The Beast Is Tamed — EthereansOS Is Here

It’s done. The Ethereans Operating System has been deployed on Ethereum.

4 min readNov 30, 2021
Illustration by @spindemul

Deployment Story:

After so much hard work and so many sleepless nights, we have at long last tamed the beast we created, and unleashed it upon the world.

This isn’t just another application. This is the first truly decentralized platform on Ethereum. To understand the difference between EthereansOS and a Dapp, we can consider the difference between Amazon and E-Commerce.

Dapps are like E-Commerce sites. They have their specific contracts, use cases, and fundamental dependencies on other external applications. They are tailor-made for their singular purposes, and can’t be used for others. You can’t take your cart from one E-Commerce site to another.

EthereansOS is like Amazon. It is a general-purpose platform, with Factories ready for all use cases. On Amazon, you can place your product, and the platform is designed for it to be managed, regardless of what it is. Likewise, on EthereansOS, you can build your Dapp’s core, and the platform gives you everything you need to expand it, whether it involves governance, tokens, DeFi, NFTs, or any or all of these, with an entire marketplace of Factories ready to plug and play.

As you might expect, EthereansOS and Amazon are drastically more difficult to build than a single Dapp or E-Commerce site. You have to keep in mind not just one but effectively infinite use cases, designing your platform with strong enough logic and security that anyone can use it for anything without corrupting the ecosystem.

Another useful comparison — or rather contrast — is that between EthereansOS and AMMs. Building EthereansOS is like not like building a single monolithic AMM, but rather a platform at provides a multitude of mutually-agnostic, modular components that can be deployed from Factories, mixed-and-matched and extended to build a highly customizable one.

When we began designing EthereansOS — with the Factory of Factories (FoF), Items v2 and v0.5 Organizations in mind — we knew that our challenge was to build a secure, composable, extendable, flexible and general-purpose base layer for infinite use cases for doing anything and everything on Ethereum.

This meant building a system for a future wave of applications and protocols that we can’t even predict. And everything had to be so that anyone using it wouldn’t have to trust at all or rely on known development teams.

This was not easy. But we managed it, and we’re extremely proud. We’d love for you to take the time to read the (many!) pages of documentation we’ve procured for it, to understand our beast in all its magnificence:

All 40+ contracts are live on mainnet.

Here’s a list of just the main ones, including the Factories:

Factories of Factories
Organizations (Governance Layer) Factory
Organizations (Root Layer) Factory
Delegations Factory
Items v2 Factory
EthereansOS Organization Root Layer
EthereansOS Organization Root Layer Treasury
EthereansOS Organization Governance Layer
EthereansOS Organization Treasury Splitter
EthereansOS Organization Investment Fund Treasury
EthereansOS Organization Farming OS Contract
EthereansOS Organization Farming Dividends Contract
EthereansOS Organization OS Inflation Routine Contract

The Interface

The brand new EthereansOS interface will go live in the next 48 hours.

It will be ready for OS holders to govern the protocol with total decentralized independence from the team’s influence, and for Delegations to start doing their thing.

As an OS holder, you will be able observe and help direct the flow of money throughout the treasuries, and be active in the growth of the ecosystem by voting or running Delegations.

More info about EthereansOS governance here:

However, this will be a limited functionality release of the interface. We’ll roll out the rest of the features over the next weeks:

View and Create Items
Cross-AMM and OpenSea Trades
View and Create Covenants Farming and Routines Contracts
Create Organizations, Polls, and Manage Root Layers
Create Factories and View Factories Marketplace
Mobile View and Dark Mode

Farming and Dividends

For the moment, Covenants is not ready on the new EthereansOS interface. -You can manage old Covenant farming contracts contracts at -The new farming contracts (including dividend farming) are available via

$OS Farming — 3 moths duration — 64 $OS daily reward

Dividends (in $ETH) — min to enter (5,000 $OS) — 3 Months duration — 0.6 $ETH daily reward

Investment Fund

Quarter Investment Fund buy:
50 ETH to 20% GTC — 20% ENS — 20% DPI —20% MVI and 20% OS (burn)

Weekly Investment Fund Sell:

Fixed Inflation

First daily Fixed Inflation:


EthereansOS is as significant for us as Eth 2.0 will be for the Ethereum development team. It’s a base layer that will serve the network for the years to come. So before we issue the full release of the interface, it’s extremely important that we first ensure it will provide the best and securest user experience possible.

We’re extremely happy with how well today went, and excited for the new era that it heralds.

The best is yet to come.


