those building their own project Supersonic solves this issue by providing an efficient method through which any would-be builders can source professional advice and ensure they do not waste their precious time working on unnecessary or low-quality problems. For current-builders, Supersonic offers a new way to fund things their blockchain project: 1: By setting up your unique contact page, you can now let anyone send a message and pay for your expert advice. 2: It also provides an option to become a sponsor from anywhere in the world. 3: You get real blockchain consulting work with developers and experts in the field working on your project on-demand. You will be able to use Supersonic to give your crypto career a start, your own project legitimacy, or earn some extra cash. Our launch goal is to reach more people to donate to Gitcoin grants by rallying Ethereum community members to donate their time to the Matching Pool. We plan to continue building decentralized finance tools. Specifically fix the onboarding issues and contract-interactions fees. A game user shouldn’t be expected to pay 100 dollars of which 30 go to fees, and then 20 more to transact into a Layer2. Suddenly having 50 dollars left to play on a layer 2 platform.

Team: bchainify
Project: Token Meme —
The pandemic has made children disconnected from their friends, physically. Impending their social development.We want to enrich the learning of kids how to code, socialize virtually in a trusted secure blockchain to their trusted friends.

Team: Gokul Alex
Project: HenkiNet —
This project is addressing the need for a comprehensive tokenomics in AAVE Credit Delegation and Delegated Flash Loans. This project is an attempt to enhance the AAVE Protocol V2 Credit Delegation Workflow and Flash Loans Functionalities. AAVE Credit Delegation V2 Workflow ERC 1155 Tokens, Token Farms, and DAO & AAVE Flash Loan V2 Bonding Curve Integration Architecture on StarkWare StarkEx DEX. Credit Delegation Workflow is enhanced using the ERC 1155 Multi-Function Token Standard. Credit Delegation Workflow is further divided into components such as Loan to Value (LTV), Loan to Cost (LTC), Loan Credit Risk, Loan Credit Score, etc. Each of these components are tokenized as ERC 20 Tokens. There is a Delegation Farm between Credit Value and Credit Cost tokens created. In addition to these changes to the AAVE CD, this project attempts to distribute the AAVE Batch Flash Loans as a Bonding Curve. This project aims to deploy the AAVE Credit Delegation Workflow as an ERC 1155 Token into the StarkWare StarkEx zkRollup based Decentralised Exchange to speed up the transfer and trade of credit delegation workflow multi tokens in its entirety. AAVE Credit Delegation V2 Integration to a DAO AAVE Credit Delegation Workflow Token as ERC 1155 AAVE Credit LTV Tokenisation as ERC 20 AAVE Credit LTC Tokenisation as ERC 20 AAVE Credit Delegation Farm for LTC and LTV Tokens AAVE Credit Risk Tokenisation as ERC 20 AAVE Credit Score Tokenisation as ERC 20 AAVE Credit Delegation DAO for Risk and Scoe Tokens AAVE Batch Flash Loan Distribution as a Bonding Curve AAVE Batch Flash Loan becomes Fusion Loans in a Bonding Curve

Team: Alfred
Project: Alfred Goes to Work —
Alicia joined the Opolis employment commons so that she would have access to the kinds of benefits you usually get from an employer. Has life and disability insurance through Opolis Wants to create a letter to her family they can access if she becomes incapacitated Describes Opolis and contains information about the disability policies Wants the parts of the letter that contain sensitive information to only be available after she dies Describes Opolis, the benefits, and how to access her account Opolis also wants to know if she dies They need to stop her benefits and put her account in an inactive status

Team: Mastering Superfluid
Project: Mastering Superfluid —
Enable money streaming on DAOs. Imagine DAOs like the RaidGUuild streaming their payroll to their members in real-time or doing instant budget distributions to active Raids.

Team: Herdius
Project: Unbounded.finance —
Ethereum’s first on-chain SPAC including P2P, and OTC trading. Our main goal was to push the boundaries of DeFi and come up with something exciting and valuable. Our first product which we call CPV (Crypto Perpetual Vehicle) is an on-chain SPAC (Special-purpose acquisition company). We realised that with DeFi maturing, novice users needed an easy way to take advantage of arbitrage, flash loan, cross-exchange arbitrage opportunities. CPV allows exactly that, users can deposit their funds into our CPV contract and anyone on Ethereum can become an arbitrageur and make trades, loans, OTC/p2p swaps using the funds within the CPV. Users and arbitrageurs both receive warrants which can be converted to profit generated by the CPV or exchanged. We also built a P2P and OTC trade interface where users can create simple, secure trades across two assets. Although the future OTC and P2P users differ in a lot, we built this interface with the vision in mind that two random people on the street can facilitate a swap in a few minutes.

Team: Defcon402
Last Mile Crypto — An alternative communication method to access the Ethereum blockchain. Dialup, SMS, TDD, Wireless. In October 2020, only 59 percent of the global population had regular internet access. One of the greatest barriers between the rich and the poor is access to a banking system. Our goal is accessibility and inclusion. By utilizing alternative and legacy communication technologies, we can provide ethereum access to areas and populations with no internet access. This type of communication will further help developing countries and work towards global equality. Providing banking access to developing countries can promote financial inclusion; banking is no longer for the rich. It also allows engagement in microtransaction and microlending platforms. And the added transparency of a public ledger will help alleviate corruption and provide much needed oversight. Additionally, although our goal is to help developing countries, this method of technology would be useful in disaster areas, refugee camps, and avoiding government internet censorship. At risk of sounding like a beauty pageant contestant, we truly believe a well-scaled application like Last Mile Ethereum can help solve poverty and promote equality.

Team: Ankit Raj
Project: ERC20 Bridge —
Near is an unmatched blockchain base build, but the problem is its very new in space. There are lots of assets which needed to be moved from eth to near. For that, we need a simple bridge. Near has lots of advantage in terms of speed, gas and UX. The good part is Near has recently built an ETH<>Near bridge. Here I have created an erc20 token in eth and used the bridge to swap on near. There is a cool video also. Please have a look at it.

Team: StarChild
Project: Timelock —
It’s easy to spend money on crypto DeFi Speculation when you know you might just want to keep it in ETH or BTC until it matures. Now you can! This is a simple app that helps you lock money for a future date using a smart contract. A link to the contract is then posted to IPFS.

Team: Rafat Hussain
Project: Decentralized Order Book —
Acala aims to be the DeFi hub for Polkadot. This project is my attempt to start building and testing financial contracts/DAPPs on ACala EVM.

Team: Team
Project: Harmony Explorer —
The Harmony One Community can use a simple Ethereum Standard Explorer with several information of block, transactions, address, charts for hash, transaction count, gas, etc.

Team: Parsiq
Project: Parsiq Explorer —
A data rich block explorer using PARSIQ Ethereum node API extending existing expedition app. Main features : Chain id, syncing status and runtime configuration for endpoints,search by block, transaction, address, charts for hash, transaction count, gas used, etc.

Team: CueCannon
Project: CueCannon —
Makes live performances into less of a production with Web3 tools. Paper was costly and in short supply during Shakespeare’s days. To learn their lines, actors would be given cue cards with their lines and the lines of the actor performing before them. Inspired by this time-honored rehearsal method, CueCannon was created during ETHDenver 2021 to bring the benefits of a decentralized and transparent blockchain technology to help make the performing arts more accessible and equitable. Requiring no account creation and no intermediaries, a user can find a script for a production and then cast and rehearse the production. Authors can publish their work and earn money with no agent and no transaction fees. Productions can store all collaborators’ notes instantly and transparently — a historical treasure trove in the making. Roles can be automatically cast or cast based on line-equity metrics. Performers can focus on their cues rather than thumbing through the whole script. Spectators can access assistive listening and audio-description content currently available with costly equipment. While inspired by theatre, CueCannon can be used for any production requiring a script, including corporate equity, diversity, and inclusion training.

Team: CookPonta
Project: Kanji Chain —
It’s just an art, solves nothing but adds a variety to Ethereum space. A block with certain amount of of MakerDao related transactions have special effect.

Team: Seeramic
Project: Tiles (ex-Seeramic) —
We believe Ceramic’s smart documents are an integral part of unifying the web and realizing the vision of web3. The problem is, nobody can currently browse and see any of the amazing documents which are being created! What’s more — Ceramic doesn’t natively index any of the documents on the network. To fix that, we created Tiles. Tiles indexes Ceramic and allows users to browse their contents, all in a sleek, intuitive and Ceramic-branded interface. Users can either browse a list of documents or look up a specific document with its ID. It enables users to share tile details with each other without running Ceramic infrastructure themselves.

Team: 2C: Two’s Complement
Project: True Review —
In the wake of Google censoring over 100,000 reviews from Robinhood’s app during the GME event, the online community has made it clear that people demand ownership of their VOICE and their DATA. True Review is a censorship-resistant review platform. It lets people OWN their reviews, and share them without fear of censorship. We used LOTS of awesome tech from our ETHDenver sponsors this year, integrating a spectrum of awesome tools in interesting ways. Reviews belong to the people, so let’s build it that way.

Team: BruFinance
Project: BruFinance —
The current DeFi space is focused on highly over-collateralised digital assets and serves only a small set of crypto native population either looking for high yield or borroiwng against crypto holdings. That leaves out 7 billion people out of DeFi space who earn, invest and hold assets in real world assets. Bru brings highly liquid commodities to DeFi world against which traditional institutions like banks already lend if commodities are stored in accredited warehouses on our parent startup Whrrl (www.WHR.loans) blockchain platform. Commodities loan is Bru’s first DeFi application and the project will expand to other real world assets soon.

Team: $HEAT
Project: $HEATDEX — The Culftural —
ANY## The Crypto creative space does not have a platform for curators to market signal dope creatives that are minting really great works, collectors are largely unaware of works made that don’t already have big followings, AND artists lack the tools they need to increase their exposure.

Team: Apoorv Lathey
Project: Dex Buy NFTS — Unique One
Use 0x DEX Aggregator to swap any input token to ETH and buy NFTs directly from Unique.One Marketplace. Currently Unique.One Marketplace just allows ETH to use as currency to buy NFTs, which might prevent users from Buying NFTs if they want to spend different Tokens like DAI, USDC, etc. Here I have created a Proof of Concept that utilizes 0x to find the best liquidity pool to use when swapping from user’s token to ETH and so the slippage is at minimum.

Team: Cryptocorn
Project: Verager Protocol —
Allows traders to use leverage without having to worry about liquidations, margin or funding rates all in trustless way via leveraged tokens. These tokens are trustless.

Team: blackbeard
Project: nftyswaps.com —
Currently users have to do direct transfers or use a centralized third party when exchanging NFTs, which is based fully on trust of the other party and does not offer any escrow services. NFT collectors can now use our interface to view ERC-721s in other Ethereum wallets, create & view offers for swapping assets and execute the transaction if they want to accept. The goal is to have an atomic escrow system to facilitate the transfer of NFTs that is decentralized and allows for a trustless exchange to take place. Future plans include accessing ERC-1155s, as well as ERC-20s to help sweeten the deals. Another feature would be to utilize multiple blockchains (Matic, Flow, etc) and facilitate transfers of NFTs across all chains.

Team: Super Rinkeby
Project: Super Rinkeby —
A decentralized Super Mario-like game where you can magically change your character through an NFT purchase. The game is decentralized and cannot be taken down by game publishers since it is hosted on IPFS. The game has a stronger UX/UI than other blockchain games since it is built using our SDK that links to Unity, the world’s most popular game engine. By using Unity, we unlock blockchain game development to the millions of game developers who are currently using Unity to build web2 games. The game enables FOMO and superfan following by allowing gamers to buy and fully own limited supply, unique assets that develop their characters and game environment. In addition to the game, we brainstormed on how microtransactions would work in gaming in the future. Nightshade on the NEAR Protocol inspired us to rethink sharding 2.0. Instead of dedicated nodes to validating locale-specific data, we considered nodes validating DApp-specific data. We also considered community-centric validation. Each game download would include a node download. Gamers can decide if they want to toggle their node capacity on/off and depending on how much storage they want to provide. Gamers who participate in node validation will receive more in-game points.

Team: Masterfile
Project: Masterfile —
By tying digital rights management to an NFT we can enable a whole new class of digital assets to the ecosystem that has the potential to retain their value by avoiding commoditization by piracy (copy and paste). This has a wide range of potential applications, some of which are:

  • Secure File Access/Transfer (Intellectual Property, Medical Data, Whistleblowers, etc.)
  • Rare/Limited Edition Collectibles (Art, Comic Books, Trading Cards, etc.)
  • Paywalled Content
  • Licensing Agreements

We are particularly interested in introducing this type of technology to digital artists, as there is a demand from both the artist and collector side to be able to sell/collect digital art that maintains its value and limited availability, similar to traditional art collecting in the real world. Additionally, with the growing NFT collectibles market introducing this type of technology to digital artists and collectors can serve as an onboarding ramp into the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Team: DoEthRaki
Project: Pachisi —
It’s a prediction market that lets people make various choices.

Team: RHS
Project: NFTea Room —
is a platform and DAO to supply and decide accurate pricing information for NFTs using a decentralized and democratic voting process. NFTs have seen an explosion of popularity in the last year. Countless companies/projects such as Showtime, Superrare, have popped up to support discovery and initial sale of new NFTs, along with marketplaces like OpenSea to facilitate trading. Some projects even support taking out NFT-backed loans (ex. NFTfi). Unfortunately, there is no platform for accurate pricing information of these NFTs. While some NFTs have their own site (ex. CryptoPunks) that allows holders to place sell orders, there is no information on assets that currently don’t have open orders, or for assets that are changing hands outside of these large platforms. If you’re familiar with virtual video game items, you may know of sites such as backpack.tf (for Steam items) that allow the community to collectively speculate, vote, and decide on the pricing of certain items based on past trades, market dynamics, cultural changes. Accurate pricing information opens up a ton of possibilities — it adds predictability to NFT-backed loans, allows for more efficient items-to-items trading, and is a source of information for those who are in the market for NFTs that may not be actively traded.

See a full list of winners here. Learn more at ethdenver.com.




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