An overview of EthereansOS

4 min readOct 12, 2022

And what makes it so powerful

Building in Web3 is hard to get started in and is very much a niche few developers have delved into. This will change over time, but the need to make platforms and ecosystems easier for the average person to build web3 applications is clear. Similar to what Shopify did for creative e-commerce businesses and what Webflow did for making websites accessible to all, regardless of coding knowledge and skill, we need that moment in web3.

EthereansOS is here to do just that!

Everything is set up to make the accessibility and performance of building in web3 seamless and is dedicated to ensuring the core principles of the blockchain (decentralization, scalability, and security) are kept at the core of every application built within its framework.

EthereansOS provides features that allow anyone to easily create DeFi products, sophisticated token standards, and 100% on-chain organizations. While also providing a straightforward way for developers to monetize and token holders to profit.

The building blocks of EthereansOS

The below features are the core building blocks that the team, EthereansOS, and EthereansLabs, will provide as the essential ingredients to build your organization, company, or application on top of Ethereum. Additionally, it empowers developers to create and monetize code without building an entire business and product to go along with their code because EthereansOS is that business.

Think Webflow, Shopify, or WordPress for web3. Plugins to make modular smart contracts and decentralized organizations. Developers get to code, and creators get to accelerate their time to market without worrying about the nuances of complex systems.


A Factory is a smart contract acting as a repository of a model contract that others can clone and implement for their particular use-case. A cloned contract can be initialized with custom parameters and extended with a custom Extension contract for various purposes, guaranteeing that no one can modify its core.


EthereansOS Guilds are everything DAOs promised to be and more. Sophisticated and governable 100% on-chain, they are the first Organizations that are truly decentralized without compromise.


Covenants are a suite of general-purpose multi-AMM financial factories to securely help Ethereum projects build their communities’ financial aspects without development risks.


Items are perfectly interoperable tokens on top of Ethereum. They can act as ERC20s, ERC1155s, and as more advanced tokens with state-of-the-art capabilities while maintaining backward compatibility with all applications based on the ERC20 and ERC1155 standards.


Colonies is a smart contract protocol that allows an on-chain Organization to move tokens, such as fees from its business model, from one Layer to another in an automated way without having to move tokens manually, creating a cross-layer business model.

So how does this all work together?

In sum, these features can be matched together in any shape the builder wants, enabling granular and modular designs put together like Lego blocks to produce any dApp the user can dream of, all without coding everything from scratch. All while providing the developers who build new smart contracts a way to monetize through licensing and factorizing their code directly on the EtheareansOS platform while maintaining 100% ownership of their work.

This enables builders to reduce the time wasted replicating and fully deploying simple, smart contracts required for complex apps.

Drag, drop, build, monetize.

In conclusion, EthereansOS creates:

  • A fully decentralized smart contract marketplace letting developers monetize their code through contract factories that can be cloned and extended.
  • A builders hub that makes it seamless and easy to experiment and create web3 products and organizations.
  • A scalable and robust tokenomics system that ensures long-term profitability for builders, developers, and token holders while remaining 100% decentralized at its core.

We believe that Ethereum needs this to create a robust and vibrant economy of creative and powerful utility across the platform that is accessible to all. In time this can lead to the use cases and utility of products built on top of EthereansOS to bleed into our everyday usage. From content creators and gaming to complex cooperative businesses and products owned by the group that utilizes them.

In a future article, we will dive into “What you can build on EthereansOS,” as we know that examples are always a powerful way to gain insight and understand how something works.

Are you interested in learning more?

Join our Discord HERE and follow us on Twitter as we build this platform together.




Working to make web3 run the infrastructure of our world.