Introducing: Castle Mode Part of the Etheremon Battle System

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4 min readJan 3, 2018

Battle is one of the most important and exciting aspects of the Etheremon World. There are a few battle modes under development, and castle mode is coming very soon!

In this blog post, we will explain how to interact with Etheremon’s first decentralized Battle System and how Etheremon battle works.

1. Battle Power (BP)

Battle Power is a single, simplified value that encapsulates all six of an Etheremon’s battle stats: Health Point (HP), Primary Attack (PA), Secondary Attack (SA), Primary Defense (PD), Secondary Defense (SD), and Speed (Sp).

Experience (EXP) can only be gained through battle, and increasing EXP will level up Etheremon. Higher level Etheremon have higher stats and are basically stronger. Also, after reaching a certain level, some Etheremons will gain the ability to Transform.

2. Castles

In the Etheremon World, there are special locations called “hills” where you can build and defend your own castle. A total of 30“hills” have been discovered in the World. Ever since their discovery, MonSeekers have been battling non-stop to claim their possessions and train their Etheremons.

2.1. Building and defending a castle

  • On an empty hill, you can build a castle by hiring a Blockid builder squad at the cost of minimum 0.04 ether for 5 bricks.
  • For every battle lost, the amount of castle’s brick reduces by 1.
  • For every 8 battle won, the amount of castle’s brick increases by 1.
  • The castle would fall if its brick amount reduce to 0.
  • You can increase your castle’s initial strength (e.g: brick amount) by supplying more ether at the start.

To defend your castle, you put a team of 3 Etheremons (battlers) supported by up to 3 other Etheremons (supporters).

2.2. Attacking a castle

You can attempt to take down a castle by launching attacks to reduce its strength. Your attacking team will also consist of 3 battlers and 3 supporters. In case your attack takes down a castle (last one before it falls), you will scavenge 50% of the castle’s build bricks.

3. Battle mechanism

3.1. The main game

In an Etheremon battle, each team will consist of 3 battlers and up to 3 supporters. Battlers will fight each other respectively depending on their positions, meaning first vs first, second vs second and third vs third.

  • In each matchup, the Etheremon with the higher Speed attacks first.
  • The Etheremon takes turn attacking each other.
  • Primary Defense reduces the damage of incoming Primary Attack, Secondary Defense reduces the damage of incoming Secondary Attack.
  • During a turn, whichever attack (either Primary or Secondary Attack) that results in most total damage to the defender will be performed by the attacker, damaging the defenders’ HP.
  • In each turn, the attacker might be able to land a “critical attack”, which means its Primary Attack/ Secondary Attack will be much higher than normal. This totally depends on chance.
  • The first Etheremon to lose all of its HP loses the fight.
  • The winning Etheremon is rewarded with huge amount of experience and the losing Etheremon also gains experience but of a lesser amount.
  • The remaining battler will continue the matchups.
  • There are total 3 matchups, and the team which triumph in 2 or more matchups wins the overall battle.
  • Supporters (ancestors and gasons) can increase Battle Power for battlers (more details below). Type is also an important factor.

3.2. Supporters:

Each team consists of up to 3 supporters. They can be battlers’ ancestors or gasons.
- A supporting ancestor increases all of its descendant’s offensive stats by 10% (e.g: Primary Attack & Secondary Attack increased 10%). This effect repeats if there are multiple ancestors e.g if there are 2 ancestors of the battling Etheremons present, Primary Attack & Secondary Attack increased by 20%
- A supporting gason supports all battlers of its types. These battlers will receive 10% increase in defensive stats (e.g: Primary Defense & Secondary Defense increased by 10%).

3.3. Type advantage:

Each of the 17 Etheremon types has an advantage over another type. When an Etheremon is battling another Etheremon that it has type advantage over, its offensive stats are increased by 20%.
The diagram below reflects all Etheremon types’ relationships:

Battle system’s smart contract has been completed (see Github) and will be released very soon. Some configurations such as number of hills, castle price or buff percentages are subjected to change.

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A blockchain game about collecting, training, evolving and trading Monsters, built with blockchain and VR technology. Think Pokemon on blockchain.