Everything You Need to Know About the CryptoChicks Exploration Track at ETHDenver

Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2020

About Exploration Track

A place for everyone and anyone, in-person or remote — share your idea with the community and receive feedback and support from industry leaders.

This track is:

  • For those who came all the way to ETHDenver and for some reason were not able to finish the hack
  • For those who came to ETHDenver to check it out, and came up with the idea on the spot
  • For those who have a brilliant idea of a Dapp, game, protocol or platform or any other project that involves blockchain, but can’t be at ETHDenver in person
  • It is an idea competition, so if you already have a working prototype/product and revenue — this might not be the right competition for you. Please consider to apply for the alternative in-person competitions that might be a better fit:


Elena Sinelnikova of CryptoChicks.


  • Cash prize will be awarded to the best project in this track (ETHDenver other tracks winners are exempt from this award)
  • 3 best ideas will receive the confirmed spots at the EDCON Superdemo in Vienna, Austria April 3–7 (to be attended in person)
  • Best ideas will be invited to join CryptoChicks Hatchery — the pre-incubation mentorship program that will help you to get your idea off the ground


CryptoChicks is a global non-profit organization that incubates blockchain and AI talent and grows technology startups globally.

Judging Criteria

  • Blockchain: Is your idea a good use case for a blockchain?
  • Need: Do you have evidence of a real business need for this solution?
  • Creativity and Originality: Is the idea really innovative or a twist on an existing one?
  • Sustainability: Do you have a sustainable business model?

Applications and Submissions

Submissions are accepted via the registration form http://bit.ly/ETHDenverExplorationTrack

Remote submissions cut off is Friday February 14 at 10pm Mountain Time.

In-person submissions cut-off is Sunday, February 16 at 8:30 am Mountain Time

Presentations and Judging

Presentation times are 2 minutes each. Schedule will be published here: http://bit.ly/ETHDenverExplorationSchedule

Remote presentations are on Saturday February 15 at 12 pm Mountain Time through ZOOM (link will be provided).

In-person presentations are on Sunday, February 16 at 10 am Mountain Time in the Impact area (3rd floor stage) of ETHDenver.




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: http://ethdenver.com • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam