[Adventure Mode #4] Everything you need to know about the Pre-sale

Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2018

Hi all,

To help everyone better understand the Adventure Mode Pre-sale event, this is a summary, one-stop dictionary for you. There are in total 6 sections. You can navigate easily to the topics you want to read.

1. What is the Pre-sale page?

Adventure Mode Pre-sale event page is: https://www.etheremon.com/#/adventure

2. Start time and end time of the Pre-sale

  • Start at 12.00 AM UTC (GMT+0), 26 May 2018.
  • End at 12.00 AM UTC (GMT+0), 16 June 2018.

3. Adventure Sites and What you get as Site hosts

  • There are only 108 Adventure sites in the Etheremon’s world.
  • Exactly 54 sites will be released in this Pre-sale event. Another 54 sites will NOT be released until next year (2019).
  • The hosts of an Adventure Site will gain monetary rewards every time a Mon embarks on a journey at their site. 90% of these fee will be equally distributed to the site’s hosts. The remaining 10% will go to Etheremon for contract maintenance. Game fees will be determined by the sites’ hosts from mid-August. Prior to that, default fee will be applied as below:
    * Exploration Fee: 0.01 ETH or 15 EMONT
    * Challenge Fee: 0.005 ETH or 8 EMONT
  • The site ownership is a tradable ERC-721 token (like monsters).

4. Adventure Mode Release and Gameplay

  • Adventure Mode will be released in mid-July starting with 2 sub-game modes: Exploration and Challenge.
  • Exploration Game:
    * In the Exploration game, player choose a monster and send it to a random Adventure site to collect rewards, which include EMONT, EXP boxes, Booster shards, Level-up pills and Mystery Monsters.
    * Exploration fee is a single fee applied for all sites. This fee will be determined by all fee submissions from the sites’ hosts. As players cannot choose any particular site in the Exploration game, all site’ hosts will have equal chance of earning this income.
  • Challenge game:
    * In the Challenge game, player choose a site and send one of his/her monsters to challenge 5 guardian monsters of that site’s hosts. Only sites previously explored are available for the challenge game. The sites’ hosts can put one of his/her monsters to guard their sites. 5 out of 10 guardian monsters will be randomly selected to fight in each challenge game.
    * Challenge fee for a site is determined by 10 hosts of that site. As such, there will be 54 Challenge fees associated with 54 sites.

5. How to join the Pre-sale?

  • You need to register to join the Pre-sale atthe Official Pre-sale website here: https://www.etheremon.com/#/adventure. It only takes you a few seconds to complete your registration.
  • We recommend using Desktop to have the best experience when bidding. To bid on Desktop, install Metamask, register your existing ETH address and you are ready to place your first bid.

6. How to buy a site?

  • The Pre-sale will follow auction-like mechanism.
  • 52 sites will be sold in ETH and 2 sites will be sold in EMONT with the starting bid placed at 0.5 ETH and 250 EMONT respectively.
  • There are maximum 10 winning bids for each site. The next bid must be at least 0.05 ETH or 50 EMONT higher than the lowest bid among the top 10 bids.
  • In the event that 2 bids have the same amount, the earlier bid will be considered higher bid.
  • In the event that a site doesn’t have enough 10 bidders, all bidders for the site will become the site’s hosts and the remaining slots will still belong to Etheremon team.

7. Rewards for early bidders

  • Each bidder will get an 100-EMONT reward for bidding within the first 48 hours and a 50-EMONT reward for bidding within the next 7 days. Reward will be sent regardless of the bidding outcome. Rewards are only applied for bidding using ETH.
  • Each address is only eligible for exactly 1 reward, either 100- or 50-EMONT. Rewards will be sent 7 days after the Pre-sale event.

8. Other auction rules

  • Top 10 bids are non-refundable. If you are within the top 10 bids for each site, you cannot withdraw or update your bid amount.
  • When you are outbid (no longer in top 10), your bid will be immediately refunded and you can re-bid.
  • Auction winners will pay the exact bid amount they submit (pay-as-bid).

We believe you are ready! Let’s move to the Official Adventure Pre-sale Page to make a bid now!


Etheremon Team

Previous posts about Adventure Mode here:
[Adventure Mode #1]: Gameplay
[Adventure Mode #2]: Pre-sale Mechanism
[Adventure Mode #3] What Site hosts and Mon-seekers can expect in game launch

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A blockchain game about collecting, training, evolving and trading Monsters, built with blockchain and VR technology. Think Pokemon on blockchain.