How to Become a Mentor or Get Help From One at ETHDenver 2020

With ETHDenver 2020 just a few weeks away, we wanted to bring you a resource on how to connect with and/or get support from our team of #BUIDLathon mentor volunteers.



Become a mentor for ETHDenver 2020.

Show Your Support by Volunteering as a Mentor

If you want to be a mentor and help your fellow #BUIDLers, ETHDenver needs your support! Crushing a project in 36 hours is a grind but the right advice at the right time can lead a team to a major breakthrough. If you’re interested in dedicating a block of your time to mentoring, please Sign-Up Here or email the #BUIDL Experience team at and include:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your company/organization
  3. Your general skill set/area (i.e. Design, UI/UX, front or back end dev, business, security, etc.)
  4. Tech/specialties you’re an expert in (i.e. Solidity, Smart Contracts, etc.)
  5. General hours you are available (Morning, Afternoon, Night, Late Night). Note that late night shifts are actually very interesting times to hang out at ETHDenver and especially critical for many teams working to complete their projects on Saturday night. If you’re a night owl, consider making yourself available!

3 Ways to Get Help From Mentors at ETHDenver

Bookmark this post BUIDLers! Here’s how to request help at the event:

  1. Go to the #BUIDL Experience Mentor Desk
    Back by popular demand, we’ll have a mentor desk located directly in the middle of the action on the 4th floor. This is where you can go and get on-the-spot help from any of our available mentors (expertise to include: Blockchain/General Dev, UX/UI, BizDev/Marketing).
  2. Post in Our Discord Server to Get Help
    Just post to the #mentor-support channel: 1) what type of problem you’re having, 2) what skills you think you may need to solve it, and 3) your table number. Mentors will respond on a first-come, first-served basis to these requests. Make sure to Download Discord and join our server to prepare yourself for ETHDenver.
  3. Talk with Our Sponsors
    If you are working on a project using technology provided by one of our sponsors and are having technical difficulties, stop by the #BUIDL Experience Desk. We will help get you in contact with the correct party to debug any issues with sponsor-specific tech. You can also visit sponsors directly at their tables located on the 2nd floor. They will have representatives present to give you quick assistance so you can finish their bounty! Check out ETHDenver 2020’s sponsor list on our website.

We can’t wait to see you at ETHDenver 2020! Applications are open through 01/15 on our website:




A community #BUIDLing the decentralized future • Feb. 24– March 5, 2023 • Apply: • #ETHDenver #BufficornBUIDLBrigade #ColoradoJam