Threshold at ETHDenver 2022

Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2022

Threshwho? NuCypher + Keep = Threshold!
Over the past several months the NuCypher and Keep communities have been hard at work on the first-ever on-chain merger between two decentralized networks. Both projects individually guarantee user sovereignty on the public blockchain through the use of threshold cryptography Now together on the Threshold Network, Keep’s infrastructure and NuCypher’s privacy tools will offer users an integrated way to keep their digital assets private and secure.

Why Merge?
Turns out, both networks have privacy-preserving technology that require a number of nodes to secure the network. Instead of competing for market share, our communities decided that 1 + 1 = 3. Fast forward to today, and after months of community involvement, planning and execution, they’re now live as the Threshold Network with $T as our upgraded native token.

This unified network combines Keep’s ability to encrypt, store, and transmit private data through off-chain containers with NuCypher’s privacy tools, which include managing secrets across different environments, granting and revoking access to sensitive information, and processing encrypted data. These threshold cryptography primitives are accessible to smart contracts without compromising either the privacy of users nor the transparency of the network.

Read more about Threshold, where to find them at ETHDenver and connect with her social here!




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