Ether Legends Launching Randomized End-of-Season NFT rewards Powered By Chainlink VRF

Ether Legends Support
Ether Legends
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2020

Chainlink and Ether Legends “Link up on Blockchain Gaming Randomization”

Ether Legends and Chainlink

Today, the Ether Legends team is thrilled to announce the end-of-season rewards feature powered by Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Randomness Function)! This feature will use Chainlink VRF to randomly distribute rare NFT prizes backed by ENJ tokens to top tier players at the end of the first season and ongoing thereafter.

For newcomers, Ether Legends is a physical and digital collectible trading card game featuring player versus player and player vs. NPC battles that take place in a majestic arena full of ethereal power. Choose your three best champions to face off against your opponent, and collect a variety of NFT characters and companions that will aid you in battle… For Glory, For Power, For Treasure! Ether Legends is set to release in 2020 for android and iOS mobile devices.

Ether Legends Men and Beasts, playable and collectibles trading cards available now!

Randomization is used in just about every type of game and gaming genre that exists today, and blockchain games are no different, requiring randomization in gaming mechanics and game rewards. In blockchain gaming, developers are tasked with ensuring fair, secure, and immutable randomization results for the distribution of rewards and gamified functions. Blockchain game players deserve the same security guarantees for protecting their assets and time dependent on random rewards as they currently receive from the underlying blockchain supporting other game functions. Having worked with rarity ‘drop’ rates through various smart contract functions, the Ether Legends team is intimately familiar with the challenges of blockchain randomization.

This is why the Ether Legends team chose to power their contracts with Chainlink VRF! Chainlink VRF is a randomness solution purpose-built for smart contract applications. It comes with a unique set of security guarantees, allowing players to audit on-chain that the randomness was generated in a provably fair and unbiased manner. Because the end-of-season rewards are going to be backed by real-world value, Chainlink VRF is the obvious choice as a randomness solution that is secure and verifiable.

End of Season VRF Distribution (Prize Pool Rewards)

Ether Legends will use Chainlink VRF to randomly distribute end of season rewards. The ERC1155 gaming asset rewards that are to be sent out are one-of-a-kind, high value items backed by a substantial amount of Enjin Coin. Upon testing and implementation of the Ether Legends rewards distribution, all of the Ether Legends code will be open-sourced on github for others to take advantage of and apply as they see fit!

The season construct in the Ether Legends Collectible Trading Card game is an opportunity to rank up in the leaderboards by obliterating your opponents in the arena, so play to earn your shot at the end of season reward prize pool! The season prize pool details are soon to be announced!

If you are a smart contract developer and want to take advantage of the Chainlink VRF feature, visit their developer documentation and join the technical discussion on Discord. If you want to schedule a call to discuss the integration more in-depth, reach out here.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is an open source blockchain abstraction layer for building and running decentralized oracle networks that give smart contracts on any blockchain access to secure and reliable data inputs and outputs. It provides oracles to leading DeFi applications like Synthetix, Aave, and Kyber Network; numerous blockchains such as Ethereum, Polkadot, and Tezos; as well as large enterprises including Google, Oracle, and SWIFT.

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